Yesterday evening/night, I had a blast since I went to my grandparents (paternal/on my dad's side) for a Christmas gathering. My Nana threw me a ham steak on the skillet since I do not like roast (my dad was going to get me one while we were at the store on our way there, but he forgot). I also had some rolls.
My grandparents also got me some Christmas presents that I really enjoy. They got me a two dresses and some Bath and Body Works products. The scents they got me were "Into The Stars" (lotion, body spray, and shower gel) and "Butterfly" (body spray and shower gel). I've had the former, "Into The Stars", a couples times before, but it smiles absolutely wonderful. "Butterfly" is a one new for me, but it also smells really good. <333
They also got me a hair brush and a shower loofah. ^,^
We also played this game called "left-center-right-" where you roll dice and pass money down to people. The "L" is for left, the "C" is for center, the "R" is for right, and the dot is for keeping the money. Let's say you have three dollars with you -- and you roll a C, L, and a Dot...this means you keep a dollar, you place a dollar in the center, and you pass one down to the person on the left. The last person who has money with them is the winner. I actually won when we played last year. ^_^
But yeah, I had a good time yesterday. <333
Last years' gathering ended a bit disastrously due to a massive misunderstanding between me and my dad right before leaving (I rather not go into detail), causing him to lecture me on our way back home, so I am glad nothing of the sort happened again. ^.^
. . .
Today was nice, because my maternal/mom's side grandmother called me to see how I was doing and to wish me a Merry Christmas, I briefly discussed with her about my writing projects with her and she was telling me how I was a one-of-kind person and how she is proud of me.

I hope my dad will take me and my brother out to Houston next year, so we can go out and see her and my maternal grandfather. <333
My dad said he will also pick my mom up, so she can see her parents. ^^
I also ate some Whataburger for lunch while my dad and brother had pizza hut. ^-^