What Are You Happy About Today?

I went shopping before work today and got lots of fake flowers on sale. I plan on making a sunset inspired coloured plant arrangement. I also got 20$ off my purchase cause there was a sale/store coupon I was unaware of, much happy about that c:

Now I plan on drawing.
My favorite sports team won yet again and I took a couple hour nap in the evening. I need to fix my sleep schedule, but feels nice to be able to be lazy. :)
I’ve been working really long hours and sometimes fourteen days weeks since September until Jan third so I’m just so happy to have this week off and I’m going back to my university city today which I love for a little visit haven’t been back there since I graduated six years ago!
Today my fianc? and I are going to go look at some apartments! Not super crazy but I love looking at new places to live! Our current apartment is just a little small (and nothing crazy nice). We had to pick it before seeing it in person because we lived in another state. So it will be nice to actually go look at places in person :)
I have the day off from work today so I'm gonna try to spend it good. I want to draw and clean my floor today along with watering my other plants. Rn thou I'm snuggling with my doggo.
I got an email today saying that my GPA and academic standing from last semester have earned me a spot on the Dean's List!!

Also after like 3 consecutive hours I FINALLY made a good base for this drawing, hoping to have it done tomorrow :D
Just got through the first week back in college. And I'm on my last semester! And thank goodness I can just relax during the weekends.
Today I went shopping, got some more fake plants and also got some candles. I couldn't resist I love scented things.

I also got my hair cut!!! It was long and grown out, there was no more shaved part or layers. I went to a different person this time so the style was done differently but I still really like it. I feel free from the weight of my long bangs and grown out part.
I finally slept well last night/this morning. It's been over a week since I've slept well and I really needed it. Today I feel rested and much better because of it.
Well, first of all, I'm back! Balancing two musicals has taken a lot of free time out of my life, I hope you guys understand. :) Second of all, I woke up early this morning and drove over to the animal shelter to volunteer. It was very nice, lots of cute animals and it always feels nice to help!
The weather is beautiful today. It's like a nice, sunny, spring day in the middle of January.
I'm both Happy/Sad about this, but today is Junichi Masuda's birthday! That means Diamond Dust in Pokemon D/P/Pl!!!!!

I'm not far enough in the game to see it though which SUCKS. I've never actually caught diamond dust in the games before. I just learned it from a TV. But this is the closest I've gotten to catching it!!
It was so warm and beautiful out today even though it's still January, so I sat outside and painted for awhile. Feeling real good vibes today:)
Had a really good game in LoL and my team was for once not blaming me for their own mistakes,
as I'm usually the "useless egirl", because you know.. girls can't be good in any game xD
Ordered a new journal today and a bunch of washi tape! I’m super excited about the washi tape. I’ve never used it before but there are so many cute ones! I like my journals to be colorful and fun but I don’t always have the time to draw in it. And if I feel like I have to draw it starts to become a chore and I’m less likely to use my journal. So hopefully washi tape will help!
I'm finally back up to 1k tbt whoooop :D

Also playing Ultra Moon again for the first time in a week or two, been so busy with commissions I haven't been able to play it;;

- - - Post Merge - - -

Letting go of something that's been bothering me for a while and weighing me down. My wife is always there for me, it's always a good feeling to have someone love you unconditionally. <3