Villager Popularity List - Updated

One user on Tumblr appears to have confirmed that the mobile home villagers can be adopted, but not any special villagers via Splatoon/Zelda/Monster Hunter amiibos.


Now the user was using a save editor so it might have been a glitch, but attempting to get Felyne adopted didn't work, and I believe Felyne was added in via the same save editor.

So I think the only new villagers that cannot be adopted are Felyne, Wolf Link, Ganon, Medli, Epona, Cece, Viche, and Inkwell. Unclear about the Sanrio 6 or 7-11 villagers Filly and the hamster.

Well, I do know they can be adopted to move in from their mobile homes. What I mean is that they cannot be traded (sold/given away/etc), they simply go into the void once they decide to leave your town. So having them ranked within the tier list would be pointless, since this list is to rank which villagers are most sought-out after to buy/adopt.

Hope this clears things up, unless I misunderstood your post D:
Well, I do know they can be adopted to move in from their mobile homes. What I mean is that they cannot be traded (sold/given away/etc), they simply go into the void once they decide to leave your town. So having them ranked within the tier list would be pointless, since this list is to rank which villagers are most sought-out after to buy/adopt.

Hope this clears things up, unless I misunderstood your post D:

The image I posted showed Bea moving to another village after being adopted while in Boxes. I should have made that clearer, sorry!
The image I posted showed Bea moving to another village after being adopted while in Boxes. I should have made that clearer, sorry!

ahh okay. once I get on my laptop (soon) I'll update the op. so basically the 50 new villagers that are rolling out December 2nd will be tradeable, but special Nintendo themed villagers cannot be. thank you for the info! keeping up with this update has been overwhelming lol x_x
The same tumblr user from before confirmed the Sanrio villagers are not able to be adopted from someone else's town; just only the new 50 mobile home cards.

Which makes me wonder... has anyone tried cycling through villagers and seeing if the 50 mobile home villagers can move in on their own without the card? It seems odd that amiibo figure and Sanrio villagers can't be adopted but the mobile home villagers can.
Amiibo and amiibo cards.....
Nintendo: hmm.... what if we don't make them move so people buy them but the 50 in these cards we do for sweet memory

Workers: that the worse idea ever

- update-

Nintendo : were rich
When is the next update coming, Chrystina? I hope the wait isn't too much longer.
With the whole amiibo update hopefully it too much more difficult to update this D: