What Are You Happy About Today?

Today started out a bit rough because I kept hearing my dad yelling at one of my nieces. Also was feeling lonely earlier. But I’m really happy right now (just not with the firecrackers going off).

I just finished playing Splatoon with @skarmoury ! :D It’s always a blast playing with her, always full of laughs ☺️. I’m happy I figured out how to put the summer masks on :D; initially I was bummed since it looked like it could only go on my head.


My mom made me pancakes tonight; they were really fluffy, light and delicious :D.

I finished an event in Genshin and got the furniture blueprint! :D

I was able to ascend Furina (in Genshin) to level 70 after getting the materials that I needed. I might work on her some more later 🙂. I saw that a birthday voice line was added to my characters; I was really excited when I saw it in Neuvillette’s profile.

Spanky greeted me downstairs earlier with meows when I caught her sleeping on a stack of blankets 🥰


That’s it for now 🙂
Almost through re-reading volume 8 of Kimi ni Todoke!

I finished my first ArtFight attack and started on a second!! I should... probably put my ArtFight team card together while it’s still early in the month asdjkfklfgjdlk

Watched another of ZombieCleo’s Hermitcraft videos with my family this evening!! I adore the crab rave they made with armor stands for Keralis so much omg

proud of all that I've been getting done lately but also I am Very Tired (did not help that it got over 100 degrees Fahrenheit outside today) and extremely relieved it's the weekend so I don't have to do Stuff™️
Had a good day off and feeling better then I have the past few days. Got some shopping done this morning. Watched the soccer games this afternoon while it rained. Lots of Aurora snuggles. Played ACNH for the first time in awhile. Was going to restart my second island but I think I will try a new theme and some different villagers first. Celebrated Blaire’s birthday a little late and moving in Roald. Have been having fun playing Pokémon Violet. Got the last two star badges and finished that part of the story. Found all 4 of the treasures of ruin. Also beat the Pokemon league and there’s still so much left to do. So happy to be off tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great weekend.



I had the day off work so I got to sleep in and chill most of the day. I've started watching season 3 of Bridgerton and the second episode had me in tears by the end. My heart could break for Penelope.💔

My husband and I went out to dinner this evening to one of my favorite restaurants and the food was delicious. We split a dessert.

I've got no plans for tomorrow except to do a load of laundry, so it should be a relaxing day.

Congrats!!! That's a huge accomplishment!🎉

I know some of you will be fed of me writing about Blossom, but she has been so cuddly.
I could never tire of hearing about or seeing Blossom!💕
my headache is still there today but I don't believe it's getting worse, so I should be able to have a more productive day today. that being said, however, I definitely needed that rest and relaxation time yesterday, and I'm glad that I was able to calm my nervous system enough to actually enjoy it. 🩷🌟

also wanted to share my newest dragon bab Foxii from Flight Rising because OH MY GOODNESS HE SCREAMS LISA FRANK AND I WANT TO CRY I LOVE HIM SM!!! 🥹💓🌈✨
Today has been a good day. My kitty jumped onto my bed this morning and came for a snuggle.

Had to get up as although it’s Saturday, car had to go in for a service. When I went to pick up my darling son came with me. We decided to go for a coffee and it was lovely spending time with him just chatting. We do spend time together but just more special outside the house.

I’m very grateful, had a fab day and feel more positive than I have done in a long time.
england went through on penalties and beat switzerland to progress to the semi-finals of the euros. really glad :')
started watching twin peaks with my family. supernatural end vibes??
made more progress towards the platinum trophy for hades - mostly focusing on ranking up keepsakes atm. considering buying another game to switch between so i don't get burnt out
Today, I'm happy because,

𓆩♡𓆪 I got Dunkin this afternoon with my little brother, of course! He goes back to report to his station soon, so I'm really bummed. But I know I'll see him again soon! ;w; I'm so glad I've got to spend a ton of time with him.

𓆩♡𓆪 I pulled Furina in Genshin!!! I hadn't pulled a 5* character since mid-February, when Xianyun had released. So, I guess not playing and only pulling a few times a day really paid off! Since I quit my job, I cut down on gachas. I knew I'd want to spend, and I think the hardest gacha to grind out of the ones I play, is definitely Genshin. But! I'm really happy because my hard work was worth something in the end! Instead of losing the 50/50, lol.

𓆩♡𓆪 Played some Genshin co-op with my boyfriend last night/SUPER early today. He helped me explore and open chests I had missed. I didn't realize I had missed so many chests in Mondstadt. I took some pictures of us in game when he wasn't lookin'.. >< My Wriothesley c:


𓆩♡𓆪 I also got to co-op for a while with @Dunquixote. She helped me with Lakelight Lillies and assisted me with defeating the Hydro Tulpa >:3 We kicked some Hydro Tulpa butt for sure! ^_^ It's always a pleasure to play games with Dun ;w; Unfortunately, I don't think I got a picture of us together in her world T^T

𓆩♡𓆪 My boyfriend called me before he went to sleep last night :3 We were on the phone for about an hour or so, which was nice ;w; Then the call dropped, and eventually I fell asleep after a while T^T

𓆩♡𓆪 Received my icon commission from @Pixori of my New Horizons Island Representative! I LOVE it! I love how she drew Zucker in the icon also ;w; Too stinkin' cute!!!! I can't wait to commission her again in the future! ^_^

I think that's all for now :3
I was in contact with a retail job for a cashier job. It’s a smaller store — small enough that you can watch for customers entering the store and quickly greet them while you are stocking, so the position is just “sales associate.” That entails working the cash register along with stocking when there’s no customers. I heard that there aren’t many employees at that store and they are urgently hiring, so that gives me the confidence I’ll actually get the job. Also, they use the DailyPay app so I would be paid daily, meaning every day. That would be amazing after not having a job that gives reasonable hours in over a month.
I picked up some more Mountain Dew Infinite Swirl bottles. It’s one of the better flavors, in my opinion.
That is an amazing feat, way to go! We're all proud of you! I remember chatting with you about that or something earlier this year and how it was a challenging struggle, but you passed it with flying colors! 🥳

I promised I would share some of my underwater pictures when I fixed my camera.






The white fish was eating something off of the other fish.

I have a lot more, but I don't want to spam the thread lol. I had a lot of fun diving in the water and seeing all of the different life and biomes in the ocean. It was hard to capture some images because the currents were very rough. I also got up close with a massive barracuda and took a picture of them. Unintentionally since I did not know they were there. They were huge. It then proceeded to follow me everywhere. I would check behind me and it was gone only for it to magically show up in front when I turned around haha.
Today was just okay, but a lot of things I’m happy about 🙂.

I got another Applin with perfect ivs! :D I evolved this one to Appletun and transferred it to Sword.

Yesterday I got one more Shield exclusive pokemon through gts trade on Pokemon home 🙂. I got some other shield exclusives transferred over from Violet.

I had fun playing Genshin with @Mimi Cheems; it was my first time doing coop! I was worried that I’d drag her down, but I did fine, though I think she and Wriothesley did the carrying 😅😂.

Tomorrow I’ll be playing a game with another friend :D. I had a nice chat too!

Been having some nice chats with @Yanrima~ too! Always nice to hear from her :D.

I had fun playing splatoon with @skarmoury :D. I don’t think I did very good but I did have fun as always ☺️. I’m happy we picked the same splatfest team too & so did Mimi! :D

That’s it for now 🙂
Watched an episode of Hunter x Hunter with my family this morning!! We also watched a little Youtube later on, and I think we’re close to being caught up with ZombieCleo’s current Hermitcraft season!

I finished my second attack for ArtFight and put my team card together!

And I made some good progress in Pokémon White 2! c: Beat the Mistralton City Gym and earned another badge, then explored the Strange House and made it through Reversal Mountain!
I had the calm, relaxing day I was hoping for today. I slept in, did some self-care, and spent time with my husband and my dog. My dog snuggled with me a bit while we watched TV.

Tomorrow we're going to a friend's place to play a tabletop RPG. I'm looking forward to it.

  • After a stressful week (QTS presentation, Ofsted, sports day & school fair) I have finally finished my placement and got signed off to receive my QTS. I’m now officially a teacher 🥳 5 years of hard work to get to this point. I’m so proud of myself.
Congratulations!! That's wonderful! 🎉🎉🎉

That is an amazing feat, way to go! We're all proud of you! I remember chatting with you about that or something earlier this year and how it was a challenging struggle, but you passed it with flying colors! 🥳

I promised I would share some of my underwater pictures when I fixed my camera.






The white fish was eating something off of the other fish.

I have a lot more, but I don't want to spam the thread lol. I had a lot of fun diving in the water and seeing all of the different life and biomes in the ocean. It was hard to capture some images because the currents were very rough. I also got up close with a massive barracuda and took a picture of them. Unintentionally since I did not know they were there. They were huge. It then proceeded to follow me everywhere. I would check behind me and it was gone only for it to magically show up in front when I turned around haha.
Very cool! That must have been so amazing to see in person. Thanks for sharing! 🐙
Today I'm happy because I had a great weekend and had time to relax. I also went to the gym on Friday and did some cardio to keep myself in shape. Been playing a lot of Zenless Zone Zero and got this really good 10-pull that included both the S rank character Koleda Belobog and the S rank weapon for Grace Howard, Fusion Complier. I'm looking forward to relaxing more today and then returning to work tomorrow, where I always have at least one laugh a day thanks to my coworkers. Hoping everyone has a great week ahead! 💜

- Nice to have the day off after a very tiring day at work yesterday (y)

- England somehow got into the semi finals of the Euros, so I'm happy about that! ⚽

- Made some really tasty avocado toast w/ eggs and bacon, and now settling down with a coffee to follow some sports tonight ( got tennis, and F1 happening today! 😵)