• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

Bonus post because I'm in a good mood this morning afternoon.

- I overslept, which is actually a good thing because the sleep was more important. I was already planning to catch up on work at the weekend so I'm not going to rush today.

- I woke up to heavy rain, and it's supposed to stay like this all day.

- It's Friday!

- My brain has been a little funky lately but I feel a lot better after sleeping, so it's good to know that it's probably just sleep deprivation and nothing serious.

- I forgot to talk about this but I'm enjoying the event! I'm not taking part in all of the attractions, but I had fun with my Vandal Visions entry and I'm enjoying Zipper's Zany Zillion so far. I've never done a mirror event before so my first guess was very questionable, but I think I get it now so I'm looking forward to the next round of that as well!
A quick and simple panda happy on this cold and rainy Friday autumn morning: I randomly took the time to scroll through my profile wall message history and it was like taking a trip down memory lane. It's really nice seeing how many fun and pleasant interactions I've had with peeps here. I couldn't help but smile fondly.

Idk, it just made me feel warm and fuzzy inside 🥰💖 makes me happy I don't have a perpetual thorny stick up my ass and actually enjoy being social with others. Can't say the same about my earlier days on this site lol where I lived like a hermit.
I do have one thing to be happy about today. I applied for my first credit card and was approved right away, so I should be getting my physical card in the mail in about a week. I want to try really hard to maintain good credit and learn from my parents' mistakes, I'm obviously still learning everything but I have faith that I'll be able to get a good credit score 😌
- My group did our final presentation of our proposal today, and I think it went really well! We went first which was extra scary, but I was glad since it got it out of the way early. It consisted of 10 minutes of presentation without any palm cards, and then 10 minutes of question time by our peers and professors, but thankfully we knew the answers to all of the questions we got asked! It's a big relief and now the semester is finished! Just exams left which I learnt more about today and am now very scared of hahahhhh
- Submitted my nightmare in paradise entry! It's not great, but I was glad I could submit something.
- Played some a couple of mario party minigames with my sibling!
Today I'm happy because:

- I actually went to bed at a decent time last night. I was so tired and I needed the extra sleep.
- I had a slow day at work. I was able to clean out more emails and my inbox is now under 50!
- My nephews' presents arrived on time. I'll open the package and check them out this weekend, but for now I'm just glad they're here.
- After a rainy morning, the sun came out this afternoon.
- We went grocery shopping tonight and I got some new things to try. I hope they're tasty.
- It's just cool enough to feel good when I snuggle up in bed or take a hot shower, but it's not so cold that I'm freezing.
- It's Friday! No more work for the next two days!
- My event opens tomorrow evening! I hope you all enjoy it! I can't wait to see you there!
Idk but my friend calling me by my chosen name after I called them by their chosen name is absolutely amazing. Especially since I only told them once a few weeks ago so I'm surprised they remembered what that name even was. They're lowkey encouraging me to come out at work while everyone is still trying to learn my (birth)name.
My early shift today turned into an earlier one since they needed some kitchen help. I learned how to do some new things and it wasn't so bad.
I didn't sleep that well last night but I had a good day either way. I'll get much more sleep tonight since I can wake up a little later.
I have a pair of shoes coming in the mail soon. I plan on wearing them to work. I'll post pictures once they arrive.
I played some Minecraft with my mom and my aunt today!! We went exploring the Nether, which was a blast, even if it was also pretty chaotic ahahaha
My parents and I also watched some Youtube, including Grian's first episode of Secret Life!! I love the Life SMP series and this season looks like it's going to be a lot of fun—the nonstop puns were absolutely killing me omg
I married Emily and completed the Community Center on my current playthrough of Stardew Valley!! ;w; Never did find that second Ornamental Fan but I still had a super pretty wedding gown anyway!
Emily 28.JPG

Emily 29.JPG
stardew 1.6 let me marry Emily and Elliott at the same time ok
This was yesterday, but I was too tired to type! (It relates to my post in the 'What's Bothering You?' thread yesterday.'
  • Blossom's new crate arrived, as we thought her previous crate was too small for her now. Thankfully, Blossom went into her crate yesterday afternoon for 10 minutes, and then last night she went into her crate after a few minutes and she wasn't panting or drooling! Hopefully, she will continue to like her new crate. 🐶
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- Happy that it's the weekend since I am off work the whole two days (if they try and ask me to come in, I'll say I am too busy which I am, since this week I already had to change things to fit with their problems)

- I am going to see my friend today~! :D Havent seen them in months, and his birthday was a while ago but i still have presents for him!

- Almost done with the activties that i may post tomorrow since the light is better in the day
- Managed to make a start on lecture catch up!!
-Went on a walk with my dad
- Had some nice cocoa this evening
-Realised I had more sideshow tickets than I thought I would, so I can be a bit more frivolous with entering tents than I though! The new mirror is giving me pain, but it’s also just really cool so I can’t be too mad yet.
-Looking forward to creature feature and the other new events! I really enjoyed the similar events in the past 👻
Today I'm happy because,

- I got to sleep in and some much needed rest. 💤

- I've had the house to myself for the past couple days and will for the next couple weeks! It's so much more peaceful and relaxing without anyone else here. I've also been taking care of my kitties. 🐱

- I've got new episodes of anime to watch! 📺

- I'm all caught up on TBT Halloween events! I can't wait for the new ones to open up today! 🎃
  • After trying for about a year, I've finally managed to get my hands on a die-cast car of Rosco's camouflage Hazzard County patrol car from The Dukes of Hazzard! Should arrive next week. I am so excited about this one!
  • My Dad was so lovely today (he always is ❤️) and bought me a silver rose pendant. He says it's a gift from my late Mum. 😭 Also, due to arrive next week. 🌹
  • Second night running Blossom went into her crate within 5 minutes. I'm beginning to think the other nights were a Diva phase after all!
  • Got a wonderful new signature from @Mr_Keroppi. As usual I wasn't disappointed!
Today I'm happy because:

- I got to sleep in this morning.
- The weather was nice this afternoon and it's supposed to be a bit warmer this coming week.
- I saw some of my favorite neighborhood dogs on our afternoon walk.
- I was having an issue with my phone that was killing the battery, but I think I've fixed it.
- I got a few chores done, but also had plenty of time to relax.
- I did some self-care.
- My dog cuddled with me on the couch.
- My event went live and so far, so good. I'm excited to see everyone's submissions!
I got some super lovely art of my ACNH Rep and villager OC Guenever from @/Kumatora!! ;v;
Watched an episode of Fairy Tail and Hunter x Hunter with my family this morning! Later on we also got to see GeminiTay's first episode of Secret Life, which was really fun to watch too!
I played a good amount of Stardew Valley today, and I've got the final house upgrade in the works! Emily's marriage dialogue has also been super sweet aaaa
Got another free sideshow ticket, which should really come in handy because...
New Haunted Carnival events dropped!! 🎪👻 I've finished a couple of entries and I'm already trying to brainstorm what I'm going to do for the others hehe!