What Are You Happy About Today?

Despite not really getting downto things I wanted to do today, I did finish off that blasted acitvity, as well as also having a lovely bath/bath bomb.shower.

Had a nice sunday roast, so now I am full, a lil sleepy but ready to get some stuff done before sleep! :D
Watched the newest One Piece episode (I am so hyped for the next one oh my goooood) and saw a few more episodes of Haikyu today!! My parents and I also watched a little Youtube and got to see SmallishBeans’ new Hermitcraft episode c:

I spent some time working on my ACNH island! I caught my sweet shrimp and my dab, cooked them into the recipes I needed them for (RIP), and have returned to the present day! I managed to get my storage just barely under capacity again lol, decorated my attic further (it had some bare spots but I’m extra happy with it now!!), set up some market stalls and am prepping to add a second character!! bc I can barely manage my storage and I still don’t have all the clothes I want ahaha ;w;

I wasn’t expecting to be available for the Among Us session this evening, but I was unexpectedly free this evening and was able to make it only half an hour after it’d started!! ;v; I had a lot of fun playing with everyone, and I completed the Trick Cosmicube too!
Today was a bit tough mentally, but I’m happy because I had a lot of fun playing Among Us. I messed up as imposter — i have a hard time talking my way out of it and didn’t help there was a witness 😅😂. I think in time I’ll get better (at least about my timing 🙂).

I think I’m understanding something more thanks to some of my friends and their patience with me. I’m so glad I have friends that care about me. I wish understanding and socializing wasn’t so hard, but I guess giving up won’t make things better either. (Thanks @skarmoury for your patience; I appreciate you so much 💜). I’m just a bit scared that if I can’t fix myself and this one bad habit, that I’ll lose my friends :/.

I caught my kittens doing a little bapbapbapbap on the kitty tower a few hours ago; they were so silly 😹. I love them so much.

My mom is going to make that chicken salad soon (maybe tomorrow) that I like; she puts grapes and celery in it; it’s so good! My mom is such a good cook.
i survived a crazy weekend at the mall !!!
i had back to back closing shifts and the mall was simply too busy

what's evil is that i have three days off until my next shift and you know what my sister wants to do >:0 !!!!
she wants to hangout at the mall tomorrow ( >д<)
Finished work
I was going through villagers and trying to have a clear idea which villagers would be great for my island theme ideas! Still trying to figure out my one idea where most of the island will be water.

plan to do some writing, drawing and work out how to ise adobe illstrator before my lesson tomorrow.
Today I'm happy becaaaause!

- I went to Honeydew Donuts today with my bestie! I paid for her order since her b-day is coming up soon, and I won't be in town to celebrate with her.. I go back home 3 days before her birthday :< I also got her two presents ! A Cinnamoroll mirror/brush duo compact and the first volume of Bocchi - The Rock! I'm literally so excited to see her face when I give these to her!!!

- At Honeydew Donuts, I got a caramel pumpkin iced latte, with a countryside breakfast burrito (ham, cheese, egg, and hash-browns)! I also bought a peach muffin (warmed up with butter), since I saw someone order one; and it sounded SOOO good!

- Marshal is coming to Ino Island! I got him on my SECOND NMT when I was hunting. I was over the moon with joy!! :3

- I finally got enough sauteed mushrooms to afford a Heartstamp Mushroom lamp! I hope I have enough by the end of today to obtain another. OR AT LEAST, a Shiitake Plushroom!!

- Hung out with my besties Chiterrier doggo, Ellie! When I first walked into my friends house, Ellie barked at me for like 30-45 seconds. Ellie is used to being with very short people (my friend is 4'11 and her mom is around the same height). So seeing someone almost a foot taller than them scares her?! From what I was told. It makes me happy though because when I visited my friend for the very first time, Ellie ALWAYS hid from me! She did not like me, she was scared of me, etc. But I'm so happy she's warming up to me! She even took a nap with me earlier :3

- I went into a 7-Eleven today!! We don't have any in my area from what I know, so it was awesome LOL. Idk, it's just a convenience store, but it was so awesome! I hope I get to go to Market Basket before I leave too, it's such a cool grocery store *^* HAHAHA I just love New England! It has always been like a second home to me.

- Despite a few nightmares I had tonight, I slept well enough! That made me happy because I didn't sleep on the train ride here.
🚪👱🏻‍♀️🤝🏻🎲👍🏻 Good morning, beeea-YOO-tiful inhabitants of th- *sniff sniff* 👃🏻🎲 CRIKEY! Why's it smell like eggs and mushrooms in here?? 😳 Is that m-... *sniff sniff* 💪🏻👃🏻🎲 no, I smell like cucumbers. Could it b-... *sniff sniff* 👱🏻‍♀️🦶👃🏻🎲 No, you smell like oranges... *looks around* 👀 *sniff sniff* 👱🏻‍♀️🦶👃🏻🎲 Ohhh yeah, definitely oranges......... *looks around even harder* let me just.... HOLD STILL... 👞🧦👋🏻🎲 *looks around eeeeeven harder* ............ PLAUGH! Okay, you can have these back. Just making sure. Deeeefinitely oranges! 😎🎲👱🏻‍♀️🤭 AHEM... Anyway, are we all ha-hic- happy today? I aaaam! 😃 Why? Becaaaause you make me happy. Here, stand over here in the front so everyone can see. I'll be back here. 🎲🫂👱🏻‍♀️ Oh and definitely wiggle so uh, people are aware of your sparkly presence! ✨👸🏼✨Muuuch better! 🥴 So yeah, look! You see these? 👀👱🏻‍♀️ I'm happy when I admire your eyes and they gaze into mine. Blue and brown go sooo good together, don't they? 👱🏻‍♀️👁️👁️🤵🏻 What about this? 🙈👱🏻‍♀️ Uh... come on, we can't see if you're doing that... 🙄 Well, you can't see it, but she's like 😊 and it makes me happy when the things I say and write about you make your face turn aaaaall pink. 💗 And what about these? 👐🏻👱🏻‍♀️ These make me happy too. They're mine for holding and I kiss them reaaal loud when we pass by people. 🎲💋🖐🏻👱🏻‍♀️🥰 Moving downward, beSIDES them is... 🎲🖐🏻🖐🏻🔔👱🏻‍♀️🤣 "EEEEEEEE!" 👱🏻‍♀️🤗😂 Oop! Sorry, she's being... difficult... 🎲🫂👱🏻‍♀️😆 Anyway, you get the idea. You make me happy, yeah? 💞👱🏻‍♀️🤝🏻🎲💞 Let's get outta here! Stinks of mushrooms around here for whatever reason. 😬 We can resume this at home and afterwards, I'll cook us dinner! 😋 I'm craving chardonnay wine... 🍷 Steamed broccoli... 🥦 Aaaand portobello fettuccine! 🍄🍝 Ahh, questo e la vita dolce! 🎲❤️👱🏻‍♀️
I made pumpkin pie recently (well it's been a while now and I ate it all up, but it was so good lol)

I also made pumpkin and cheese soup. It was from a recipe shared on here and based off of Twilight Princess pumpkin soup. I used the last bit of my puree. It was really good! I was expecting like a really sweet soup that was borderline disgusting, but it was so creamy and good!

I plan on making stuffed pumpkins from Botw, a pumpkin pie in a pumpkin, pumpkin cookies, and a recipe I found for Grandma's Elixir soup from WW. Will be fun to do all of those!
After a nightmare two weeks of troubleshooting problem after problem with my Nintendo Switch and almost losing all my save data, it seems (KNOCK ON WOOD) like the charge port is fully functional, the SD card reader is in place, and I will be able to access my games again . . . maybe . . . please . . .
I’m not doing that good but I have a few things that I’m happy about 🙂.

My NH Prize Pack from the fair just came today. I love it! I think the next fair I’ll aim to get the prize pack again. I really love the note and stickers. I was really happy that I won one of the low stock stickers that I wanted too! :D I’m very curious about the next event because of one of the things that came with my prize pack 👀.

I’m happy that I’ll be trading with my friend @KittenNoir once I have enough tbt. :D

I got snuggles from both my girls today; I put Spanky on the bed with me and didn’t expect her to stay but she did and she snuggled under the blankets next to me. Jewels snuggled against my legs. i love my girls so much 🥰.

Jewels was laying cute on the table next to me while I was eating ☺️. I wanted to take a picture but she kept turning her head away 😅 lol.

My mood is starting to feel a little more stable now that I ate and took my medicine.

My mom will be making that chicken salad that I like later when she gets home; right now she’s with my nieces 🙂.