What Are You Happy About Today?

My appointment to have my fingerprints and background check completed is tomorrow, and I should be starting my new job within a week. It pays so much more than any job I've ever had. If there's any job to stick with it would be this one. Given the pay rate, my tolerance for *******s might be higher. Previously, it just wasn't worth it for the crappy pay. I'm honestly somewhat confident because I've met everyone already, my mom works there, and they reached out to me asking me if I was looking for a job.
I gave lots of belly rubs and treats to this guy. The white cat hates being touched for more than a few seconds, lmao.
Today I was busy packing, but im excited! Tomorrow, I go on my second ever cruise. It's only 5 days, but I'm going to make the best of it. Last time, I swam for 6 hours straight in the ocean snorkeling. I plan to beat that time this time around 😂
i submitted my final signature assignment for my final course in my master's program which means... i am officially done with my master's courses!! i still have a portfolio to work on and submit before i'm eligible for my degree but i am very much looking forward to no more weekly deadlines!! i am almost there 🥹
It’s been a great second day of vacation. Had a nice walk on the beach this morning. Family came out today since they work tomorrow and it was so great to see them and celebrate with them.we had a nice swim before lunch. We went swimming again in the evening and went for a nice walk. Aurora is doing great at my cousins.
I submitted my first drawing for canvas crossing after some much needed encouragement and some great advice . I wasn’t sure if I would continue try try this one but I am glad I did. Hopefully the person I picked likes their drawing. I started on the second but need a break. Hope everyone had a great day.
I love cake


I appreciate my gifts so much .



Update photo j got of Aurora
We finished watching the first season of Haikyu this morning!! I’m so excited to start the second season next weekend aaaaa ;v; Also got to see the latest One Piece episode!

I finished all of the sketches for my Canvas Crossing entries, and got the lineart done on one of them as well! I might start on the lineart for the second one tonight too if I have time before bed.

I also hit the confetti cap for this round! I’m excited for the next balloon reveals!

Got to see Scott Smajor’s POV of Build and Seek this evening, so we’ve now seen everyone’s videos for this session!
Today was pretty good though not much happened today.

I had some good much needed laughs with some friends earlier. My friend @KittenNoir joined this small server I’m in :D. I’m really happy she joined!

I bought a small collectible that I’ve been eyeing for awhile today. I also may have come up with a lineup idea for it, if I don’t go for inky 🙂.

I’m happy my mood has been good again today.

Today Spanky was chattering so much at the birds when she was sitting by the front door. I picked her up to hug her a couple times and she kept twitching and chattering then too 😸😹😹. Jewels was a kinda a bully today. She swatted at Spanky so she could get the door to herself. Later she instigated a small wrestling match. Spanky was not interested 😅😹.

The other night I had fun playing Among Us for the first time; I downloaded it on my phone not the switch though 🙈 so I couldn’t check back at discord chat. I had no idea what I was doing either 😅. I was planning on only spectating but there weren’t enough players, so I decided to give it a try. 🙂 I don’t think I did very good 😅

I finished my second canvas crossing entry. I’m hoping to get my third one started and finished soon too so I can look at the other activities.
- Doing one of my favoured shifts today, 2:30pm til 8pm, so i basically have most of the day to chill at home :)

- More than half way through Berlin Alexanderplatz now, read a chunk of it last night and this morning 📖

- Rescheduled my dentist appointment. I scheduled it last year, before I got a job, then realised it was coming up on a day I had work. Luckily was able to get a date set before I go on holiday
- Woke up on time today and went into uni early! I actually managed to focus for a couple hours which was good, and got a bit done.
- Had a lab and it finished early 🎉 It was pretty easy, just had to isolate to a bunch of new plates and do some gram staining from something we did last week.
- Bumped into someone I know on the way back and we caught the train together 😊
- Quickly stopped in at the shops and got a birthday gift for a friend 😊 I knew what I was getting so didn’t have to stick around for long.

Hoping the rest of my work goes quickly tonight and I can have some time to chill!
i submitted my final signature assignment for my final course in my master's program which means... i am officially done with my master's courses!! i still have a portfolio to work on and submit before i'm eligible for my degree but i am very much looking forward to no more weekly deadlines!! i am almost there 🥹
Back from my small hiatus! Be gone because I’ve been busy with stuff and yes, I reset my Switch and games again this last month, but it was worth it. I finally changed everything back to the way I like it and this time it’s permanent. 🙂

Good news I came to report today besides that is that I finally got a brand new bed and mattress! My last bed frame was so old and was breaking apart, but that’s just because it was my first bed frame from when I moved on from my kid size bed that I outgrew. I’m surprised it lasted this long. My mattress is now super soft, which is the way I like it! So I’m pretty happy with it. 😊
I’m making good progress on my Canvas Crossing entries!! The lineart is done on all three of them now and one is partially colored!

I got a Cool Heart Gradient Balloon from one of my mystery tokens!! ;w; That’s another of the colors I wanted off my wishlist; now I’m just gonna hope my twice-rerolled Sweet Heart turns into a Final Boss or Hot Heart this time!

My parents and I caught up with GoodTimesWithScar’s newest episode of Hermitcraft!

Also had fun just chatting with my mom for a while! ^^
It has been a great relaxing birthday 🥳 . Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I really appreciate them so much. Today was donut day . The place we are staying at serves breakfast on Mondays and the donuts were so good and fluffy. They also had muffins and fruit. Spent the day swimming and drawing. I now have two of my entries for canvas crossing done. I have an idea for the third but haven’t started yet. Looking forward to starting to color the new amazing line art for the coloring event. Bought my two favorite collectibles and three balloons. Still have enough tickets to get another collectible just have to decide which one. My balloons turned into a cool heart balloon, glam bunny balloon and a hot heart balloon. So happy with the colors. So happy to have received a fresh bunny balloon from the amazing @-Blue- . Thanks so much. Played some ACNH and Aurora was there for my birthday party. So was my birthday buddy Tybalt and Eloise. After my party went over to celebrate with Tybalt and Buck was there. Hope everyone had a great day

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I'm happy to be able to visit. The year hasn't been the kindest to me, and I'm thankful to have made it through, and recovered.

Earlier this year I couldn't really do anything, and well I wasn't in a great spot, and didn't know what was gonna happen. But now I hope I can move on and not have my life take an unexpected turn like that again.

I'm happy to see everyone on here is doing well, and I hope your all having excellent days, and you stay excellent doing so ♡
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