I don't usually post in here back-to-back days but lots more cool stuff is happening yall!!
★ I got my keyboard set up to play simultaneously with a nice sounding synth (which I had to spend like 7 years configuring but it's okay lol) and I figured out how to play "Lost Soul" by Bruce Hornsby! It's a pretty simple song in terms of chord progression, so it's mostly a matter of me playing through this 6-ish minute piece without messing up (which I've already done many times lmaoooo). I'm hoping to record it, and then also record the vocal track, which will be interesting because it's actually a duet! And then I can upload both versions to my channel and share them in my piano thread! even though I messed up in the test recordings they still sound really good and I'm excited to get a good recording!
★ I've really been enjoying driving with the top down in my car these last few days. In case you aren't aware, I drive a New Beetle convertible! and the weather has been gorgeous lately; some days it's nice and sunny and 75-85F, and some days it's rainy and overcast, and I love both equally! actually I may be a bit biased towards rainy and overcast days hehe. but yeah, this evening was partially cloudy and 79F and it was so lovely
★ on my drive home I had a paraglider fly literally right over my car!! they waved at me and I honked my horn at them

and then only a few minutes later there was like a big yellow plane flying pretty close to the ground over a field??? like I'm seeing some crazy stuff today!
yesterday I made a post in the general discussion thread saying that on Sunday I went to an outlet store and found a white sweatshirt with the pink Barbie logo on it, and I didn't buy it but I was having second thoughts. well I went back for it today, luckily they still had one left!!
while I was thinking abt going back out for this sweatshirt, I also decided I would go back to the local coffee shop to buy a pair of cute kitschy earrings that look like little purple milkshakes!

I'm imagining an outfit with the earrings, the sweatshirt, black skinny jeans, and lastly to tie it all together, a pair of purple high-top Converse! I'll need to buy a pair ofc so I may go somewhere that sells them, maybe a mall near Columbus. but yeah I think it would be a nice snazzy outfit and I could totally rock it