Twenty Years on The Bell Tree

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I didn’t do the time capsule thread. I wasn’t active around that time.

I didn’t experience the old theme, so I’ll keep it as the current one.
Happy 20th! I can’t believe it’s already been a decade since the 10th birthday. I love that the 10 collectible now has a matching 20.

Edit: I just found my time capsule post. I called myself out about making sure I complete 3 games that came out that year that I bought. Currently 1/3 complete. Lol past me knew I wouldn’t have them all completed. Oops. 😆
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lol. My oh my!!!

Happy 20th anniversary TBT! 🥳 I’m really happy to be here for this anniversary and to be part of the community. :D I saw there are going to be Among Us sessions and Mario Party; that’s so exciting! I’ve been kicking myself for not participating in the sessions during tbtwc and more during the fair. ! I might see if I can get the new mario party before christmas 👀.

Edit: I just ordered it 🥳
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So I just discussed my time capsule in the Random Thoughts thread. Just to reiterate it here, it assumed that I was still blogging about it on Bell Tree, if I became a moderator, and if ACNH was better than ACNL. Well, just like Back to the Future II, my capsule predicted wrong.
Happy 20th birthday TBT!! 🥳🎉 I wasn't here for the 15th anniversary, but I hope I will be for the 25th!

I'm looking forward to the trivia session and the return of TBT Neighborly Games, and thank you for hosting all the TBT bounties and the plush giveaway!! ;w; Reese pspspsps

The old TBT theme is kinda cozy?? it's cute I think I'll keep it while it's around
Bounties are so funny!

I have no idea how many posts I made this year, but I don't think I'm really a chatterbox, I had to force myself a bit to gather some dust or glitters, I may be too introvert for this. 7,4k posts in almost 10 years...Is there a way to know? Communist Bounty hehehe I love this. I usually spend more than I earn.. but I will keep this in mind... Loyalty Bounty. I love that one even more. Not the oldest member but I have some experience. 3276 entries? :love: (hope I won forget to buy a ticket...)
This theme is so nice and cozy, I love it. 🩷 Happy 20th birthday TBT! I wasn't here for the time capsule, but I enjoyed reading them. It must be nice/funny to read what your past self said.

Probably emotional, I'd be getting emotional, reading what my past self said.

Here's to many more great years to come! 🎉✨
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Happy birthday to this site. I'm happy to have rediscovered this community at the perfect time <3

I'm glad this event is low-stress because I've been mentally unwell lately. Even though I only became active here recently, it's been nice looking back at what TBT was like in the past. I'm looking forward to writing a letter to my future self because I made so many great memories here, and I have a lot to say about them.
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