What Are You Happy About Today?

I'm happy that I woke up today! I'm also happy that I'm spending time with my family today.
i'm happy to be alive today.
not just to be alive, to feel alive. to not feel empty or mixed, to feel complete.
I'm so happy I got to see my baby niece for the first time today! She's so beautiful and perfect and I love her so much! I wish today didn't have to end.
i'm happy because the school is almost over (shh i'm gonna gloss over the fact that i have finals) and i'm studying abroad in hiroshima this summer and solo traveling afterward around japan. sO excited and i've been online shopping for cute clothes so much recently lol because i want to take lots of commemorative photos
Happy that I'll be able to play Animal Crossing: New Leaf again! I'll be getting money to get a 2DS XL from my graduation party this year! :>​
Happy that I slept for a long time and feel energized once again. Also that my sleep schedule is back on track and one of my favorite sports teams won yesterday. :)
The director at my work, who is the boss of my boss, commented on what a great help I’ve been to them all year and thanked me. :cool:

Also, my birthday is in a week and I’m turning 22!!! :D
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I went to see Avengers: Endgame at the theater today and luckily it wasn't the worst theater experience I've ever had. Somehow it's been getting worse and worse lately with people talking and checking their phones. Glad today was tolerable.
Found a pair of Ralph Lauren corduroy pants at the second hand store where I used to do work practice for $20. From the men's line but I've such a fat ass it was no problems lol
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Happy that I'm finally back on this wonderful site with amazing people. I'm probably going to buy a 3DS XL (or 2DS XL) and start playing AC:NL again. I'm really excited for that. However, I have to wait until my graduation party until I get to purchase one ;w;

EDIT: Also, happy that this is my 3,000th post! <3​
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Finally figured out how to hook up a wash machine in my new apartment. At least I hope so, haha. Bought all the extension cords and pipes and I'm ready for it to be delivered now. Wohoo! Can't wait to wash my clothes again, lmao.
I made it through my second to last day of school today! I'm so excited for the end of this semester, I need a break sooooo bad!! *sweattt*
Today is my birthday and idk if any of you guys know her but nightmares mother sent me a birthday package and she got me love yourself: her and I just brought love yourself tear, Why? Bcuz it’s my birthday and you can’t stop me.
I got two compliments on my hair today :cool: and someone said that they loved and missed my sense of humour haha so I'm feeling pretty good!