What Are You Happy About Today?

Two nights ago, I got a free code for Toyhouse on Twitter. I never talked to the person before and I thought that was really nice to be giving out codes to people for free :).

I had fun chatting with people in the basement; I am worried I was annoying or offended people though.

Not much happened today. I feel like again I got little done though I did get a little bit more in my room done (unpacking). My computer has been hooked up which I am happy about so I may try to get an island journal entry and project started again soon, though I have been feeling drained lately so, we’ll see. But, I am looking forward to working on it again. Maybe at one point I’ll draw something for it (or attempt to make something and not use it if it is too bad 🤔).
Poppy had a fun time at the baseball game.
I had another nice day at home. I've been working on a new poem recently and it feels good to be writing again. Other than the few things I've written for TBT events, I haven't done any writing for myself in a couple of years.

Tomorrow is my 15 year wedding anniversary with my husband! 💞
More of a post for the last 2 days ~ So yesterday I finally got my curtains back (they were being stored in my mom's basement, thanks mom) and got those hung up and it makes such a huge difference! My living room is cooler now just in time for the heat wave and my bedroom is much less bright so I can sleep in more.

Today my partner managed to get us a projector for free from a coworker of his. We don't have a TV but now we can just use the projector hooked up to my laptop if we want to watch something together! A lot nicer than us both crowding around a small screen. And it was *free* and I really love free because I'm a cheapo lol
-I got really anxious over something I thought was going on... but it turned out I just totally misunderstood things, whoops. Still, it was a massive relief!
-I finally finished Code: Realize ~Future Blessings~ today!! I'm glad I saved Lupin's after story for last, I love that dork and it was a really nice note to end things on. I also really like having that shiny platinum PS4 trophy now, hehe.
it’s been such an eventful few days!!
  • got a transfer date for job which means moving back down home in a few weeks - been a long time coming and I’m so excited ❤
  • My predicted grade is an A which is so great! I only need a pass for University so I’m really glad I’ve been able to achieve this, especially after a difficult year!
  • Saw my brother yesterday after 3 whole years 😱 I had such a lovely day and can’t wait to see him more regularly. He also got me a late bday present (some flowers and perfume) which was so so sweet.
  • Got some new cleaning products - been scouring the shops for white vinegar spray for what feels like forever so I’m glad to finally have some 🤣
  • Going to the cinema tonight to see A Quiet Place 2! I loved the first one so really excited to see what happens in the second.
  • I also went for my first smear test today - for anybody feeling apprehensive about it.. please don’t put it off. It could save your life and is a mere 5 minutes (max) of discomfort, it was over before I knew it! The nurse was so friendly and put me at ease 😊
Had a very successful hike + picnic with my friends, and they both enjoyed the brownies I made! (I also enjoyed them lol). I tried a ham + cheese + tzatziki sandwich too, and it was a weirdly delicious combo. It was fun to get some exercise and do an activity together, this was probably the best picnic I've been on,, 🥰

I later made plans to go shopping with my brother on sunday and also to meet my friends for dinner on thursday!
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After years, I am finally reunited with my adorable burger girl, Frita. Seeing her in HD really hit the feels. Tysm @Tania for the nostalgia bomb.
I also made a very nice art piece for pride month.
And despite my son contracting the virus, my husband and I still tested negative. I am so tired but relieved right now.
Aww i´m happy to have reunited you with her! I wish your son a speedy recovery from the virus as well!