What Are You Happy About Today?

  • I had really severe dissociation and panic today (from my BPD) but some of my coping skills helped. I took a shower, played a game (Wylde Flowers, which is so much fun it’s got me back into gaming again after a hiatus of not being able to find anything to hold my attention), read and watched some shows. Meditation helped too. Seems like when one thing gets balanced another thing gets unbalanced. I’m doing well with my bipolar disorder now due to my meds but am struggling more with my BPD (borderline personality disorder) symptoms the past couple weeks, anger, irritability, mood swings, splitting, dissociation, anxiety etc. It would be nice if both could be balanced at once. Maybe eventually. I am just doing my best to work on DBT right now to hopefully improve the BPD intensity.
  • I started watching Pokemon X and Y , it makes me feel happy cause Pokemon just always puts me in a good mood. It’s so positive and the colors are bright!
  • This week is gonna be stressful so I’m trying my best to focus on the positives and not get overwhelmed. Tomorrow I’m going to an adult coloring night at my library. So that should be fun, I’ll post back about how it goes. It’s hard for me to socialize and get out so if I am able to do it I will be really proud of myself.
♡ I got a rainbow heart balloon! Reallllly over the moon about this <3 I've been wanting one since they released pictures of all the gradient balloons! ^_^ I also got a Cool Heart Balloon. I hope I can get a Hot Heart next round!!

♡ Finally back to my dads after a long weekend at my moms T^T Had to watch my older brother and the dog + cats. I had a nice weekend, but it's GREAT to be back HOME!!!

♡ Was able to nab the LEGO Maple set! I'm twinnin' with the bestie @skarmoury now ~ >:3 I'm also excited to receive my NL mail pack thingy! ^_^ These two things made me happy simply because I LOVE receiving mail, or packages, or BOTH!

♡ Got my Zombie Pompompurin plushie from Build-a-Bear today 🥺 He's so cute! He isn't stuffed to my liking though, so I may go to my local BaB to see if they can stuff him more.

♡ Cleaned my bed sheets and pillow cases. Along with my super big blanket. But.. when my dad took my stuff out of the dryer, the only thing that wasn't dry was the blanket :^/ Now I have to wait until tomorrow to finish drying it because it's too late to use the dryer now -w-

♡ Got some more crochet yarn! I seriously think I may have a problem xD But, I'll use it! So I guess it's not too big of a problem!
I'm feeling so happy tonight after a mentally draining school session because I finally got my dream collectible, the Bluebird of Happiness plush! Thank you @ZeldaCrossing64, ILYSM!!! 💙

Later I gifted them some final boss balloons! The final boss bunny came from one of my tokens while I traded my cool balloon with someone for a regular final boss. OMG, their reaction was simply unforgettable!! T^T

I didn't get any glam balloons this round, but all this happening brought me so much joy that it's the least of my concerns! Plus, all the balloons I spawned weren't sweet!

I hope you all have had a great day!

Edit: OMG I almost forgot to mention that today was my friend @BTCircley's birthday T^T I'm so sorry bud!!
A small mouse approached me in the bathroom. I noticed a presence under the door where Ive seen my cats paws before playing and when I turned to look suddenly a little mouse appeared and looked at me for 5 seconds. Then scurried away under the door crevice. Theres a mouse in my house and I am living with a born wild hunter cat whos captured 7 rabbits this month. I hope the mouse can find a way to an open door. Although thats probably how he got in in the first place.
Update: I was sitting on my couch and saw a shadow by the wall, I thought it was nothing until the little mouse came out from behind the tv center and asked me to open the cabinet under the TV twice by walking out and tapping the closed door with his front paws. I opened it but idk if he went in. Its where my gamecube games are stored and ive had it open for a couple weeks. I now realize what that shadowed presence in the kitchen out of the corner of my eye was. This litttle mouse.
I might have more to post later, but I want to post now since it might help my mood a little (by focusing on the most positive things) 🙂.

I’m happy I made it to the Jackbox session; I had no idea that I would make it because of my weird sleeping schedule. I missed a few rounds since I accidentally left the web page but was able to join it again. I had a lot of fun 🙂. Idk why I had problems earlier with the code when I tried joining. 🤔 Maybe it was some sort of problem on my end? I googled it; found some others who had similar problem but i didn’t find an answer. I’ll look again later when I have time since I’d love to try this again.

I’m a bit worried that I’ve dragging my friends down with my depression. I talked to a friend about it and some other things. she helped cheer me up a little. she offered to play animal crossing with me too. I’m not sure when we’ll play but that makes me happy since it has been so long since we hung out together 🙂.

I’m looking forward to the Mario Party session tonight! I’m so happy there are some gaming sessions in the fair; I had so much fun with tbtwc. ☺️

Even with my energy level and mood bad, I’m still super excited about everything. I’m really happy with how my harv’s studio entry turned out; I redid it many times 😅. But I’m finally happy with what I have :D. I had a lot of fun making it and adding villagers to the room. ☺️ I really missed decorating so much. I wish I could balance my playtime between games better. Right now I’m fixated on Pokemon and will be for much longer. Haven’t had much time to play though with the fair going on, but will hopefully once the fair is done 🙂.

I’m playing One Piece Treasure Cruise a little again. I’m still annoyed by some stuff that hasn’t changed or improved, but still is nice to play again even if more casually. I’m grateful my pirate alliance hasn’t booted me since I haven’t been contributing (i did let them know a year i think it was, ago about needing time away and stuff). I should probably check in and let them know what’s going on when I get a chance. I’m nervous and embarrassed though 😅.

That’s it for now. I’m hoping i have more things that make me happy later and that my mood improves 🙂.
okay today was way more hectic than I thought it was gonna be since a lot of stuff came up unexpectedly, but!
I made a little progress on my entry for round one of Colorful Confetti!! Not as much as I would’ve liked, but we’re getting there!

My family and I caught up with one of ZombieCleo’s recent Hermitcraft videos this evening!

I got Twiggy’s location correct in the first round of Pin the Tail on the Villager!!
I’m not sure if this is going to last, fingers crossed it does, but my mood is quite a bit better now! Mario Party definitely helped! I had a fun time with everyone :D. It was fun chatting with everyone too! Everyone was so supportive of everyone playing and were really kind ☺️. Spanky stayed with me the whole time too as my switch holder 😸.

I had a nice chat with some friends before Mario Party started :).

I started on the coloring event. I never used this program before but seems really nice! this is a nice change from coloring by hand :D. I think I might give the surprise art event a try once I’m done with this if I can keep my mood up 🙂. I really love the ideas for all the events ☺️.
Today has been such a great day off. Slept great and felt rested . Had a nice morning walk with Aurora. Was productive this morning and got all the yard work done. Also picked up some things we needed from the store. Three work days left until vacation starts . I started packing today since we leave on Saturday. So excited for vacation.

Have been having so much fun with the fair. I wasn’t sure about some of the events but so happy I decided to try them . So happy I was right with the pin the tail on the villager. I was starting to doubt my answer. I am only 4 throwback tickets away from my two dream collectibles. I finished and submitted my delectable delights entry . I should be able to have enough tickets and confetti by Monday to get my collectibles and balloons on my Birthday 🥳. I played Jackbox for the first time and had so much fun.

Still enjoying the Pokemon Violet DLC. I am a little over half way done. Took a break from the story to work on my blueberry dex. Took some time but finally found some Ice Stones so I could finally evolve my Alolan Vulpix and Alolan Sandshrew .
Hope everyone is having a great day.

Aurora wanting to help when I was making brownies
Today's been pretty good. Got up early and was productive at work, and finished something I was working on early this week. Didn't have martial arts or the gym today, so I opted to play some more Pokemon Red Rescue Team and am close to taking on the next main story quest. Also, the Zenless Zone Zero update is finally out! Looking forward to playing it and seeing what the newest story has to offer. Hope everyone had a great day! 💚
- I finished the book I was reading this morning! It was a great book tbh, I picked it up in a bookshop in Vienna, and somehow it aligned perfectly with my interests haha (travel, history, wwii)

- I must have been super tired, I took a 3 hour nap today 😬

- Did a workout and washed my hair 💪

- Ate a spinach and ricotta pizza!
  • My apartment inspection went well yesterday!
  • I slept really well
  • I'm feeling a lot better after being very physically sick for a few days
  • Spent some time outside reading today, was nice to get some fresh air
  • Enjoying some coffee and music right now
  • I got something stressing me out completely taken care of and fixed so now I feel a lot less stressed
  • I'm gonna listen to some Christmas music later today because it always puts me in a great mood. One of my favorite things to do any time of year is put on some Christmas music and bake a dessert. It's like ultimate cozy happy vibes.
  • Fall is approaching, I'm so ready for summer to be over with :)
  • I'm gonna play some games today, probably Wylde Flowers on my phone and maybe more of Life is Strange on my xbox :)
  • I drew yesterday, trying to draw more. I suck at drawing but I'm trying to work on it and get better :)
- my mom woke up feeling better today and her mood is much brighter. Such a relief

- I managed to get a snow bunny pin! I also got a NH prize pack so I'm excited to see what's inside

- I'm still playing coral island. It's definitely one of the best farming games I've played

- all of my mom's activities and appointments are cancelled this week and honestly it's a blessing. She needed the week to feel better and I get to rest and not leave the house for the whole day yay