• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Various users having the same "Popular" Villagers, Doesn't it get boring at all?

The only reason I have a popular villager - Julian - was because he decided to go camping and wanted to live in my town. I decided to let him live here so I can collect his picture before kicking him out like I'm doing with the rest of the villagers. I am going to let random villagers move in and out until I find ones that I wind up liking as I get to know them all the while collecting their pictures. So if I wind up keeping Julian or any popular villager, it'll be because I winded up liking them and not because they are popular.
People are boring, simple.

This whole thread could have been summed up as this. xD I find it humorous how so many people are defending their popular "dreamie" choices as being pure coincident, but that's even worse, don't they realize? I mean, that's being like "Hey, I DO happen to like the same things as everybody else, without even trying!" Reminds me of being in high school when kids would argue about whether they like something just because they want to try to be popular or because they genuinely like the thing. o_O It's all the same thing, really, it just affects the first impressions you leave on people.
this is what i think exactly.
i mean sure you should be able to have whatever villager you want
but personally i think it's reallyboring when i go to other towns and see the exact same villagers and i just kinda sigh.
it's like people are not even concerned with giving other villagers a chance.
I think it's kind of stupid to get all 10 villagers yourself, I'll take a couple that I really like, but to strive after a tailor made village with all the animals that you want is dumb.
I just enjoy having who I have until they move out. Unless Tipper tried to go, then I'd have to get out the staple gun...

I got Julian yesterday, he just plopped down and crushed my cherry orchard. :/ Not even sure why he's so wickedly popular either as he seems really "out of it"
I just enjoy having who I have until they move out. Unless Tipper tried to go, then I'd have to get out the staple gun...

I got Julian yesterday, he just plopped down and crushed my cherry orchard. :/ Not even sure why he's so wickedly popular either as he seems really "out of it"

One word: Unicorn.

That calls for a LOT of fan-art :p
it's pure coincidence that i happen to like villagers everyone else does. it's true, they do get a bit boring and mainstream.
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Aah I never understood why everyone likes Julian so much, he scares me as well ; A ;

I like Ankha and Marshal, though, I first saw them in my friend's village and they were adorable !
But I feel like there are SO many villagers, people shouldn't get so set on getting every paeticular one they've had...

I've since found other villagers that I like much more than those two,
I think some people are being too heavily influenced by others ~
For example, I didn't really like Marshal until I saw ALL those posts auctioning him off and all those people raving about how much they wanted him XD
Buuuuut now that's kind of died down, and I don't like him as much anymore ~ * U *
"I'm going to pick ugly villagers because the ones I actually like are 'overrated'" - no one

Some of the ugliest villagers are actually some of the most popular :L .. I'd consider *insert any hamster*, Zucker, Chester and Kabuki to be some of the ugliest villagers around, and yet they're super popular
I really don't get this debate. For me I just pick who I like, don't really care at all about them being in anyone else's town. I mean I love Frita but I know she has her fair share of haters... -.-
I really don't get this debate. For me I just pick who I like, don't really care at all about them being in anyone else's town. I mean I love Frita but I know she has her fair share of haters... -.-

Yeah I agree.. Although I did shape my dream team around my best friends dream team, just so we didn't have the same villagers.. I mean I like diversity too :)

But popular villagers are popular villagers, people obviously like them for a reason.. I just don't see those reasons for the bulk of them :p .. Gimmicks don't tend to be my thing, I pick what I like :D

Oh and for the record, I think Frita's pretty cool :p
I find this funny only because a lot of people may have them, but I somehow rarely see them. I saw Stitches for the first time EVER last week (I think) in someone's town and I KNOW he's popular (definitely is on ACC, not sure how popular he is here since I haven't been around long enough).

Didn't think he was that cute until I saw him in-game and I wouldn't mind him in my town if he were to pop up. Not all my dreamies are popular, but even the ones that are, I rather not spend millions of bells and just get them on my own... at my own slow pace. XD
I feel as if most people have been "influenced" by the popularities of villagers and thus wanting to obtain them. It's kinda like collecting rare items :3

I personally have grown attatched to my villagers, but I still don't get why people like villagers like ankah, chester, kabuki, or any gorillas ; ~ ;
{not to mention stitches looks creepy :p}
i like my town as it is :3
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I feel as if most people have been "influenced" by the popularities of villagers and thus wanting to obtain them. It's kinda like collecting rare items :3

I personally have grown attatched to my villagers, but I still don't get why people like villagers like ankah, chester, kabuki, or any gorillas ; ~ ;
{not to mention stitches looks creepy :p}
i like my town as it is :3

This. I don?t understand people who choose villagers based on other peoples opinions, just choose what you like D:
And how can you not like Ankha? she?s an Egyotian cat, when I get her I will probably change her catchphrase to "Yugioh" xD
@ Officer Berri;
You said so yourself in your post that its how you choose to play. Well for a lot of people, having the villagers they like/that are special to them is how they choose to play. It's a game, like you said, and comparing villager trading to human trafficking is kind of disgusting in my eyes. It seems like people who make that comparison are minimizing how terrible human trafficking is by comparing it to selling or trading a villager to someone who wants that villager and will take good care of them in their town.

Thank you for saying this. I am extremely tired of people comparing villager trading to human trafficking/slave trading. It's not comparable at all. Save the uproar for real victims, please.
I don't find popular villagers boring, as I don't focus on talking to neighbors too much in other towns. I also don't WiFi or visit dream towns excessively either. Sometimes it does make me think, "huh, weird, another Wolfgang/Fang/Marshal/Whitney!" when visiting a dream town, but it doesn't bother/bore me.

I think the popularity of certain villagers is very understandable, and not a mystery at all. All the personality types are the same, so the ones that have an appealing design are going to be more popular than ones that don't stand out or don't appeal to a lot of people. There are going to be those who base their favorite neighbors off of personal experiences and friendship, and there are going to be those who look through a list of villagers and say, "ooh, I like the look of that one!" Both are fine -- one seems based on emotion and the other on logic. I personally lean towards the latter, because I figure that all the dialogue for a certain personality type is basically the same, so I prefer neighbors that I like the appearance of, along with other factors like their house exterior (don't want ugly houses) and interior decorating (I really like Diana's, it would be great to have a lovely house like that in town to lounge in :)).
Hound00med: Omg, I love Sydney too! :)

Oh, back on topic: Basically as other people have said, why let anyone else change your opinions? And if anyone thinks they can/tries to do so, ignore them because their ass is firmly attached on their high horse. If you like that villager, by all means go ahead and hunt for them.