birthday vibes!!!

★ today I went to the roller rink with my friend and we had a lot of fun! I hadn't been there for about a year but she hadn't been there in who knows how long, and now she tells me she would like to go back more often because it was really great!
★ I've been playing Super Mario 3D World for the last few days, honestly just messing around in different levels I've already beaten and not actually doing much progressing. today I was just vibing as fox weegee for a while, and I visited my good friend mr thwompo in Footlight Lane

I wanted to see if getting crushed by a thwomp would simply take away the power-up or actually cause me to lose a life, so I did just that and it only took away my power-up but he also proceeded to push me off the cliff ksdjfks
at least he's not remorseless like the thwomps in Super Mario Galaxy ahhaha
★ I've been messing around with models from Super Mario games in blender again, today I found out that the chain chomp model from SSB4 is actually rigged so that he can open and close his mouth properly! I may end up doing some stuff with that, cause they can be so difficult to draw from memory and it might make for a good reference!
★ I got some really nice gifts for my birthday, including a few neat Japanese Pokemon cards my dad got (in which one of them is an original holo Vaporeon!), a super rad drawing that my broski @/Shellzilla_515 made, and something I bought for myself, which I'll talk about next!
★ so earlier this week I had ordered a new needle for my record player. I've actually had this particular record player for at least 4 years now, probably longer, and I'm fairly positive it still had the original needle on it because it had a piece of tape across it that is very likely from the factory it was made in. the needle literally broke off of the old cartridge, so I bought a new one. and not only does it work flawlessly now, but the sound quality is impeccable! so far I've played the albums "A Trick of the Tail" by Genesis, "Why Not Me" by The Judds, and "Scenes from the Southside" by Bruce Hornsby and the Range (incredibly underrated album btw), and it was honestly such a pleasant experience. there's something about the sound of music playing on a LP record that just absolutely cannot be matched.
★ I'm still working on writing this fanfic, I'm only around halfway through and it's currently sitting at around 11,400 words (not including notes I've written for myself). and this is only a rough draft so I'll have quite a bit of revising and rewriting to do. I'm enjoying fleshing out my characters, and I've even felt a more personal connection to some of them lately. this evening I'm working on revising their toyhouse profiles to align more with how they're portrayed in this story
★ so uhhhhh yeah I'm 24 y.o. now, I'm gettin up there

but hey, things have been going great lately! I spent years battling with lots of personal issues, and while there are still some things that I struggle with I'm actively working on making them better or learning to cope with them. I'm much better off now than I was just earlier this year and I'm very thankful for that
oh I should also mention that it rained today for the first time in almost a month, so that was a very pleasant birthday surprise too