Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm you've been more on the inkling side in terms of pfp but sure you can be leaderNow that I think about it, I brought up that I wanted Inklings and Octolings to get along and it looked like she listened so hmmm maybe I can do this.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm you've been more on the inkling side in terms of pfp but sure you can be leaderNow that I think about it, I brought up that I wanted Inklings and Octolings to get along and it looked like she listened so hmmm maybe I can do this.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm you've been more on the inkling side in terms of pfp but sure you can be leader
try something and I will end your splatting spree
Get splatted noob, thought you were neutralY e s
What splatting spree?
Sure, keep your title.Get splatted noob, thought you were neutral
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well trying something funny would be splatting sooooooo...
basically your leader of both but I'm keeping my title
(I love it)
Mess with jirachi you get splattachi?Sure, keep your title.
Hmm... that sounds too violent. Plus I won't be Jirachi forever. At least on TBT, I won't.Mess with jirachi you get splattachi?
Idk I tried
Ngl when you posted that I was thinking about life saver candies so I was confusedThis battery pack I bought was a lifesaver, if any of you guys don't have one I recommend it
LOL I stayed up until 3 am last night..Ngl when you posted that I was thinking about life saver candies so I was confused
I think I need to sleep more
mess with the inkling you get theHmm... that sounds too violent. Plus I won't be Jirachi forever. At least on TBT, I won't.
Does it have to be about fighting back?mess with the inkling you get the
like a water sprinkler? Water kills inklings? IDK
I mean probablynotjosuke inventedDoes it have to be about fighting back?
Maybe I'm just too peaceful...I mean probablynotjosuke invented
"You mess with the octo, you get the glocto" sooooo I mean probably
remember we respawn sooo
He's so cute ahhhhh
HmMaybe I'm just too peaceful...
Hello agent 3 remember when you killed my teammates in sploon 1He's so cute ahhhhh
Yes because they were enemiesHm
it's fine your leader of everything just command everybody and sit back
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Hello agent 3 remember when you killed my teammates in sploon 1
Yes because they were enemies
Yes you are ^^ but I will still be careful not to trust all octolings. Try anything and you're going downBut now we good c: