What Are You Happy About Today?

i decided to make a amv of the Slayers Special OVA ending - Kagirinai yokubou no naka ni , on lightworks : D

yes, with ova/movie lina & season lina 💕 💖 🤗 though.... the vocals, i think this time will start with tv series lina again, too : D
my 15th when it's fully finished
D9E5wdPXkAUwXAx... (s2 ep 18).jpg
I finished my 2nd crochet project today! It’s a rabbit (although looks like a dog.. my bf and I have named him Dabbit 😂). Going to gift this to my nephew for Christmas 🥰

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Awww that is so cute 😻😻😻. I’m sure he’ll love it and appreciate it! Keep it up! You’re doing an awesome job :D.

Today has been good! Mood ended poorly last night but today it has been surprising good 🙂; I’m hoping I’ll end the day on a better note.

Part of what brought my mood down was something silly. I ended up pulling more than I should for a constellation in Genshin. I’m overall really excited and happy about it, but I was annoyed I didn’t stop when I should’ve. I only want one more character for now, his weapon and c1 him, so it shouldn’t be a big problem. I’m sure I’ll be able to earn enough by his banner (I just need to make more time to play.

I love my Genshin bois; I hope they come out with more male characters with designs I like. I thought I’d like Oboron, but when I did event quest he was…not what I expected. Still has a cool design though.

My acrylic charms came today! @Xara

I put the charms on the wrapper in the bathroom since I need to vacuum 😅. I was trying to get Spanky in the picture since I got Jewels in the other one. She wouldn’t stay on the bed lol (she is very playful and hyper; Jewels is a lazy kitty except when I’m trying to sleep or busy lol).

@You got mail! surprised me with a gift today! It was a really such a thoughtful and nice surprise to wake up to 😭. Seriously, thank you so much!

Had another nice chat with @Giddy :D.

I got some more really kind comments on twitter from friends today and last night that were happy to see me back. I really missed everyone but have been avoiding twitter because of some news related things. (I will always be surprised about how I found so many friends and a nice community where I’d least expect it considering how toxic people are.) I want to keep looking at the stuff but I feel so strongly about some things it makes me feel not well and my mental health is pretty crappy. Right now, I think if I don’t look too much, I should be able to chat and post again there. 🙂

Spanky took a nap by the bath tub while I took a bath. I didn’t even see her there until near the end of it because she catoflauges so good 😅😹😹.

I got some good wonder picks in the pokemon tcg app.



I love Mew so much and Celebi is really cute too! ☺️

I’m happy I got to hear from @Xara ; never any pressure to reply (your well being comes first 🫂). It still makes me really happy though and to hear about Miss gorgeous Bonk 😺.

I’m still behind on my stocking drawing but I’m doing my best not to stress yet about doing extras or my myths entry; both I really want to do. I’m having a lot of fun still. :D This event has again been so uplifting; thanks so much staff. I’m so glad I pushed through some stuff I was dealing with at the beginning since I was thinking of skipping because how it made me feel. I lost some time but so far I’ve been able to do most of what I wanted to do and get each present color. 🙂

I got some more complete tickets in pocket camp. I spent six the other day 😅. I tried to get a whale shark plush since I loved the screenshot @S.J. took with hers and her aquarium goodies. SJ would make a good fortune cookie advertiser :D; she totally sold me on the whale shark and aquarium! 🤩 The set seriously has to be one of the best.

I did get something good though 👀:


Also bought these with the complete ticket for obvious reasons 😸.


That’s it for now!
I was sent an extra red gift by You got mail!! ;w;

Got my icing today, and was able to decorate some cookies for Gingerbread Monstrosities!! Aside from the daily stuff, I'm all caught up with event tasks now! ( ・∀・)b

I did a little bit of sketching today!

Watched a few videos with my parents this evening, and caught up with LDShadowLady’s Impossible Minecraft series!
Today was a long day but a good day. Work was an early half day and went fast. Got a lot done and prepped for tomorrow.
Having so much fun drawing for the event and liking how my drawings are coming out. Finished and submitted my myths entry. Worked on a few other drawings that I am almost done with.
It was as a really nice day so we took Aurora to the park for her afternoon walk.
Decided to make homemade potato soup for dinner and it came out really good.
Played some ACNH this evening and worked on some drawings.
Hope everyone had a great day. 💜
Happy today because it's Friday, and that means the weekend is here! I got paid today in addition to my bonus earlier this week, and now even after paying off my credit card, my bank account is looking GOOD. I got to chat with some of my friends yesterday as well as watch more Fairy Tail, and I'm still really loving Fairy Tail so far. I also am close to being capped level-wise in both Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail, Zenless Zone Zero, and Wuthering Waves and having all endgame modes completed. I'm just missing capping in ZZZ and full clearing Tower of Adversity in WuWa. I also get to share photos of my cat with both my colleagues and friends, and she's really become one of my greatest friends herself since she's the only cat we have left. Looking forward to relaxing more this weekend and getting a haircut finally. Hope everyone has a great weekend! 💚
It's Friday~☆ meaning two whole days away from work, plus means from Monday I open later now. Allowing me to sleep in a bit more.

The radio at work was actually putting out good songs so I kept it on. Normally, I'll turn it off the moment I get in, (yes, they keep the radio on at night. I have yet to understand why).

Only need to go shopping today and down the road for popcorn tomorrow and I won't have to go out, get to be all warm and cosy at home.

Get to work on my art stuff today, should get the season greeting done by today. At least.

Had a heap of good fun playing dead by daylight the other night.
Killer was having a laugh, knew what he wanted me to do, like he would knock me down, pick me up and attack generator to say do the gens XD
Didn't want us at full health, and had us crawling to the exit at the end.
Also played Pokemon unite which I haven't done in forever and me ans Metagross demolish the competition they kept forfeiting.
- Yesterday I booked two trips I've been planning, one for early January and one for March. The January one is just a short hiking trip near where I live, but I intend for it to be practice for my bigger trip to Switzerland next year lol

- Got in contact with my new employer today - was anxious because they're about to break up for Christmas so wanted to ask some questions beforehand.

- Did my final 10pm finish at work last night. The rest of my shifts thankfully end earlier lol
☆ All of my wonderful friends on here have been sending me lights and I am so thankful! 💚 I appreciate each and everyone one of you so much, your sweet messages have melted my heart this year once again! 🍀🐸😭

☆ I have three weeks off until I go back to school! I finished the semester with good grades again!

  • [*]World History - 95%
    [*]Healthcare Sciences - 96%
    [*]Honors Literature & Composition - 99%
    [*]Leadership II - 100%


It was the last day of school today. For the pupils and teachers that is, not for me - I'm working Monday. But I still got to enjoy some of the celebrations.

A pupil gave me a cupcake! 🧁
I think she was on a school trip I chaperoned in June.

And the science teachers gave me a bottle of prosecco. 🥹

I had to stay several hours later than the other staff, which sucked, but then one of the big bosses phoned me at 3:45pm and said, "Hi Chris, do you want to go home early?" WELL YES PLEASE. I've never packed up my stuff so fast. I was home before I usually leave work.

When I came home my boys were in a very loving mood. This was taken about 2hrs ago, but they're still cuddled up next to me!
My monitor for my new computer came in today! Yeah in case anyone's wondering where I've been for the past week or so...my computer bit the dust. Had to order a brand new one through Fingerhut and so now, here I am.
i found out that, due to my titling my video the same title as the one before i edited it....
when i went to re-romaji my video after editing the english subtitles.... it stayed in lightworks without going white & offline.... : O

that song by the way is my amv of ''just begun'' (the slayers anime- megumi hayashibara - lina)..

i didn't think it would : O
i'm glad it did, though....
though... i probably should've known that it probably would've if it was the same title...
🤗 🤗 now i don't have re-romaji it 💖
I posted last night on the WBY thread that one of my favorite shows is at risk of being cancelled. Well, a lot has happened in a day and the fandom has received word the issue has been resolved. This has been a comfort show for me and it’s been an honor to be part of the fandom. Disventure Camp lives on!

I was paid late last night from work, which included a bonus. It’s nice to see!

I saw my favorite hockey team, the Los Angeles KINGS, in person! I had the seat to have when you’re a visitor fan. These tickets were not cheap, but damn was it worth it. I left the arena with a puck, a pin, and a few player interactions.

I played Story of Seasons for a good while today!! And I think I needed it, I swear to god farm sims are healing for my soul I won the Cooking Exhibition too, which is my first ever festival win in this game!! ;w; Super pleased about that, plus I unlocked Wheat Country, won a couple more conquests for rental fields, and got a third cow!

Got some more Christmas Lights today!! ;v;

Watched Grian’s latest Impossible Minecraft episode with my parents this evening!! I am so glad he decided to go home with his blaze rods and make additional Nether trips for magma cream/ender pearls… he was stressing me out SO BAD when he kept talking about doing everything in one trip
Today was okay! I didn’t get much done though because the cough medicine made me drowsy.

I just turned in my stocking stuffer drawing. Now I can start my myths entry; if I have time after, I want to do some extra stockings.

I was surprised by @azurill and @Mimi Cheems with gifts and an adorable drawing from Azurill :D

Also got some more Christmas lights with really thoughtful and kind messages ☺️.

The cough medicine seems to be helping a bit, though downside it is making me drowsy. I’m hoping I can push myself a bit more at least to my last entry. I can always draw extras even after the event (I’ll have to first do my draw the user above you request though).

I chatted a little with some more of my friends on twitter.

That’s it for now.
These were both yesterday, but my father bought me Pocket Camp Complete (since I haven't been able to by iOS stuff with my gift cards, unless they are Apple ones, due to decline issues despite having well enough funds and it being a long way until expiration). It's definitely a lot better than the original one without all the microtransactions bogging you down if you don't use them and so, it is a lot easier to get the leaf tokens ^_^

I also decided to dip back into AC:NH and restarted my island. Usually I would name my island Utopia, but I decided to name it Valentine this time around since I want to make it a mix of Valentine's Day and pink floral stuff (including cherry blossoms), which the latter can fall under the former. <333

. . .

As for today, I just played some PCC and AC:NH and ate Sonic for lunch. I will also be going to a Christmas gathering with some of my family members (dad's side) tomorrow evening, so that's fun. <333
I woke-up to the phone ringing at 6:35am. Normally a bad thing, but not this time. It was the Argos guy telling me he was a half hour away with the couch I ordered three weeks ago. :D


This room is a work in progress. It used to be our study. Now it's going to be a second lounge space / cat room - with a TV & PS4 (and Switch once the successor launches), my desk, and shelving. Plus it'll house all the kitty's essentials like food/water bowls and litter box. I'm planning to paint it in 2025.

It's not even 9am yet but nothing will top this today. 🤭