What Are You Happy About Today?

I’m happy that I was able to finish my two drawings. I’m happy with how my marvelous memories entry turned out overall. I’m hoping this new round is less stressful than the first round was; I’m feeling overwhelmed again and still stressed (hopefully now that I’m done with the drawings, I’ll destress a little). I’m really excited about the harv’s studio decorating one. I love designing rooms! :D

I was able to buy a third balloon today :D.

I’m so happy this event is going on and that I’m participating in most of it since today would’ve been much harder had I not had stuff to keep my mind busy.
- It's a bright sunny day today, I'm happy I managed to get a lot of sleep last night.
- Continued tidying up my room, this time cleaning up the skirting boards so they look a lot cleaner and shinier
- Had a bath, washed my hair, changed my bed sheets (y)
- Baked a sourdough baguette and ate half of it with some nice cheeses and grapes 😋
- I'm happy I'm working one of my preferred shifts tomorrow, 2pm - 8pm! I usually start work at 7am on mondays so it'll be lovely not having to wake up so early ❤️
After a rough past couple days, today's actually been pretty good! I got to sleep in again and caught up on sleep, and then I played my games for awhile. Had a delicious dinner consisting of bowtie pasta and a salad. The weather outside has also been lovely and I'm really looking forward to this week. Hope everyone has a great week ahead! 💚
Saw a little spec in a tiny fish bowl at a pet store. It did not look like good living conditions.

Took him home and that little spec is now a full adult fish and over a year old.

I wish I could save them all. Happy I could give one pretty little fish boy a home though.

Saw the newest One Piece episode (So Much is going on omg) and another episode of Haikyu with my parents this morning!! Can’t believe we’re already almost through with Haikyu’s first season; it really doesn’t feel like it’s been that long 😭 also can't believe how much I love this show considering I'm not normally interested in sports at all asdfkjfdklf

I played in the Among Us session earlier today! Just for fun since I’d already gotten my participation in for this round, but I’m really glad enough people showed up! ;v; I’ve 100% completed the Polus Cosmicube now too, and should hopefully be able to afford the Snack one soon.

I also dropped by Rio_’s island for the first round of Villager Birthday Parties!

My parents and I also watched Grian’s new Build and Seek video! I love these videos and I’m excited to see the others’ POVs too!

I worked on my entry for the first round of Colorful Confetti, and I think I got a really good start on it!! I've also started thinking about what I'm going to do for Besting Blunders, but it's all still in my head for now.
i finished the first part of my signature assignment for my final master’s course (with 4 hours to spare)! i still have the second part this week which might be a little more complicated but i have one week left and i’ve finished all the courses i need to complete my program 😊 after that i’d just need to work on and submit my portfolio and then i’m DONE DONE and im freeee
after lots of internal debating, I decided to go for the NSO + expansion pack & the NL mailbox prize :) Really happy!! I've been wanting the expansion pack for quite some time but it cost way more than I'd like to pay lol. Plus I didnt have time before to play that much, so I'm happy I got it for free and during this time period too! I'll be taking a gap year before taking residency so I'd like to enjoy my time playing and stuff c: Also super happy I got the NL mailbox prize, I lost my 2017 mailbox prize so I also lost whatever ACNL stuff was in there :c plus it's always so enjoyable to receive stickers and a personalized letter! c: I have both 2020 and 2022 letters displayed so I can't wait for the 2024 letter. It'll be nice remembrance of ACNL too c:
I complained vocally about how I'm not happy with flying for the first time, although I'm going to be meeting up with my older brother in the UK and I'm admittedly very happy about that! Since I was 13 years old our time together has been infrequent and sporadic. Yet we speak all the time online. Seeing him again and spending time together is totally worth going through a little discomfort.

(felt sad this morning when a thread I made regarding flying didn't get a reply. that's a risk that comes with making topics) but I think I'll make do. Got a travel pillow today so it'll help in regards to a long flight.
Let's face it. I can't draw.

But today I made a little something for the memory's contest or whatever it's called. Pulled out my best crayons and colored away. Had some RHCP as background music. I feel really happy even though it's probably chicken scrap to the average artist here.

I can't post it until Wednesday though. Don't ask why. Part of it is me being an old fart. Once again, don't ask.
Despite being a bit chaotic and having low energy at times, today was pretty good! I got up early and was productive at work. Finished my dailies in my gacha games and continued my Pokemon Red Rescue Team playthrough. Then I went to martial arts for awhile and worked on my top techniques. Looking forward to a relaxing evening tonight before I have to work again tomorrow as well. Hope everyone had a good day! 💚
Today was overall mood wise awful, but right now I think it is getting better (or least I’m hoping it will last).

Last night I got two shiny gimmighouls! 🥳 The first one I wasn’t paying attention when it came time to catch it, but I threw the Poke ball and it turned out to be a shiny. The second one, I noticed was a shiny right away 🙂.


I got balloons that I wanted! :D The Final Boss heart balloon was the most unexpected of them all. I’m really happy with all three of them :D.

I got some snuggles from Spanky today. ☺️

I finally got a picture of Jewels following me when I was visiting her sister in the basement 😸😹. This is not a coincidence since she does this all the time.


That’s it for now 🙂.
I can still hardly believe it, but I was able to get one of the custom shaker keychains!! ;w; I was super nervous most of the day and omg the adrenaline hit me hard right before they got added to the shop and at least a couple hours afterwards alkfghjkldf. I had a few ideas for what I might do with it if I was able to get one, but I didn’t want to get too ahead of myself in case I wasn't quick enough. So I spent a good part of this evening really planning out what I’m gonna ask for, and I think I’ve settled on a favorite now!! ;v; I’m feeling really good about it eeee

Also I ordered a couple of Pokémon Sitting Cuties plushes the other day to treat myself after my doctor’s appointment (and the very busy July I had. and it’s okay now but the past few months were pretty rough actually akfjgldsfgk), and they got here safely today!! Magneton and Klinklang have been my desk buddies all day. I have recently been enlightened as to their cuteness 🩶

I got my entry for Dazzling Decorator finished!! 🌻 also I really love the outfit I dressed my rep up in for the picture ;v; might make it one of my main ones

Watched the new Life of Luxury episode and Markiplier’s latest Chained Together video with my mom, and both my parents and I got to see Grian’s new Hermitcraft episode this evening! Got some really good laughs out of all three ahahaha