What are you craving right now?

Ugh, nothing. :( I feel really bloated and constantly stuffed, I have no idea why. I guess if anything I'm craving some non-caffeine free Dr. Pepper lol. But I can't have caffeine anymore. Of course I have the caffeine free ones but it's not the same lol.... oh well. Maybe also I'm craving a nice juicy nectarine. But those are unfortunately quite out of season!
I’m craving a waffle with banana ice cream and bananas on top
Some more of my moms chili that she dropped off to me today.
I'm trying to stay strong and not eat it so I can take it into work tomorrow to eat. ;___;

I have some leftover bbq boneless wings from Pizza Hut that I might warm up instead.
I'm thanking this post so much for reminding me!! D:
I tried Taco Bell's Cantina Melt Taco for the first time tonight and it was so good that now I'm craving another. I love that extra cheesy goodness.
Anything I can't eat. I got my wisdom tooth removed and it didn't go as well as the others. I eat more pills than anything else.
Walnut chicken with hoisin sauce.. I had it for the first time two days ago and I haven't stopped thinking about it since >___< Walnuts are really expensive where I am so its kind of a fancy meal that I'll only be able to have in a few months or something haha
Chicken and broccoli (Chinese takeout) Honestly I haven't had that since I was a kid, I typically always order sweet and sour chicken or general tso's chicken, but I've been craving that lately
I want something suuuuper sweet and bad for you lol.
Papa Johns garlic parmesan breadsticks 😩

I was searching an image for these because a lot of people seems to mix up the garlic parmesan breadsticks with the cheesesticks and they are NOT the same at all!

Everything about this image is just great and I want the breadsticks even more
I’m craving basically anything right now because I’m starving. I don’t have any food though for the next four hours or so, unfortunately. I’d love any type of chicken and some chocolate milk.
I’m craving a waffle with bananas and ice cream on it. I’m also craving Oreos for some reason even though they’re trash.
Pumpkin brownies, I found a recipe for some online and am probably going to make them this weekend :)