What Are You Happy About Today?

i'm working on a unfinished amv ''anata to'' (Feat. コブクロ KOBUKURO)
Artist: 絢香 Ayaka : D

i really liked that song... so what feels like forever ago, on 07 ‎May ‎2017, i wanted to make a amv of it with ash's chikorita/bayleef & ash... & today i decided to start redoing it/continuing it in lightworks, a little bit ... with a little bit of eevee at the beginning : 3 (edit at 10:56 pm: & ash's pikachu cause he's male, too 🤷‍♂️ )

after that, i'm going back to choosing & making my 5th lina slayers amv : D
D9E5wdPXkAUwXAx... (s2 ep 18).jpg
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Another one for today! ^_^
  • I got to hang out with my based and epic mom today :3 We went to Five Below and I got some goodies! I got a Disney Christmas shirt.. a Hello Kitty Christmas pillow (because I love decorating my room for Christmas), some Japanese snacks (honey butter chips and takoyaki balls), and some mango peel gummies! The gummies are REALLY good. Super mango-y and sticky. The inside melts in your mouth, while the outer peel is nice and chewy.
  • I also stopped by the Dollar Store to get some things. I got a Dr Pepper and some personal items I needed. ^_^ After that, my mom took me to Chikfila which was so good. I rarely eat there, so it's a nice treat. :3
  • Got to talk on the phone with my bf a lot today 🥺 He was at work, so he usually calls me while he's there < 3 Made me so happy!! Especially since he wants me to be a +1 with him to an event he's going to in the future. That makes me even happier because I don't think we've ever traveled out of state together! How exciting!!!
  • Speaking of bf, we were talking about who our top artist would be for the year. Which makes me excited for Spotify Wrapped this year! :3 I think it's gonna be a toss up between 1D and Red Velvet. Either that, or Niall Horan. Those are my top 3 guesses.
  • I had a nice, chill, and relaxing day before I start my first day at my new job tomorrow T^T I'm nervous to go, but happy to be getting out of the house more, I guess.
i've almost finished ''anata to'' (Feat. コブクロ KOBUKURO) Artist: 絢香 Ayaka amv on lightworks : D

since it was forever ago that i did it, i thought it was gonna be harder to finish,

but i guess it wasn't all that hard
happy pikachu.jpg

i think i might be able to finish it tomorrow
ash & bayleaf.jpg
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Today was another decent day 🙂.

Today I found out that one of my neko atsume orders arrived at the warehouse. I had to choose a shipping option, which I did and now it is already getting ready to get shipped! I was confused since I thought I already paid for the shipping, but what I paid was a fee for using the services. It is a bit disappointing with all the different fees I had to pay, but at least I was able to do this and if the extra fees help ensure my order is safe and protected, then it definitely is worth it (not to mention it is nice i can even get these items and it not being exclusive to Japan).

I got a lot of snuggles from Spanky today ☺️.

I played a little of my second island today and also set something up in harv’s studio. I’m going to make another page in my island journal for “homework;” today I broke one of my rules so I am giving myself tasks in the game that I’m required to do by a certain day. I may have to change the due date for my tasks since it might take me time to prepare the template(s) for my journal. 🤔 I’m really enjoying working on my journal.

So yesterday, my mom was telling me that everything was out of stock from one site that I had items on my christmas list for. Today she ended up saying when I was talking to her that she may have pre ordered the items when I told her a lot of them were probably preorders. So my mom kinda spoiled that I might be getting the Raiden and Zhongli nendoroids (I might be wrong since she could have also been thinking of a different site than me) 👀. I love surprises but I can’t deny that this made me happy lol.

It was nice hearing from @skarmoury earlier too! :D

I caught Jewels sleeping almost in a sploot on the back of the couch today 😸. I didn’t get a picture though. This morning, when I went back upstairs, Spanky greeted me by rolling partially a little on the ledge acting all cute. I petted her; I looked downstairs and saw Jewels staring, clearly jealous 😅.

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Worked on some art today!! I’m happy with the progress I made, especially since we had to run a few errands today too ;v;

GeminiTay’s latest Wild Life episode was super funny and entertaining!!

New ACNH Hide and Seek sessions for December dropped!! I’m gonna try to at least watch all of them if I can, I love the hide and seek sessions ;w;

And I finished out my first summer in Story of Seasons! Or do I still have one day left… I’m tired and don’t remember. close enough anyway!!
I haven't been posting because I was busy prepping for my return to work, but I've had several things to make me happy over the past few days.

Our Thanksgiving day was really quiet and laid back. It was just myself, my husband, and our dog. We ate leftover Italian food from the previous night. I was a little sad that we didn't get to see family, but it was also nice to experience the holiday differently for a change.

On Saturday, we went to my husband's extended family gathering. My niece and nephews were there and it was so good to see them. Each of them made me feel so special in their own way. From giving me sneak attack hugs to having a full conversation initiated by my 15 year old nephew (surprising since he usually only sends one word texts), I enjoyed every single moment I spent with them.

One of my husband's cousins attended for the first time in years too. Outside of his immediate family, she's the one I'm the most comfortable around so I've missed her being at these big social events. Turns out she's pregnant! I'm so excited for her!

I did have to go back to work today, but it wasn't stressful at all. My boss met with me and said I could spend a week or two catching up on missed training sessions and going through the 2200+ emails that piled up while I was out. Everything was very chill and she's not worried about me rushing back into the thick of things. Apparently, it doesn't matter much anyway because she gave me a heads up that they're realigning teams in January and I'm being moved to support a different group. The employee I've been mentoring all year will take my role and I'll get to work on a more project-based team. I think this will be a really good move for me because my current team is required to be quick and flexible, adjusting to last minute requests and changing priorities all the time. That's the part of my job that drives me crazy; I never have time to think about anything. Project driven work should be a bit slower paced with more focus on getting it right versus meeting ridiculously tight deadlines. Hopefully, this will make my work life a little bit easier.
one of my packages arrived today from my black friday shopping! i got a bunch of my melody stuff and they’re so cute 🥹

also spent about an hour cleaning and sorting my inventory on one of the games i play and it feels soo much less cluttered

today was surprisingly not that bad at work considering it’s the first day back from break, and there’s only 3 more weeks in the semester and i’m positive they will go by pretty quickly 😊
- Have today and tomorrow off work, thankfully, and no more 7am starts for a while! My colleague and I also agreed to swap shifts on my final day, so I won't be doing a 7am start on that day either ❤️

- Worked out for 30 minutes today 💪

- My brother got back to me about our potential trip to Spain next year, so hoping he can still come :)

- My trip to Hungary is fast approaching so decided to book some stuff for it today, only a week to go!
i've finished making my ''anata to'' (Feat. コブクロ KOBUKURO) Artist: 絢香 Ayaka amv on lightworks : D
ash & bayleaf.jpg
happy pikachu.jpg

now i can check it twice & then eng subtitle it : D

& i'm gonna use lightworks for amvs from now on.... ^^ i'm not using moviemaker anymore : o
lightworks is so much more superier, i'd say :3
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watched the latest trailer that released about half an hour ago for lost records: bloom and rage. saw some alpha gameplay on youtube earlier as well, seemed real great : )

completed the expansion pack 8 DLC trophies for minecraft.. ready to head back into the nether and attempt not to die from the fire of 3 blazes

going to the shops to buy some pizza. got a super strong craving for it at the moment
  • Mustachio's new toys I got her for christmas came today, she loves them, of course she got them early lol
  • I got a book on astrology I'm excited to get into
  • Finished my Christmas shopping
  • Getting further into Life is Strange: Before the Storm and really loving it
  • Found some new music to listen to that I really like
my 5th fully finished *not yet.. just started it* slayers amv on lightworks will be: Rumba Rumba, which is lina's image song from the premium movie 🤷‍♂️ ... what?😅

does it suit her being lina inverse? i don't know : O probably? : o
how am i gonna do this one? i don't know, but i'll figure it out : o
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Today's been pretty great! I handled something important at work and did excellent at it. Also finally got unstuck in my Pokemon Conquest game, so I'm excited to continue that. The Mavs and Stars have both been on a roll, and the Mavs have a huge test tonight in facing the Memphis Grizzlies. Whether they win or lose, I'm sure it'll be fun to watch. The sun is also out and it's around the perfect temperature, lovely weather~ 💚