What Are You Happy About Today?

One of my new t-shirts arrived today! I'm happy that my wardrobe refresh is starting to come together.
I'm now 0.9% of the way towards my goal in Style Savvy: Styling Star! Which sounds absolutely dreadful, but it increases exponentially with each run. 😆 Time to start New Game+ again next time!
I got a major birthday present a few months in advance—a set of six(!!!) Dairoku: Agents of Sakuratani drama CDs!! I think all were pre-order or limited edition bonuses from Japan, and all six of them featured at least one of my faves, so I'm just so incredibly thrilled. ;v; Also yes I can only barely understand most of them but like. I just like hearing my faves talk lol
I actually managed to mold AND bake AND paint this figurine all in the span of one evening and omg. guys!! I'm so excited about this!!!





for being my first polymer clay craft ever I would say this went very well!! I see where I made mistakes and I will do some research on how to prevent those mistakes in the future (most notably, I tried my best to smooth everything out but there are still some creases that are visible). the painting also is somewhat flat though I did try my best to add details where the gradients start/end.
but I already love this little guy so much!! I've been wanting a silver fox figurine for a while and doing a google search yields no results of which I'm looking for, so I said heck, I'll just make my own. he's definitely gonna sit on my desk with my little fennec fox and my spongebob figurines :blush:

now I just wonder what I should try to make next??? I'm thinking maybe one of my animal OCs? or perhaps one of my Animal Crossing characters??
I saw one of my fav dogs at work today (besides the three that come every Saturday).

Idk what breed she is, she might be a mix, she kiiiinda looks like a lab but smaller and with a less blocky chunky head, more snout.🤎

Anyway she is so frickin sweet! She wagged her cute little stub tail at me today when I greeted her, she gave me 'kisses' and for the first time she would put her head in my hand so I could pet her. When she first came here she was so shy but now she's so sweet and a little assertive with wanting attention lol. Also her 'kisses' are her just putting the side of her snout against my cheek, still, super cute! She is also so behaved, she never barks or makes a fuss for getting blown dry.
I'm hopeful that I'm finally turning the corner after my surgery earlier this month. I can't wait to finally eat a real meal and do something other than lie around in bed, and it should be just a few more days until I'm able to resume some level of normalcy. Looking ahead. :)
-I decided to try out Cycling in Wii Sports Resort today and it's really fun! I got 1st place on most of the 1-stage courses, I just have Across the Bridge and Into Maka Wuhu to do and I can move onto the 3-stage courses! :D I also got to see some of my favorite Miis like Abby, Sakura, and Pierre. <3

-I played the Island Flyover mode of Air Sports (also in Wii Sports Resort) and I had tons of fun. I found some more iPoints and I'm only five away from getting them all! I absolutely love learning about and exploring Wuhu Island. 🥰

-In AC:NL I caught three scorpions without getting stung, two arapaimas in a row, and a stringfish without even trying. I also caught some rainbow stags, giant stags, and a scarab beetle. Talk about lucky! :eek:
- I slept in.

- My partner has been sweet to me.

- When I went to go downstairs, Maybellene started rubbing against me and licking my hands. For context, she's usually the feisty kitty out of the three and never does this to me, so it was very, very sweet. :giggle:

- I'm having fun playing the Golden Apple Archipelago event in Genshin Impact and just generally having a relaxing weekend.
Today I'm happy because:

- I got some decent sleep last night.
- I picked up a few things for me and my dog at the store today.
- I had a delicious salad for lunch.
- I got to watch episode 2 of Shadows House and I have another episode available for tomorrow.
- I had a pretty good today in general.
- I get to sleep in tomorrow.
Today I am happy for the following reasons:
  • My sister took me out to my favourite coffee shop for breakfast and had the best bagels
  • We went to cat show to look at all the cute furr babies
  • Did some shopping for art supplies
  • Now found out one of my favourite bands released a new album 4 hours ago
Most of the other t-shirts I ordered arrived today! ^^ Just waiting on one more now.
I started my next New Game+ in Style Savvy: Styling Star, and I think I made some pretty decent progress! Was a pretty good day for gaming in general actually.
I watched two more episodes of Fairy Tail this morning with my parents! We also watched the latest episode of GeminiTay's Empires SMP series later on.
Our torbie kitty was being especially cute today!
  • I slept pretty good
  • Got myself an Amazon Prime subscription
  • Going to do some shopping today :)
  • Having a coffee with hazelnut creamer right now
  • Excited for the upcoming week. Going to spend time with a friend, spend time with my sister, and also planning on a few other outings and I'm volunteering on Wednesday
  • Spent some time coloring last night, helped relax me
  • Have some cleaning to do today, not exactly looking forward to it but I know I'll feel a lot better once it's done. It's not so bad once I get started. It always feels good when my apartment is nice, clean and organized. Makes me feel calmer
  • My kitties are little sweethearts ❤️
As stated before, my favorite person is leaving for a month, give or take, after today. I’ve been able to handle it well so far. I think the distance will be good for me, though. I put her way too in charge of my emotions and I need to think more for myself. #BPDIssues
I picked up some more of those mango drinks when I went to visit Keagan last night. I shared some chicken nuggets with him and took him for a short walk.
My favorite manager is closing tonight at work and he has lots of cleaning for me to do. — Yes, I’m actually happy about this. I love cleaning. This was my work on the broiler a few weeks ago:
My grandma’s cat finally came out of hiding, who isn’t all too particularly fond of me, but I was able to snap this. He doesn’t seem particularly fond of Keagan in this picture either. He just has an attitude. The cat’s name is Bowser, if you’re curious. I’m happy to have this picture of them together, though.
Girls’ Generation, my favourite kpop group that I’ve been following since almost the very beginning (I’m old 😭) is finally having a comeback for their 15th anniversary next month. (They are old too 😭) They recently gathered for a new variety show and it like they never left 😭 but actually seeing them together on stage again after 5 years? My hearttttt 💜 Girls’ Generation is everything to me and I don’t exaggerate when I say that they literally changed my life, I met my husband and moved to a new country because of my involvement in the fandom 💜 I was feeling pretty awful today but now I can’t stop smiling 😊
July 23:
  • Usual Saturday routine that I love: went to the market for fresh bread, berries, sweets, and bubble tea
  • Caught up on some seasonal anime I'm enjoying
  • Talked to a friend I haven't chatted with in a while
  • Found a new watermelon flavor of soda water that's pretty tasty
July 24:
  • Went to a family BBQ
  • Woke up without an alarm
  • Spent some time with a golden retriever
  • Feeling happy that I no longer stress about going to work on Monday
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