What Are You Happy About Today?

Busy day today honestly~
Had work, but boss's ex was there already who helped me set up so I didn't have much to do. Yay

Then the time at the vets went well, he just needed some antiboitics.
Pic of it before, where his brother was actually content to just lie in the carrier. His brother would absoltely love going to the vets because he loves people. Louie, the one going to the vets, on the other hand is the complete opposite.
Screenshot 2024-08-14 20.30.14.png

My ingrediants came in the mail as we were out to the vets~ so gonna start that on the weekend. Gonna be fun~

Did some more colouring for the acivitity sheet, and tried to do a bit more of three of the drawings I have. Certain aspects are hard to me to draw, so I am taking it in stride a day at a time. Just glad I am gradually getting them done.

Been playing some pocket camp and redesigning my areas, and Pokemon EX thing on the phone too.

Finally third day bringing Groucho to my island, so gonna ask him to kick out Doc before the day ends. :D
Today my mood is much better than yesterday; I can feel it is starting to drop a little though and my energy too. I’m hoping it picks back up though and stays up 🤞.

Last night I got a unit I was trying to get in Fate Go with the free tickets :D. I didn’t have any good avengers so I’m happy I got her. I like her design especially her first ascension form. The color scheme for the wardrobe that I unlocked too is nice 🙂.


I got her full ascended and am working on her skills along with another unit I got during the summer event. Now, let’s see if I can resist pulling until December and save up again. I want Senji and maybe two other units that are coming up around that time; ideally I want to save up for Melusine whenever she has another rerun. I only like one of my lancers that I have and really could use her 🙂.

Jewels is sleeping in the cardboard box (that she broke) and I can hear her snoring 😹. I love her so much. Spanky is being cute downstairs sleeping on a cushion.


@danmokun gifted me a blue bunny balloon even though he didn’t have to 🙂. It really cheered me up. Thanks so much ☺️

I’m enjoying doing the coloring event; I’m making very slow progress though since 😅. Still trying to figure out how to use the program not to mention shade since I’ve never colored or drawn digitally before.

That’s it so far. I hope everyone is having a good day! ☺️
Completely forgot to mention (I knew there was something else!), on the way back from work, someone had left some PS3 games outside of their house for free, and there were mostly cod, black ops, BUT I was able to grab the south park game, stick of truth!!
(And payday 2, it looks cool), I have always wanted to play stick of truth and now I got it~!! :D
Today was a really relaxing and good day, which I needed. Despite being tired and off my meds, I was productive at work and finished something I was working on. Then I spent the evening talking to my friends with good conversation and playing some video games. It's not often that I have a day as calm and relaxing as this one, so I'll cherish it before it's over. 💚
Almost done with my coloring page for the first round of Colorful Confetti!! Also submitted my guess for this round of Pin the Tail on the Villager, and I'm feeling really good about it!

My parents and I watched Solidarity’s Build and Seek POV this evening, and my mom and I also got to catch up a little on some of ImpulseSV’s Phasmophobia streams!

I haven't had the energy to check/post in here in a while between the fair an my ear/throat infection (which is finally starting to lessen its hold on me.. slowly.. can kind of hear again 🙏🏻), but today marks 2 years since we brought this goofball home! 🖤

The past 2 years with Bonk have been stressful, frustrating, joyous, scary, entertaining and healing. She is truly unlike any cat I've ever met before. She is the clingiest, silliest, whiniest little baby on the planet, but she is also my entire heart and my dearest friend. I don't think anyone has ever been as excited to see me as she is every single day. She makes me smile and laugh always, and on my hardest days when I feel alone and like giving up, she is my reason to stay. I know someone's in my corner so long as I have her. As annoying and mischievous as she can be, I wouldn't trade her for anything. Every day that she's here and happy, safe and healthy is a gift. I love her so much, and I'm so happy that so many of you love her and love seeing her as well! 🥹🖤
I received a short video greeting from Gabby, likely the character I can relate to most from any show. She’s from Disventure Camp, one of my favorite shows. I lowkey was not expecting her to be this sweet?? This might actually make me cry.

I'm Kaden, and just for video context, Ellie is Gabby's girlfriend in the show.

I sent (photos of) my personal identification documents over last night for my newest job. The final step is being fingerprinted and having my badge made. My appointment should be within a few days, and I'll finally be in once the results for my background check come back.

I found the two kitties sleeping! The gray one loves sleeping on this radiator despite having a bed. That can't be comfortable...

went to some charity shops and located a funky faced onion storage jar, i figured i could get it for a bit cheaper online so i left it be in the shop. i did some research to see what other ones there are and quite liked the cucumber one too :]

a new collection of stuff might be starting


This week is ending pretty well!

I got up early this morning and was super productive at work. Finished another task and had a lot of laughs as well (and also helped a few people out). Then I found out that something that was financially stressing me a bit is no longer going to be a burden, which is a relief. Had a delicious lunch consisting of a burger and fries since I hadn't had that in several weeks. Played my daily games and I'm about to play some more Pokemon Red Rescue Team. Really enjoying my playthrough so far with that as well. It's funny because thanks to having Cubone and Pikachu as my main two Pokemon, we basically walled Zapdos and easily beat it. 😂

I also get paid tomorrow, which will be a huge help, and I'm probably going to get a haircut this weekend and go see a movie! Hope everyone had a great day! :blush: 💚

EDIT: I'm also over the MOON because I just used a few extra pulls in Wuthering Waves and ended up winning the 50/50 for Zhezhi!!! 🥳

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I went to New York today to see my aunt who I didn’t remember existed until today lmao since she just had a baby. He was so cute! But the reason I’m happy about this isn’t because I got to leave the state, but it’s because I actually got to do something different today. Every other day during summer break it’s pretty much just been sitting at home the entire time, which is why I haven’t posted here in… 2 months, so it’s relieving to do something new for once. I think that when school starts I’ll surprisingly be posting here slightly more.

Also I thought it was hilarious how the first thing I saw there was a homeless guy and then some pigeons. Like two of the most New York things ever lmao. 😂
Finally finished the coloring page for the first round of Colorful Confetti!! 😭 This week’s been super busy and we’re still not done lol, so I’m glad that I seem to be keeping afloat on event entries so far! I like all the events currently going on and I’d really like to be able to do them all in time ;w; not to mention I need all the throwback tickets I can get s;jgfklds

Speaking of, I also finished the sketch for my first drawing for Canvas Crossing!! I’d like to do more than the official three entries, just for fun, but uhh... we’ll see if I have the time for any more than that ahaha 😅

My family and I watched ImpulseSV’s Build and Seek episode this evening!
It’s been a good day . Early half day at work went well. Was productive and the day went fast . Had a nice afternoon. Aurora got a bath then got some cleaning and laundry done. One more day of work before vacation. Played some Pokemon Violet this evening. Caught two Shiny Riolu’s . Got some more packing done.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
My day just started, but I'm already happy, because my day starts with you and I wrote you this poem. Posted here so that others may bear witness to the happiness that you evoke in me and that perhaps they too may feel a warm, comforting ray of joy that you cast upon me. A light much warmer than the sun that hasn't even risen yet could possibly give. You outshone and outrose the sun. Grand as it may be, you are grander yet, in ways a giant flaming ball in the sky can never reach.

How do you, so far away,
make my eyelids heavy weigh?

Thoughts revolve around you all the day.
Be it when I wake or in the night when I am lay.
Sleepy Summer smiles at every word you say.
I remember Wednesday like it were yesterday
and now I feel that Friday will, for us, forever stay.

And maybe then,
"so far away"
will never mean the same.
If in my heart
and in your heart
we hold each other's name.
bought a secondhand copy of splatoon 2 for only $18 🥳 super happy!! since i got the nso expansion pack i thought might as well make the most of it by playing splatoon 2 and octoexpansion 🥹 heard OE has a really great story paired with challenging modes so I can’t wait to play! i plan to 100% it too, heard gathering all memcakes was hard so i am up to that. PLUS i finally get to witness pearlina being the main idols, yay!