Well, the beans suck

Yeah, it's a small item but it's also just an example of the charm that's been taken away from small things like this.
Obviously it's not a game breaker but the item is pretty useless compared to how fun it was on NL. They even attracted the canaries in NL in the campsite and Main Street.
For some reason I thought they were just an item for decor. I didn't know you could use them. I just put them in my storage. If I can find a reason to use them as a decoration, maybe I will.
I never got the beans in New Leaf but when I learned they were coming in this update I read about what they did in NL and was so excited to attract birds and see my villagers react. When I realized they really don't do much I was kind of disappointed. They're cute but I wish they didn't make them so much more basic.
i never got the beans in NL so i have nothing to compare them to, so i think they're cute but also pretty basic
like i wasn't that hyped for them and i'm not really disappointed

Agreed. Never got them in NL so... I never understood the hype to begin with
They're like every other item of that nature in the game, cute but that's it. I mean, it's not like there's much more it could do anyways?
They work about the same for me. I wish they were bigger though when placed. I was thinking of using them for decoration purposes but they are too small.
I loved the beans in New Leaf. The way they hit the ground, the water, and the animal was a lot of fun. Here, they just kind of fly out a few inches and nothing. I was bored with them after my second toss.
They make little ripples when thrown into a body of water in this game as well as interacting with many of the objects in game such as Flowers and Pumpkins and they even scare away fish when thrown directly next to a fish shadow.

I hope you do not require a screenshot, but I do have one showing some ripples in a pond on my island.
I tried very hard to get into them, but I really do miss the crunch of the beans hitting the ground. It would be funny if they did add sound effects for it hitting different surfaces, much like when you bang your net or shovel on different things. I'm probably still gonna make throwing beans at my friend our new greeting when we hang out.

Looking forward to getting my hands on that dance stage though!
This item is so small! I don't know why I bought it and what to do with. I think just throw it away.
They look much better as furniture! When placed they look nice next to the champagne from new years. Like a fancy lil meal.
I do miss tossing beans in water and scaring fish though :<