Went island hopping today, after my first foray into time traveling. I was getting impatient with waiting for the only villager who I am both willing to let go and who’s picture I have to ask to move, and it was starting to ruin that villager (Rex) for me, which made me sad. So I figured, what the heck and the method I read about was just a time travel version of what I already use to pass the thought bubble day by day. It took A LONG TIME.
But it worked as explained, and I then moved forward to the day he was in boxes and left the time to pass naturally overnight so I could island hop today. (I also promptly became sad to see Rex go).
Last trip I ended up using all my miles and having to borrow from a friend and my husband (I went to 80 islands)
Naturally, this time, when I purchased 100 NMT on here, I found the one lazy villager I had actually wanted above all others on island 11.
Here was my trip:
1 - money rock island - Alli
2 - mountain island - Skye
3 - bamboo - Bianca
4 - fidget spinner - Opal - surprisingly cute
5 - sister fruit - Maelle - very cute. I like so many ducks now
6 - fidget spinner - Rory - also surprisingly cute
7 - short river - dobie
8 -money rock - Tucker - cute! Thought about it for a minute
9 - spiral river - Tipper - considering her!
10 - short river - Cleo - not terrible
11 - money rock - COLE!
Honestly, I felt like it was a really lucky day, I didn’t see any of my frequent repeats (though I was half hoping to see Rhonda, who’s showed up on every one of my previous excursions). I saw a lot of fun villagers, which is why I love island hopping. Maelle and Rory were both pleasantly cute surprises. Tucker was really fun looking, though so highly stylized that I always feel like he needs someone willing to build a theme around him (same thing that made me pass up the very cute ankha early on)
I almost invited Tipper, who has a very sweet looking face.
So, so glad I found Cole, who I’ve wanted to have on my island. He’s so cute and silly looking!
11 tickets is a pretty nice range, cause I wasn’t tired at all of island hopping (I even would have liked to do a bit more).
Then, when I advanced to the next day to make sure the move in went smoothly I had a campsite villager. It was Sherb! Even though I passed on inviting him (I like all my current villagers,dinner have any of their pictures, and he’s not a particular favorite of mine, though he is cute) I feel like it showed the RNG force/ luck was smiling on me today.
Cole seems to be settling in well, here he is fishing with everyone during the fishing tourney!
and hanging with Freya, though she doesn’t look so sure...
It really is too bad other people can’t invite villagers from your campsite!