What Are You Happy About Today?

xmas is SO SOOOON im so impatient omg

in other news i'll be going to a xmas brunch at my cousins' on the 25th (with my whole may have a cold thing im probably gonna wear my mask jic) and then we're gonna leave for my grandma's from there. im excited for that. :3 quick edit, that's been canned. one of my cousin's coworker's relative's tested positive for covid so we are not going for everyone's safety and the whole thing's been canceled. <:c little sad about that, but glad to know about it before hand then after.
❄im also all packed up for my grandma's aside from anything that has to be on my person, charged, or used that morning (aka hygiene stuff) and i've got my list all made (im scatterbrained so i make a list of stuff im bringing when i travel cus im always scared ill forget something ;w;-)
❄ive been doing very good about my whole "not allowed to use piggy bank money till it's full" thing. i haven't used any of it and its getting quite full c:
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Went shopping and managed to get almost all the gifts I needed to buy! just need to get something for my nan since they didn't have what I wanted to buy for her at the store. I'm also planning to buy a card and some extra jelly beans for my mum lol.

I also bought a new lip balm to replace the one I had to throw away 😌
Went on an outing today! I only get out around once a week so it's lovely when partner can take me out in wheelchair 💕 We saw geese and swans and coots and ducks and I petted three dogs! (one was super curious about my muddy wheelchair ahahahah.)
There's a swan family there who we've seen, and the babs are almost adults now but kinda dappled with the cygnet colouring still, it's so lovely seeing them grow ;-; I'm so happy ahahahaha. Spent the afternoon napping to recover but it was worth it 😊
My friends gift actually arrived in time for Christmas! (well she still has to pick it up from the post office but it's at her local post office already)

And even more shockingly, the gifts for my mom and sister arrived in time as well! I didn't mail that package out until 4pm yesterday afternoon and it got to my sisters house by noon today which is just unbelievable fast!
Since I can't actually see any of my friends or family based on the current restrictions in my area it's nice to know that at least my gifts will be there.
My friends gift actually arrived in time for Christmas! (well she still has to pick it up from the post office but it's at her local post office already)

And even more shockingly, the gifts for my mom and sister arrived in time as well! I didn't mail that package out until 4pm yesterday afternoon and it got to my sisters house by noon today which is just unbelievable fast!
Since I can't actually see any of my friends or family based on the current restrictions in my area it's nice to know that at least my gifts will be there.
That's awesome. I'm still waiting on a package from November 27th lol. I've just accepted that it won't be here in time for Xmas and will probably have to file a claim if it doesn't start to move after Christmas.

I'm happy that in a few days I will finally have a vacation after having worked nonstop throughout this whole pandemic. And I'm not going to let anyone rope me in any kind of work.
Well, I'm happy that I've been productive throughout the day! I drove out and got the prescribed medication for both my grandma and I; walked three miles with my friend; had a 15 minute interview over the phone to see if I was eligible for the clinical trials (and I was!); and did a tiny bit of cleaning!

Well, I had a horrendous day at work, but I managed to still complete all of my goals for the day and log off at my usual time. I also got some presents wrapped this evening. I still have five left to wrap, but I'm trying to space them out so as not to strain my back too much.

But what makes me the happiest today...Only one more day of work left for the rest of the year!
My friend sent me a package from overseas and it wasn't supposed to arrive until February but somehow ended up on my doorstep today. I'm super happy because it's the only Christmas present I've gotten this year, so that's extra special that it made it on time. I was already okay with the fact that it was going to be 2 months late.
I am ecstatic that I have finally finished off my video game backlog, which I have been working at since May 2019. It feels really, really good to know that there's no longer any games left that I own that I need to complete, and now I can replay games again since my self-imposed moratorium on replaying games is finally lifted.