• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

I had an amazing meal out earlier, and the staff were super nice and let me order off the dinner menu even though I messed up and showed up too early for it.. cx (I specifically went there to try something I saw on the menu online so I was secretly pretty crushed when I realized my error)
And the restaurant is only like a 5 minute walk from my house, I’ve lived here for years and never been there!
I got to chill out a bit today and spent some time unlocking more characters I wanted in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate! I've only ever played one Kirby game but a lot of the Kirby stuff in this felt super nostalgic to me ahaha. Also made myself a lovely dinner of grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches!
evil squirtle.JPG

thank you for looking at evil Squirtle
Today I'm happy because:

- It was my last day of work for the week. I completed most of my goals and left work on time.
- I visited my mom and got to see her cat and the ferals outside.
- My husband and I had a nice date night. We went to a really good Mexican restaurant and then watched Blue Beetle at the theater.
- I'm home now and ready to go to bed soon. I'm looking forward to sleeping in this weekend.
My favorite person not only offered me a ride to and from my second job today, but she also had a homemade cinnamon roll waiting for me in the car?? I wasn’t expecting the breakfast so I’m glad I hadn’t eaten yet. She also waited for me in the parking lot until I was finished because they let her go from work early. I felt so bad but she doesn’t mind at all waiting for me. I truly don't deserve this from her. ♡
This is very minor and I’m sure the customer was just unsure of my gender, but I was referred to with they/them pronouns. It felt nice having a stranger correctly gender me, even if it was just an accident. I don't mind masculine pronouns sometimes but it's something about they/them that I prefer.
My vacation is less than three weeks away and I'm hyped. I've never been to Disney World before and I'm excited for the new experience.
I had a great day today . Last day of work before vacation. Was able to get so much done today. So hopefully that sets my coworkers that are covering my shifts for the week up for a good week. We had a floating manager today and he gave me and my Birthday buddy a cupcake.

I got tears of the kingdom , Grow : Song of the Evertree and some clothes for my Birthday.
Now officially on vacation and at the beach .

Now it’s just a nice relaxing night listening to the rain and watching the sunset.
So I've held back from posting in this thread for awhile, even during the star dust grinds, but I'm thrilled not only with being a part of the winning team for Space Camp Bell Tree, but just how this camp overall went for me! It was honestly a really exciting (but tiring lmao) 4 weeks that helped me have a lot of fun on TBT again, interacting with both people who I've already been teamed up with before and people who I was teammates with for the first time, and overall just made me feel like a part of the community again! I love my team and my teammates and I'm so thankful for them and the love and support they gave me during this event! Plus I even got to bond with people outside of my team, which was an added bonus!

As well, there's been something really concerning that's been looming over me since Tuesday (I won't go into any details about it), but today I learned I don't have to worry about it for now! Even if it's, at worst, only delaying the inevitable, I'm glad it won't overshadow the success that camp has been for me!
-The weather has been frightening because of Hurricane Hilary approaching.
However I’m glad that my oldest sibling was able to go to the market for us and buy some food and sandbags. We should be safe.

-I don’t mean to gloat because, again, my mood has been sour all day. However, I’m very glad that the ISC won. I’m proud of my teammates and @/~Kilza~ and @/jadetine for leading us to victory.

-Mom made carne asada.
Today I'm happy because I got to sleep in and play a TON of Genshin Impact. Also, Space Camp ended and I really loved reading through the Closing Ceremony thread. I'm really going to miss the event, as the team comradery was... stellar. 🤩

Also, I just realized I have a TON of airline miles saved up now. May have to take another vacation soon! :LOL:
Well technically this is yesterday since it's a half past midnight where I live right now lol but:

❤️ I know this has probably been said to death already (Sorry to the other teams) but I'm happy my crew won! This is my first time being on a winning team during a team event, and hopefully it won't be my last! I also love the Galaxy Swirl as well! I do wish I could have participated more, especially during Lunar Logic, (which I didn't since I suck at quizzes lol, unless it's on a subject I know a lot about) but I'm still glad I was able to have fun notheless!

🧡Speaking of camp, I was able to use the remainder of my tokens to get some more collectibles I wanted and still have enough to enter the Cresent Moon Raffle!

💛 I got some new shoes!

💚 I'm looking forward to seeing who wins my art raffle tomorrow, and I can't wait to make some art for the winners!
Late last night (but technically today!) we realized that Episode 1072 of One Piece was finally working on the PS4 Crunchyroll app so we watched it right away!!!! I can't say anything specific because it's major spoilers for a 1000+ episode series lmao but it was totally worth staying up late for!! We also watched our usual episodes of Fairy Tail and Hunter x Hunter this morning!
I've unlocked all the characters I wanted in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and even did a few online battles!! I got my butt majorly kicked for the most part and I just hope I wasn't too annoying since I had a hard time figuring some things out ahaha, but at least I should hopefully know what I'm doing a little more for the future!
Also worked on a new pfp/signature/lineup!! I'm excited to use it but I'm also having a hard time letting go of my Moon Bunnies aesthetic akfjlkdfljsdkl
I made top three in two categories in Space Camp!! I funneled a lot of my final Mission Tokens into the Star Fragment raffle because I'm broke and I need the pink fragment so bad... I am desperately trying to manifest this one 🙏🌠
Mistreil art of the Moon Bunnies' reps!!! 😭🤍
It's late so I'll probably have to give it a rest for tonight, but it's been really cool checking out the Galaxolotl's and Actually, Nevermind's event entries!!
It's midday rn, so this is technically for yesterday and today so far, but

- Although I'm sad it's ending, reading through all the camp closing stuff has been so nice. I've said to to death at this point, but I've had so much fun and my team has been amazing! I'll miss the excuse to talk to everyone.

- I also somehow got 2nd or 3rd for three events?? 😭 I was especially happy for passports, I was actually happy with my entry for that one hehe. Also I realised, in the midst of organising the UFO event, I had completely forgotten that that one was getting voting rewards as well whoops- I saw it in the results and laughed at myself for a minute.

- Mistreil's art?? It made me smile so much.

- Yesterday I went laser tagging for a friend's birthday, and although it didn't exactly go as planned, It was still fun to see my friends.

- We had a really nice pizza for dinner last night!
feeling a bit under the weather this morning but I couldn't resist making a post here 💗

I have the day off today! I really love my job but I always appreciate having a day off so I can take care of some stuff around the house 😌

a few days ago I received my hold from the library for Kirby and the Forgotten Land! I have played Kirby games in the past, but that's really not saying much at all, and I don't own any of the games myself. I really like 3D platformers and I've heard a lot of good things about this game, so I'm excited to give it a try soon! 😄

there are a few art commissions I've taken that I plan on starting today so I'm excited for those! I have another personal drawing to start as well so I'm pretty busy in terms of art stuff haha. I even did a little drawing while I was at work yesterday, it's not finished yet but I already love how it's turning out! 💕

after lowkey obsessing over it for like a week now I decided to go back and start playing Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon again! I actually started a new game a little while ago, but I left off at the end of Haunted Towers, so now I'm in the Old Clockworks! I haven't played all the way through this game since 2013, so I'm pretty interested in seeing Secret Mine and Treacherous Mansion again (and also the funniest scene in the game, where they're looking at the floating painting of Mario and suddenly King Boo shows up and looks directly at the camera and E. Gadd is like WHAT IN TARNATION?!! lol) 👻
I may finally start my LM3 playthrough soon, I've been wanting to record it and my setup is a bit janky right now so I want to get that situated first. in the meantime though, I'll have some good spooky vibes playing Dark Moon!

I haven't gotten all the collectibles I want from the space camp event just yet, but I have most of them! they're so beautiful honestly, the planet glow wand grew on me sooo much that it's now one of my all-time favorite collectibles, and I love that I was (and will be) able to get so many of them hehe 🪐💜 not to mention the rainbow moon aaaaa!! my lineup is so lovely with all the rainbow space vibes!! I'm still in shock that I guessed the exact right number for the third bottle, those little green babies served me well 💚🌈
obviously this method is not fool-proof since I'm usually pretty far off on my numbers (I was wayyy off for the second bottle oops), but I guess it worked pretty well this time lol.

so what I usually do is I count the pieces of whatever is inside the jar that I can visibly see. from there, I think about the shape of the jar and how many pieces back it might go, and then I do some math. kinda like doing a cross-section sort of thing. for this specific jar, I counted 30 visible green babies. then I remembered that this was a square-shaped jar, so I counted how many babies there were across, of which there were nine, so I multiplied 9 x 30 and I got 270. I figure, okay, 270 babies, dang lmao. from there I proceeded to count the moss balls that I could see, which totaled 6, and given how they were displaced, I came to the conclusion that there were 36 moss balls. therefore, 270 babies + 36 moss balls = 306 pieces total. so that’s the guess that I ended up submitting! :alien:

speaking of camp, I have to give a huuuuge congrats to the ISCs for winning the event and getting the galaxy swirl!!! 💫 I reserved the purple star just for you guys hehe. our team put up a really good fight, only being off by about 300 points, but you guys came out victorious and the prize was well deserved!! I've been seeing people all over the forum this morning, showing off their galaxy swirls and rainbow moons, and seeing them being so happy about those and the other new collectibles (not to mention, expressing how much they enjoyed the event in general) is so amazing and I love to see it!! 🤩💕🌟
I'm a bit sad that the event is over now, but I have to reiterate that my team, Actually Nevermind, was such a joy to work with. you guys are really awesome and we did so well!! I'll always cherish the memories I made with you guys and everyone else here! for the meme and the dream 💖

I recently received two finished commissions from @/r a t and @/-Mars-, the first one was actually a request (because Rosie is an awesome and generous teammate hehe) but the second one was totally unexpected!! the best part is, both of them are drawings of my sparkly magikoopa bab Artemis!! ever since I came up with this character back in June I've felt a pretty close attachment to her, she's definitely one of my favorite characters of mine (which is funny and ironic bc I always had a disdain for magikoopas when I was a kid, and I still do to an extent). so seeing my friends draw her for me brings me an insurmountable joy 🥰💜
plus the drawings look so great!! I know that fabric and folds can be a bit tricky to draw, not to mention the holo effect I was going for and how that's impacted by said fabric folds is a bit hard to replicate, so I applaud both of them for putting in the effort to make her look as good as she can! ✨
- Went on my scheduled walk with dad yesterday! We didn't see many animals this time but we did have a nice long chat.

- Got a load of big chores done today and then played Genshin as a reward. I already finished the archon quest so I've been exploring and doing some side quests. I'm still really enjoying it.

- Tried a new recipe for dinner and it turned out pretty well!

- Realised I have some spare money so I'm gonna buy myself some nice things I've been wanting to get for a while.
My favorite person gave me a lift to and from my second job again. Also, she had breakfast waiting for me again?? She’s gotta stop. I seriously don’t deserve this love and affection from her. We had some time to chill afterwards, too, since we had to go shopping and we talked the whole time.
Despite the Galaxolotls placing last, this was my favorite camp to date. This was my first camp with WiFi so I was able to participate in the gaming sessions! The vibes on my team were just the best and I wouldn’t choose to be on any other team. The Galaxolotls were first in my heart.
I’m happy that I'm going out with my favorite person next week and we're getting some chicken wings. We're going to stuff our faces with the hottest wings there and maybe get ice cream afterwards if we're feeling it. I'm looking forward to spending time with her.
For the millionth time, I am very excited about my vacation coming up. It gets closer with each day that passes. I may or may not be 95% packed already, LOL.