i almost didn’t post today since the heat here is honestly making me so lethargic and fatigued (i already miss winter LOL), but i wanted to check in with ya’ll

hope ya’ll have a good night, make sure to take care of yourselves
*⁀➷ i received my marks back for a couple of assignments i completed last week! i got full marks on one, and 14/15 marks on the other!

i’m honestly so astonished by how well i’ve done mark-wise this year; i know i’ve still more assignments coming, plus my culminating assignments, but i’m still pretty proud of myself :’)
*⁀➷ miss bonky had to go see the vet today; she’s been having some tummy troubles, and yesterday my mom noticed blood in her litter-box, so… vet. i was scared, but i’m grateful that we were able to get an appointment for her so soon, and that the vet doesn’t think there’s anything seriously wrong with her; it’s likely just irritation. my little baby was such a good girl at the vet, and she’s been prescribed a probiotic and a laxative; she’s behaving normally and doing just fine otherwise, so fingers crossed this is just temporary and the treatments help!
*⁀➷ i took a very relaxing shower! i woke up so irritable and lethargic this morning because of how hot it is, and a cold shower was just what i needed to feel better <3
*⁀➷ tidied up my room a bit, and got rid of some stuff that i’ve been meaning to throw out forever

i threw out some stuff for my parents as well while they were out, and they were very appreciative. i also ran into one of my neighbours on my way down to the garbage chute, and he was very polite and asked me how i was doing! i don’t interact with my neighbours very often, so it always makes me feel good when i get to c:
*⁀➷ i changed my calendar to june! i’m an hour early, but i figured i would do it now while i was thinking about it haha
*⁀➷ did my daily self-care stuff!
*⁀➷ i’ve been looking for a fanfic that i read a while ago and forgot the name of, and i finally found it today! it was so nice getting to read it again (and i bookmarked it this time so that i don’t lose it again lol) ^^