Villager Hunting General Thread

Awsome!!! I've been hoping for Raymond every single camper, to no avail sadly. I still dont have a Smug villager, and my campsite I dont think has ever given me one other than the "forced" camper that you have to invite to keep the game flowing.

But I keep hoping! Maybe next time. ^-^
This literally just happened to me with Judy this morning... I was so so happy to see her there since I had spent over 200 tickets looking for her. Congrats on Raymond!!
congrats!! i had the same experience with audie - jokingly said “lol what if it’s audie” one day and it was actually her lmao
I’d say campsite is really good at getting who you want since you’re guaranteed to a cycle through to them at some point. The campers don’t repeat (I haven’t tested if the smugs will eventually repeat or not since I stopped cycling after finding rayray).

HOWEVER luck is still involved. Took me 3 days to cycle to Raymond :’) I. Met. Every. Smug. *SCREAMS* smugs and Uchi are the best personalities to do this with given the smaller pool of villagers.
So lucky. I've been trying campsite methods for a while with no luck when I had no snooty or smug. Then I found Diana on mystery island and Marshal from trade... I don't think I will ever have no more snooty or smug again lol... Mainly I want to try Raymond, I had Judy when I tried pocket camp and she didn't really click with me.
My conclusion is, this method is way easier then paying for villagers if you have the time and the right set of villagers. It took me about 2 hours for Raymond, and like 10 or so minutes for Judy.

Congrats on getting Raymond!

You were so lucky. I did the campsite method for Raymond. It took 3 days of my life. :LOL:

I had every single smug visit as a camper. And even after that, I had to go through 9 more campers of different personalities before Raymond appeared. He was camper #72.

This method works. It can take minutes or it can take days. But it works.
I got my darling Audie this way. I didn't do it all at once. I would do it for an afternoon, and then play normally for a week or so, and then back at it. It seemed terrible while doing it--because you have no idea how many villagers it will take to find the one you want--but it really wasn't bad at all in my case, as you can see:

Lionel, smug
Apple, peppy
Cookie, peppy
Flora, peppy
Jitters, jock
Drago, lazy
Piper, peppy
Hugh, lazy
Nibbles, peppy
Cheri, peppy
Peggy, peppy
Ruby, peppy
Jacques, smug
Freckles, peppy
Mitzi, normal
Robin, snooty
Maddie, peppy
Wendy, peppy
Tutu, peppy
Puck, lazy
Winnie, peppy
Peanut, peppy
Dotty, peppy
Victoria, peppy
Claude, lazy
Poppy, normal
Bangle, peppy
Truffles, peppy
Static, cranky
Olaf, smug
Chrissy, peppy
Angus, cranky
Tabby, peppy
Bianca, peppy
AUDIE, peppy

Like with people who find their dreamie on a mystery tour, finding Audie in this manner has made her even more special to me. And, yes, I did pass up a lot of really great animals, but you have to stay focused if you want your original target.
I got my darling Audie this way. I didn't do it all at once. I would do it for an afternoon, and then play normally for a week or so, and then back at it. It seemed terrible while doing it--because you have no idea how many villagers it will take to find the one you want--but it really wasn't bad at all in my case, as you can see:

Lionel, smug
Apple, peppy
Cookie, peppy
Flora, peppy
Jitters, jock
Drago, lazy
Piper, peppy
Hugh, lazy
Nibbles, peppy
Cheri, peppy
Peggy, peppy
Ruby, peppy
Jacques, smug
Freckles, peppy
Mitzi, normal
Robin, snooty
Maddie, peppy
Wendy, peppy
Tutu, peppy
Puck, lazy
Winnie, peppy
Peanut, peppy
Dotty, peppy
Victoria, peppy
Claude, lazy
Poppy, normal
Bangle, peppy
Truffles, peppy
Static, cranky
Olaf, smug
Chrissy, peppy
Angus, cranky
Tabby, peppy
Bianca, peppy
AUDIE, peppy

Like with people who find their dreamie on a mystery tour, finding Audie in this manner has made her even more special to me. And, yes, I did pass up a lot of really great animals, but you have to stay focused if you want your original target.
I agree Raymond and Judy are now even more special and meaningful, (even though Raymond refuses to wear anything but this annoying jester costume he got from somewhere)
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Rod the mouse moved so island hopping for another jock, prefer Bam or Pierce (even though their houses aren't as cool as Rod's pier frat)

Pekoe (again)

Incidentallly, only 3 islands out of 24 yielded gold on this run so the gold spawn rate seemed lower than usual.
GRRR! Island hopping for the only personality type I don't have, which is cranky. 14 Islands later and I've seen a grand total of zero crankies! BAH! WHY does this game force six personality types on you but then leaves the remaining two up to RNG? It makes no sense!
*shakes cane and chases kids off her lawn*

23rd ticket was my first cranky, Avery. Didn't take him. Ticket 24 was Boyd. He amuses me so I took him.
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I was so excited to island hop I TT’d to the next morning. I got:

Shari - my arch nemesis :[
Pietro (invited!)

I always kinda wanted Pietro so I am happy.

I did think on it for a little while because I’m back to having three sheep again.

Does anyone else tend to get the same species over and over? I get tons of birds, monkeys and sheep. I only saw one cat ever and I love cats. :( Granted it was Ankha so I can’t really complain.
This literally happened.


I swear I was NOT looking for this villager, since I already have a peppy. I invited her to live on Gullah anyways, because one, I needed to fill my 10th spot and 2, strike while the iron is hot and sell her later.
i used 1000 nmt and listed down every villager i got

witness! true aggravation (i didnt get who i wanted btw)
only uploaded a close up of the first and last paper cause theres just too much lmaooo (four whole days of searching!!! i saved all my nmt for this but alas :((((( )
the doodles r mine btw ahahaha i set up my controller for one handed playing at like ticket 977 and was doodling cause i was sad and giving up
THERES NO SHAME IN GIVING UP i say through my tears




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This is how I felt spending 100 NMTs last night trying to find who I wanted. I eventually let the game decide for me by TTing a day and I got Audie >.< Not sure if I’m pleased or not.
Who were you looking for, just out of interest? 😊

also love the doodles 🤣