Villager Hunting General Thread

I haven't started on my dreamie hunt yet since Im focusing on decorating my island and would also like to get to know my current villagers more but I would be very happy if I found one of these guys:

And maybe Raymond but not sure about him yet
i’m looking for deirdre and a snooty (pref. vivian, but if i come across another snooty i like, i’ll probably take her!!
also will take roald if i come across him bc my boyfriend wants him
I'll be island hopping for villagers the day after, and I'm really hoping to meet Dom! He grew on me recently, and I need another Jock villager to replace my starter Jay who's moving out.
The current ones I'm looking for are Judy, Chevre, and Francine.

The ones I'll consider picking up are the brand new ones and the ones that I don't have amiibo cards for.

The ones that I really don't want to pick up from island hopping alone are the ones that I already have amiibos for. Unless I really love them.
On my next island hunting adventure, I will be hunting for Marshall, Pekoe, Diana. I only have 3 more spots I need to fill for permanent residents at the moment, and those are the 3 I would like.

I guess I would also settle for Rudy, Kevin, Sprinkle, or Ruby.
Welp, boys and girls! Here I go again, now hunting for the special accountant cat! kicked my favorite mouse for him. cant wait for this to be over to bring Chadder again!
Well this was a fast! lol Kitten wanted to move to my tropical island! He was the 13th camper!


  • Hippeux, smug
  • Twiggy
  • Marshal, smug
  • Chester
  • Hamlet
  • Beardo, smug
  • Flo
  • Lionel, smug
  • Colton, smug
  • Julian, smug
  • Kidd, smug
  • Poppy


I think I had it much easier because I managed to cut off from my list from the beggining 4 smugs that lived on my island before (kyle, cheddar, curlos, o'hare) and also had crossed from my list some smugs from my previous Judy hunt (which was horrible btw, Judy was 73th camper lol )

Now I'm gonna bring back my favorite mouse Cheddar <3
I went island hopping today, and got VERY lucky!
• Elvis
• Knox
• Marina 😍
• Marina (AGAIN) 😍
• Shari
• Shep
• Hazel
• Merengue 😍
• Shari (AGAIN)
• Simon
• Paolo
• Phil
• Audie 😍 (invited)

I am so happy that I got Audie, but I still wish I could've taken Marina and Merengue as well. Oh well, maybe I'll see them again!
Went Island Hopping after giving up Reneigh (it was between her and Muffy)
Looking for, Lucky Kiki or Coco
If none of them at least a normal who was cute.

Ran into Julian. My sister is obsessed with unicorns. If I ever found him, told her I'd get him for her.

He moves into my town. I spend forever moving him out. While trying to move him out I get some campers. Erik is one, who's pretty cool. Trade Hopkins for Erik.
Anyway. Julian's good to move out.

My sister notices she has a missing slot. We build her last plot. Planning to put in Julian. Not even by the end of the day. Immediately already determined one of my villagers from literally months irl ago moves in. Great. Now we have to move someone else out. Seriously?

Hours later we move out someone. In between that she had and wants Bunnie as a camper my mortal nemesis. We get her.

We got to now move Julian in. After having 5 or six error signals. Because our internet sucks and I guess even local internet is internet. She gets Julian and leaves.


I go final island hopping. We decide to split our 30ish tickets so once she moves out the dumb should've been voided villager she can find someone okay-ish.
Last ticket I'm at and, I get Kiki!!!!!!!

She needs my help getting rid of Axle but after that ugh I'm done with that nonsense.

I still think we should be able to pick who move out. Seriously. And maybe just not have move ins unless we want them? Her plot didn't even get a day and was decided months ago.
Weeeeee, I'm back to island hopping, it's been a while!

I'll start with 10 islands, and see how it goes.
I don't have anyone in mind, Fang just moved out after I got his photo, so a cranky might be good, but I'll see who I meet!

I'm collecting ressources too as I need to restock on pretty much everything, so it's a slow process but I'm really enjoying it!

I'll update the list!

1- Julian!
2- Clay!
3- Paolo
4- Curt
5- Tank [Inviting him]

So I don't know if I was lucky today of if it's because I decided to be more open minded and invite villager even if I don't find them extra cute right away, but I wanted to invite 3 of them out of 5 haha. Had to resist because I wanted to do more island hopping, but I don't have a jock, and Tank looks very sweet and his house looks amaziiinng! So I'm done for today I guess... Excited to welcome Tank in his new home tomorrow!
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Went island hopping all yesterday and it was horrible. Was anything ever looked into about the theory of finding certain personalities at certain times? Because I found about 20 lazy villagers in a row last night...
Isabelle told me we had a camper today and as I logged on I thought, "What if it's Raymond? Hahaha." The idea was very silly to me, especially since I already have two smugs and the game tries to give you personalities you don't have. Lo and behold, I go and check the tent, nearly giving myself a heart attack lmao 😳



Anyway, I have glasses cat now.
I hope this is the right place to post this. But I thought it'd be interesting to post my statistics on the Campsite Trick. (Even though I'm probably super late to the party on this one)
Like many people I wanted Raymond, and instead of wasting many, many tickets I tried the campsite trick and it was surprisingly not that time consuming.
Anyway here are some spreadsheets I made for my encounters for Raymond and Judy respectively. Obviously for Judy I got extremely lucky.

My conclusion is, this method is way easier then paying for villagers if you have the time and the right set of villagers. It took me about 2 hours for Raymond, and like 10 or so minutes for Judy. Just for a little more perspective there are a total of 32 smug villagers in the game, I encountered 7 before I got to Raymond so I got extremely lucky with him as well. And as shown I got more than just smug villagers, but overall I got more smug then the other ones. Anyway I hope this was..interesting to someone.
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Congrats!!! Raymond is a cutie. Please pass your good luck onto me XD I am hoping to get my dream snootys through the campsite. My campsite keeps giving me villager personalities that I already have though ;-; but one day---one day I will get a snooty and it will be my dreamie snooty (i hope LOL).
what if you logged in... and Isabelle told you you had a visitor on your campsite... and it was raymond... aha, just kidding... unless...? 😳

(congrats on getting your very own business cat!!)