• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

Today I'm happy because:

- I slept very deeply last night. I hadn't realized how much of a difference the foam topper made, but I got a good restful sleep.
- I got a few chores done this afternoon, but also made time for some self-care.
- The NFL season has begun. My team didn't win, but I saw some good things from our receivers. We really need to run the ball more, though.
- The Vikings will be playing this Thursday night so I'll actually get to watch that game vs just the highlights.
- I started a TBT giveaway. I'm very excited to help some people out and make others happy.
- I'm hopeful that this will be another calm work week.
him laying like this made me happy because i’ve only had him for a week and he’s already gotten so comfortable with me 🥹
What I did yesterday on 9/9/23:
- I slept well and woke up feeling refreshed.
- I visited some of my relatives and stayed over at my aunt's place over the weekend.
- Went to a restaurant with my aunt and cousins where I drank some yummy carrot juice.
- Played some games with my cousins. We played blindfolded hide-and-seek indoors and my cousin prank called some random people for fun, lol. We had a blast.

What I did today on 9/10/23:
- The weather was nice and sunny.
- Ate some food that my cousin ordered from a restaurant.
- Woke up early this morning.
- Watched a movie at the cinema with my relatives. The movie had too much action and was very lengthy, though it was still good.
- Went back home and the cat was happy to see me.
* Ate a taco for lunch. I usually eat two tacos in a sitting, but I haven't had much of an appetite lately...probably because I have been worried-sick about my medical results for the passed two weeks and a half. I even had a nightmare last night as a result. The wait has been atrocious, but this **** should be behind me in the next few days... .-.

* Got Astrid to move on my island in New Horizons. <333 (villagers usually, if not always, accept to move in after the 3rd campsite invite)

* FINALLY CAUGHT A FLY IN NEW HORIZONS! (and donated it)!! ^_^ These things are so rare for some reason. I had my spoiled turnip stack on my ground for DAYS, and it only spawned one other time. I failed to catch it the first time because the turnip also had ants, so my player caught the ants instead and scared the fly away. Oh well. At least I was successful the second time around. :,)

* As for NewLeaf...I should be getting T&T Mart tomorrow. There is also another building that has been under construction for a couple of days now. I am not 100% sure, but I think it is the shoe place (it is right next to the Able Sister's)
I caught a salmon and king salmon in Wild World, so now I've caught every fish, and also donated every fish. On the other hand, bugs are harder because I seem to just scare away every single mantis I see. But next time I go on the game, I'll get a golden fishing rod, so yay!
The day's just barely started, but today I'm happy because I got good sleep and got up early, and the Dallas Cowboys obliterated the New York Giants yesterday 40-0. though as someone who's not a huge American football fan, let's be real. they'll probably just barf everywhere in the playoffs again...
- UK heatwave is over, it's 16c and cloudy outside now, officially autumn!! 🥰

- Had a relaxing day, made some yummy food! I defrosted a homemade scone and ate it with jam and chai tea, plus I had a Korean beef + rice bowl for dinner

- I'm maybe going on a weekend trip to Munich just in time for start of the Christmas markets, so that's something to look forward to 🎄
I lied. This is my last post before I'm on vacation. I need to get some sleep now so I'm not insanely tired waking up at 6:00 AM. I'll see everyone tomorrow night here!

I had the best time with my favorite person today. We spent the past five hours or so hanging out. We ate some chicken wings at her house and she introduced me to some of her roommates who were really nice to me. After playing with the dog, we drove to a bunch of different stores to explore and we ended up having a great time. We left our mark on a random laptop in the electronics section of a Walmart, meaning we just opened up notepad and did some doodles, haha. My favorite thing about her is although she doesn't always reciprocate, I know she still cares. I know by her actions and the way she looks at me that she loves me, even if she doesn't say it all the time.
I'm satisfied with how I organized things into my bag. I didn't realize until now how light I'm actually packing It helps that my mom has my soda in her checked luggage because I don't use one but it does feel nice not having to lug around a heavy backpack. In just under twelve hours I will be headed to the Airport.
My mom gave my friend and I additional spending money at Disney World. I know I'll be starting off at the Airport Starbucks, but there are some shops I'd love to check out as well. We are getting $260 each. It was supposed to be $250 but my mom didn't have any $10s, but we aren't complaining, haha.
Today I'm happy because:

- There's been a cricket in our house the past few days. I could hear it but couldn't find it. Last night it casually walked out from under the coffee table and stopped at my feet. I took it outside and released it so it can be where it belongs. 🦗
- I slept very deeply again last night and woke up feeling less stiff and sore. 💤
- It was a pretty quiet day at work. I didn't finish everything I hoped to get done, but I did complete a lot. 👩‍💻
- I've seen a couple of cute spiders today. 🕷️

@Croconaw I hope you have a great time on your trip!
I finished Fantasy Life's main story today!! (Did I cry a little? You betcha. Ending songs, man.) Also bought myself a house on Terra Nimbus and did a teensy bit of postgame stuff and juuust barely got started on the DLC story.
I watched some more Youtube videos with my family! More of Markiplier playing the Spooky's DLC, more Pumpkin Panic, and GoodTimesWithScar's newest Hermitcraft episode featuring his first runs of Decked Out 2!!
I got to try banana nut bread for the first time! My mom made some (unplanned, she went to pick up the bananas and they unpeeled themselves. all of them. she was left holding an octopus of banana peels) and I quite like it!
* OH MY GOD, THANK GOD! I got the medical results I have been talking about nonstop...I wasn't expecting them to come in the mail, since my dad set up an appointment for Thursday to go over the results. My dad went over the results with me, since he knew I wouldn't understand all that medical nonsense. XD

My results were not perfect. It detected that I had a low water intake (which was expected, since I don't bother with chugging 10,000 gallons of water everyday, lol) and a slight lack of iron, which my dad said he also has. This is also expected since I mostly just eat meat on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. It's just my brother and I making simple food for ourselves during the week, since my dad is working and on a diet. And there is only so much me and my brother can do on our own.

But other than that, my results were NOT alarming and everything came back pretty good for the most part. :,,,) I still have that doctor's appointment on Thursday, because we have paperwork that needs to get filled out. I do not know if I have to come back for that and get an assessment done, or if we can just do that on Thursday. I am actually kinda looking forward this upcoming doctor's appointment on Thursday. I am curious of how it will play out. I wouldn't mind having to come back at a later time for an assessment. I would love some further confirmation of my ASD and probable ADHD. However, it would also be amazing if we can do something like that on Thursday. <3333

I am freaking glad the wait is over...it kinda messed me up. My appetite and my sleep patterns were absolutely atrocious for the past week-week and a half. I didn't feel like there was something wrong; I feel and am perfectly healthy! But my ******* of a brain made me fear the worst.

I just hope this blood and urine stuff doesn't end up being an annual thing for me. .-.

* Had a pretty eventful day in New Horizons. Astrid moved in. I got my first "True Friends" Nook Miles achievement, <3333 and...got barged in on for the first time since restarting my island back on the 23rd... O_O The villager was only in my town for six days! SIX DAYS!!! O_____O

* I know I was making a lot of good progress, but I decided to restart my New Leaf town. Some stuff about it just felt...off. I am happy with my decision of restarting. I can always re-buy the lovely furniture, ballet dress, etc. on here. I already caught the dreaded bee. ^^

. . .​

Yeah, I am feeling a lot better now, guys. :,)
- Super happy today, I finally checked my uni timetable for this semester, and I only need to go in 2 days a week! This is great for me as someone who commutes, will save me lots of money and time 😎 It also gives me a little leeway for my potential trip to Munich. ALSO my first classes all start in the afternoon, so I don't have to wake up at 6am anymore. Only problem is that my Tuesdays will be insanely long and busy 🥲

- Nice relaxing rainy day, I had a bath and washed my hair
- My band director revealed some of the pieces we'll be playing this year! So far, we're doing the Pokemon theme, the Pirates of the Caribbean theme, Viva la Vida, I Want it That Way, and Paint It Black. She's also picking out some non-pop culture pieces, so we're going to have quite the repertoire this year. I'm just mad that we didn't get enough votes for the Harry Potter theme...

- My audition for my school's winter production went super well! Now I just have to wait in agony until the cast list comes out. As far as I'm aware, everyone loved my old lady impression, so I feel like I have a shot at getting a decent role.

- GSA meetings started up today, I went with all of my friends, it was great.

- My friends and I have agreed to go to our school Halloween dance as the Heathers! I'm being Heather Chandler, and my two besties are being Heather Duke and Heather McNamara. Our other friend might be going as Veronica, but that's still yet to be confirmed. We haven't found a JD yet though. The main problem with this is that me and the person going as McNamara are going to have to convince our cis male friends to wear skirts... this is going to be fun.
Today I'm happy because... well, overnight and today.

♡ I got to see my sister, @Azzy, after not seeing her for a few weeks due to me working so much ; - ;

♡ I played Animal Crossing and relaxed for some of today. I gave all my villagers gifts and they ALL liked them! (I still cannot believe Cranston is wearing the Karkat shirt my sister made... -w-)

♡ I got to see my person today! We went to Quaker Steak and Lube tonight for dinner. We had a lovely time c: I got a mixed drink and was a little tipsy. He helped me into the house (I'm an incredibly lightweight drinker), helped me up the stairs.. and tucked me into bed and laid next to me for a while.. ;w; He's so sweet T^T

♡ I got to talk to my mom on the phone! I don't live with her anymore, it's been almost 4 years. But my separation anxiety with her flares up depending on what mood I'm in (my BPD also doesn't help).. but I LOVE hearing from her!

♡ I also got to play a little bit of Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town today on my Switch! My Switch file needs a lot more work, compared to my file on my PC... T^T I still love Gray regardless, will romance him each time!!

♡ It was a nice gloomy day overall. Spent most of my day in gaming and listening to some good music c: