What Are You Happy About Today?

I saw Wicked with my family.

notes: Being in a movie theater close to midnight is a unique experience.

I'm not a fan of Ariana Grande. However, she did an excellent job in this movie.

I don't mind musicals. One of my all time favorite movies is Little Shop of Horrors. So, I was perfectly fine with how this was presented.

The end of the movie tested me. It was very late and the movie was almost 3 hours long. I nearly fell asleep.

It was fun!
after a few subtitle edits & checkovers, i can romaji subititle my 4th slayers amv: going history (megumi hayashibara) (lina) now
D9E5wdPXkAUwXAx... (s2 ep 18).jpg

(i say ''4th'' , but i have two unfinished slayers amvs that i gotta finish & those are really the 3rd & 4th...
but this one was finished first before them... this is really the 6th slayers amv by the way :3 ... so it became the ... wait... ok, my bad... it really is the ''4th'' slayers amv finished :3 )