Good morning, beeea-YOO-tiful inhabitants of th-
*sniff sniff* 
CRIKEY! Why's it smell like eggs and
mushrooms in here??

Is that m-...
*sniff sniff* 

no, I smell like cucumbers. Could it b-...
*sniff sniff* 

No, you smell like oranges...
*looks around*
*sniff sniff* 

Ohhh yeah, definitely oranges.........
*looks around even harder* let me just.... HOLD

*looks around eeeeeven harder* ............
PLAUGH! Okay, you can have these back. Just making sure. Deeeefinitely oranges!

AHEM... Anyway, are we all ha
-hic- happy today? I aaaam!

Why? Becaaaause
you make me happy. Here, stand over here in the front so everyone can see. I'll be back here.

Oh and definitely wiggle so uh, people are aware of your sparkly presence!

Muuuch better!

So yeah, look! You see

I'm happy when I admire your eyes and they gaze into mine. Blue and brown go
sooo good together, don't they?

What about this?

Uh... come on, we can't see if you're doing

Well, you can't see it, but she's like

and it makes me happy when the things I say and write about you make your face turn
aaaaall pink.

And what about these?

These make me happy too. They're mine for holding and I kiss them
reaaal loud when we pass by people.

Moving downward, be
SIDES them is...


Oop! Sorry, she's being... difficult...

Anyway, you get the idea. You make me happy, yeah?

Let's get
outta here! Stinks of
mushrooms around here for whatever reason.

We can resume this at home and afterwards, I'll cook us dinner!

I'm craving chardonnay wine...

Steamed broccoli...

Aaaand portobello fettuccine!

Ahh, questo e la
vita dolce!