What Are You Happy About Today?

finally got my phone back from repair (took a whole week cuz of bad road conditions slowing down delivery of parts) and now it has absolutely phat battery life ohh yeaaaa
I'm happy I'm with my bf. I get seasonal depression in winter and it hit real hard today before dinner. He was so supportive and helped make me feel better. He's an angel.
I’m happy because I did the dishes earlier, the laundry, went to martial arts practice, learned some new things, played some Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with Seona, and my favorite sports team is winning. Despite being sick, I’ve had a long, fulfilling day. I’m still coughing but I feel more alive than ever before. It’s a crazy good time XD :D
i found 3 animal crossing amiibos to buy in my local eb games, going tp pick them up on tuesday and display them on my desk wiht my other knickkancks :)
I didn't have to work and enjoyed a nice day at home today. I watched a lot of anime and my favorite sports team is playing in the playoffs tomorrow. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a good day too.
didn't get a hangover? lol i guess.

also wrote some on my paper last night but gdi it's so crappy i don't think i got the last part right :/
I had to wake up a bit earlier this morning to make it to the craft store since I also had to work today. I took advantage of the one day only sale price, plus I got new watercoloured markers on sale in such pretty colours. I'm gonna test them out right now, I can't wait to draw with these :)
I dug up an old sketchbook of mine earlier today. It gave me so much nostalgia seeing it again and it takes me back to those late high school years. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t cringe, because I did. That didn’t stop me from smiling though.
My favorite sports team won a close game in the first round of the playoffs. On to the next round!
I stopped drinking caffeine a few days ago and I already feel better than I was before. The first day of not having any was horrible, but after that it's been great.

Related to my recent caffeine purge, this rooibos tea is really good. Might even work as a substitute for my favorite flavor Earl Grey.
The stickers came in for my guitar and it is covered in them now!
My husband got good news today. It was his last visit to the ortho for his broken hand. They said it's healed up nicely and they were surprised at how quickly it healed.
I got to go to a sports game where my favorite team was playing tonight, and we won! I also got a lot done on Pokemon Sword over the past couple days with regards to creating my competitive monotype Dragon team. Thanks to Miharu I understand how to IV/EV breed and raise Pokemon finally. :D
I found a copy of Mario Party 8 in the original box for about $23, prob gonna buy it tomorrow and hopefully it'll come soon. I've been missing this game for so many years ;;>