What Are You Happy About Today?

Thursday, December 5, 2024
  • I played some more of Fitness Boxing 3. Thought it was a nice touch as Bernardo was wearing a pair of Reindeer antlers for the Holiday season! Fitness Boxing 3 just feels as if there is a more fun element to it aswell!
  • This has been the first day I have seen a huge improvement in Blossom. I cannot believe it, I honestly thought I was going to have to contact the vet again.
  • Gave Blossom a bath. Washed all her bedding, blankets and her Christmas outfits.
  • Been having fun thinking of scenes for Buck's Advent Calendar.
i've nearly finished my amv of ''mikazuki (english version) - ayaka'' on lightworks : D

i might be able to finish it tomorrow
happy pikachu.jpg
I played Pocket Camp Complete some throughout the day!! I’m hopeful I might be able to full-clear the gardening event that’s going on, but any materials I’m able to get ahold of from the hard tasks are great!

Also got to play Story of Seasons for a short while before dinner!! I saw Eda’s third rivalry event, which I think is the last missable I needed to worry about, so I can relax a little now LOL. also happy that I was able to trigger it even with Elise’s first rivalry event still ongoing, since I saw a few people concerned that it might interfere with Eda’s last one. I was prepared to forfeit Elise’s if I needed to, but Elise is RUDE so I’m relieved I still get to shame her with a high-quality vegetable

Saw SolidarityGaming’s latest Wild Life episode!!

And I got to work on some personal art this evening!
Today was a great day. Had an early short shift at work. Was productive and it went fast.
Got some Christmas shopping done this afternoon. Also picked up a few groceries.
Spent the evening playing ACNH and
cleaning/decorating my islands.
Only one more long work day before I start my last vacation of the year. So excited for hide and seek on Sunday. Have been playing pocket camp complete and really enjoying it.
Hope everyone had a great day.
- I went clothes shopping with my mom.
- So glad that I received an A on an essay for uni. Got a much higher grade than I anticipated, which is a relief.
- The weather lately has been really nice and sunny over the last few days.
- Watched some anime in the evening.
- Posted another short of Luna playing with her cat wand. My mom made a TikTok account for her, though it got deleted. I'm glad that I still have the videos of her. Her kicking is so cute!
- Got some grocery shopping done and also replenished my travel toiletry bag w/ mini shampoo, conditioner, and an SPF 30 moisturiser :) I like to keep it constantly stocked since it makes packing a lot easier, but I used up most of my stuff when I was in Singapore + Malaysia back in September. Happy I'm fully prepared for my trip to Hungary now

- Had some great food today. Had a lamb rogan josh curry w/ rice and veggie samosas, and then a fresh cream banoffee tart with my coffee 😋
i'm continuing/remaking my unfinished amv of ''slow starter, which is a digimon appmon song, sung by yujin & offmon, now on lightworks, that i never finished ages & ages ago on moviemaker on ‎26 ‎November ‎2021 : D

i was like: ''yeahhh...... give the cutie offmon a rock-type song, why don't you? 🤷‍♂️ give him a cute song to match his personality or something''... not that i'm complaining about it too much, though :3
i can at least get a restart on my unfinished ones before going back to the slayers ones : D
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It is the weekend! 🥳

It has been one hell of a week, and I've been in a lot of pain with limited movement, but I got through it! My walking stick came today, so at least next week should be easier in terms of movement. I hope. 🤞

Our department was given extra money that needs to be spent by next week. It came at a great time as our senior pupils (age 15-17) are starting their research projects in January. Hopefully this years projects will go more smoothly than last years as we will be better kitted out! 🤞

We had a guest teacher this week doing Christmas lessons and his classes went over extremely well with our first year pupils (age 11-12). At the end of the day, he came into my office with a fire extinguisher and said, "George says you've never used one of these before." Cue us playing with it and him showing me one of the experiments he shows the pupils. 😂

My kittens continue to make me so happy. No matter how terrible a day they can cheer me up. Right now Sebastian is sat on my lap making biscuits and purring. 🐈

I'm so glad to have the house to myself tonight. Needed after a long week. I love my partner's company, but I do cherish my "me time". Maybe it's an only child thing? I don't know. But I'm planning to spend the evening relaxing with my fluffy boys.

We are hosting a friend's birthday party at our place tomorrow. I'm nervous about the amount of cleaning it involves, but it should be fun! I don't get out much at the moment due to my health so it'll be nice to see my friends again. I've already warned them I'll probably be getting an early night, but they're welcome to stay as late as they want. I have earplugs!
My mood still isn’t the best, but there are some things that I’m happy about today 🙂.

Two friends and I are going to plan a day to play Genshin. I’m really excited about it; I had fun playing with each of them & have been wanting to play some more with them. I never played it with more than one other person with me before, so it will be fun :D.

This morning I was able get a unit that I’ve wanted for a couple years that I never was able to get in Fate Go. I’m thankful for the pity system in this game since I probably wouldn’t have gotten her had it not been for that.


She is so fun to use and her design is cool; I have mixed feelings about her final ascension designs though because her outfit for them seems kinda skimpy and she looks like a kid, so it just doesn’t seem right to me.

I’m also happy that the game is having a rerun for a freebie character that I never got from it when it first ran since I was taking a hiatus from the game.

I got snuggles from both Spanky & Jewels today 🥰.

One of my orders came 🙂. I still need to finish christmas shopping; I still can’t get myself back on track on that because depression is making it hard. But hopefully soon I’ll get it done!

I’ve been playing more Persona 5 and having fun with it. I maxed out a social skill last night, charm! I got another confidant maxed too!

I’m almost done with something that I’m making for my island journal; might need to progress more in the game though before I can finish it for one of the last ideas I have for it. I’ve been having fun working on that :).
I've become more dedicated to having a consistent sleep schedule and taking my night meds at the same time every night, even on my days off when I can sleep in. I can say it's been going well thus far. I feel a lot more active, getting more things done in my days, and have the energy to do the things I enjoy instead of feeling too sleepy all the time. My mood feels better as well.