• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

☪︎ i bought my ticket to go see the five nights at freddy’s movie on opening night!! 🐻🖤 the theatres around me took a little longer to have tickets and showtimes available, so i was worried that i maybe wouldn’t be able to go see it, but tickets thankfully became available today!!! fnaf is one of my favourite game franchises; i’ve been waiting for this movie ever since it was first mentioned in 2015! i’m so excited!! ☺️🤎

ִ ࣪𖤐 i submitted my “nightmare in paradise” entry for the halloween event! it’s a little simplistic since i’m not participating in the dream address part of it, but i’m still pretty happy with how it turned out!! it’s been a while since i’ve touched new horizons for anything other than trades and hanging out with my best friend, i forgot how much i like decorating 😅 maybe this’ll be the shove i need to finally start playing and working on my island again? 👀🤞🏻

𐦍 my guess for round #1 of “wagon of mirrors” was right!! i nearly guessed moss because of the blue/green outline, so i’m really glad that i went with oatchi! i’ve never played a pikmin game, but i’m lowkey tempted to just for those cuties— oatchi and moss are adorable!! 🐶💙💛

as ya’ll can probably see, i have been cursed 😔 the cursee has become the cursed… i cannot believe the great katrina and my own friends would do this to me… pain 💔 but also i was hoping someone would curse me eventually LOL, so i’m vibing 👻🖤
”please do not to panic” makes me laugh, though


𖤓 the duck in the banner brings me great joy 🪿💕 petition for him to hang out there year-round!
My pronoun pin arrived in the mail today, and it's a beautiful pastel purple! It was difficult finding one that matched my aesthetic but this one does just that. Not sure how often I'll have both of these on my bag at the same time. The landscape one is a bit big so I may only leave that one attached sometimes. I'll primarily only wear the "they/them" which I believe is sufficient enough. Those who care will notice it and the ones who don't likely weren't going to use the correct pronouns anyway.
I played an incomplete round of Mario Kart due to a disconnection in the TBT Neighborly Games. I didn't know there was a session today which made participating even more fun.
I've been more confident in my gender identity since switching to they/them pronouns. Everything makes a lot more sense now.
I'm not participating in the Halloween event as much as I'd like, but I am very close to the carnival dust milestone for the bells.
  • I had a much better day at work today. I started training one of the new employees. It feels weird to be training people. Since I just started working there a month and a half ago. But they gave me that additional position so in addition to being a cashier, my default job is as the talent captain. So I interview people, pick ones to pass on to the hiring manager to be hired, run job orientations and train people. I feel pretty proud of myself. I went from never having a job at 29 years old to having one as a cashier and then getting that additional position at the company within a just a month and a half.
  • I'm in a better mood in general and feel a lot more optimistic. Also Halloween falls on a Tuesday and I have Tuesdays off!!!!! Yay!!! :D
  • I'm enjoying some coffee and good music. It's 11pm. Late for coffee I guess but I just got off work and got home an hour or so ago so I'm just relaxing and enjoying my late night :)
GUYS my plush of Adaman from Pokémon Legends: Arceus came home today!!
💙 It's so so cute and I'm legitimately so happy that this is even a thing that exists. Also the tag art was very cute as well so I saved it and put it in my bromide album aaaaaa!! Also I've got less than ten slots left in my bromide album?? I cannot believe I've almost filled the thing omg
I got to work on my Nightmares in Paradise entry today! I should hopefully be able to finish it up early tomorrow. 🤞
I was only off by seven in my Count Inside the Bottle guess?? Super happy that I got it so close; after my recent performances in CItB events I wasn't expecting to earn much ;v;
My family and I watched some Youtube, and we got to see more of Grian's Phase 4 runs of Decked Out!
Also played a little bit of both Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion and Stardew Valley!
I've been dealing with a little bit of insomnia and some down moods the past few nights—I'm hoping the latter is just tied to the lack of sleep, but thankfully I was able to sleep okay again last night! I feel like the melatonin's kicking in as I'm typing this LOL so I'm gonna get to bed shortly and hopefully I'll be able to get some more rest again tonight.
Today I'm happy because:

- I went into the office for the first time in like 3 weeks.
- I was able to take a walk on my morning break.
- I had a nice, quiet lunch break all to myself.
- I had a good massage therapy session.
- I spent some quality time with my husband and my dog.
- I've been watching Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities to get in the Halloween mood.
- I'm generally in a good mood today for no particular reason.
Today I'm happy because,

- I got up fairly early and was productive at work. 📊

- I let my kitty into my room and loved on her. I also gave the kitties some special treats. 🐱

- Played some more Genshin Impact and got Wriothesley's C1 on 50/50 and got his weapon as well. My character RNG in Genshin knows no bounds! 🎮

- I finished my Nightmare in Paradise entry! All I have left excluding the tents is the crafts event, but I may put that off for just a bit longer. 🎃
Yesterday, I found out we are going to Longhorn Steakhouse for my grandma's birthday lunch, which is a restaurant we all enjoy. ^__^
Last year didn't go so well. We were gonna go to Carambas, but we found out it is closed on the weekends, so we had to go to Abuelo's instead, which lacks some food items and has chunks of veggies in some of them. I tried the enchiladas (since my dad makes godly ones), but they were weird and had chunks of the green stuff in them. >_< Thankfully, Longhorn Steakhouse is opened on the weekends, and I recall going there and liking it. ^_^

And today, I overheard my dad tell me brother that he is close to getting bank accounts for us, which I am looking forward to. Gift cards can be frustrating, since a lot of digital/online services will decline the purchase. Hell, I have noticed it getting worse and worse. I cannot even buy Nitro Basic for my friend (which is only $2.99) for commissions from him, or buy iOS apps and in-app purchases. Hell, I am surprised I can still buy points on DeviantArt. I also would love to buy some commissions, but most card issuers decline sending money on PayPal. The only card issuer I haven't had these problems with is the Walmart one, but these are unavailable half the time my dad gets money for me and my brother for Christmas, or my and my brother's birthdays. It is gonna be nice to not have to deal with this bull crap anymore.
Hope everyone is having a great week! 💖

I haven't posted in a little while, but there are some things I'm grateful for, that I figure I should express here! 😊

♥ There have been a lot of family gatherings/birthdays this month, so I've been able to see my family more than usual, which has been really nice! ❤️
♥ I wouldn't say I'm working at my full capacity this week, but I've definitely been more productive and organised this week than I was last week! There's still one work day to go before the weekend, so I'm sure I'll be very productive tomorrow. 😊
♥ I honestly have the sweetest and kindest TBT friends. I am so happy to see things going well for some of them. Also know, that if you are struggling, I am always here to support you. 💖
♥ My beautiful friend @Roxxy gifted me a Kaleidoclover, and while I'm not sure I deserve your unwavering kindness, I am so grateful for you, and I cherish and adore it completely. 💖🍀❤️
♥ It was a blessing to see Oatchi as the first mirror in the Wagon of Mirrors! Pikmin 4 has been my first Pikmin game, and I have enjoyed playing it so much (though I'm not quite done)! I'm not sure I'll solve any other mirrors, but I'm happy to have just solved that one. 🚀 I've finally started working on some of the TBT Halloween activities as well!
♥ Also, just really grateful for my best friend. 💜
haven't had a whole lot to be happy about lately, but I do have a few small things today.
♡ a friend of my mom's is gonna help me find a job and a place to stay near her (I unfortunately can't stay with her because she takes care of foster dogs and doesn't have room). it seems pretty promising so I really hope it doesn't fall through like every other thing I've tried in order to move out.
♡ I found that I can get my anxiety med (the one I was taking that insurance screwed me over on) through GoodRx for a decent price at a different pharmacy, so I asked my psychiatrist if he could fill that, and also make the dosage double so I can cut it in half and go pick it up once every two months. if that works out then it should save me on costs. I hope this works because I know for sure that this particular anxiety med helps, and after dealing with yet another panic attack yesterday I'm kinda desperate to get back on it, even if I do have to pay more.
♡ last night I finally got the lovely Ogerpon in Pokemon Violet (courtesy of @/kiwikenobi), I've been running around w her on the map and I've really been enjoying that 🥺💚
Today's happies:

- Managed to get our group slides finished! We're presenting tomorrow and I'm nervous, but we're almost there! ☺️
- After studying some more I decided to have a break and draw, and I managed to finish my submission for Vandal Visions!! 👻
- Had some chips earlier which were nice.
I'm currently happy that I get to play Mario Kart 8 sessions with other TBT members during the TBT Neighborly Games session. It's been fun racing with other players as always, especially when it's with other members of the forum.

I'm also happy that I got first place in one round of Mario kart 8 multiplayer.

Health problems I have been really bothered by recently seem to be improving a bit, thankfully. I also freaked out so much last night after going deaf in one ear, but I managed to resolve it quickly and can hear again 😅 Too much drama!

Successfully went to a meeting at university 👍

Happy I have the next 4 days to relax now 😌

Ate some nice food! The chicken fajita I made tasted great, and I had my first really delicious, ripe persimmon of the year! 🥰
- As mentioned in my last post, my brother came to visit! He brought me some tea (one spiced pumpkin pie and one gingerbread chai) which I'm definitely going to enjoy. I already tried the gingerbread one and it was really good. That aside, it's been very nice to see him!

- I've been working on a site to showcase my OCs and keep all of their information in one place, sort of like a wiki. I don't know if I'll ever share it publicly but I'm having a lot of fun with it! Until now I've been keeping everything in a huge file in my notes app so it's satisfying to display it in a more professional way.

- I almost have enough coins for the friendly ghost collectible! This is the only new item I'm interested in so I just need to do well in a couple more events and I'm basically set 👻

- A tree outside my window has turned red and it makes me happy to see it every day!
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♡ I found that I can get my anxiety med (the one I was taking that insurance screwed me over on) through GoodRx for a decent price at a different pharmacy, so I asked my psychiatrist if he could fill that, and also make the dosage double so I can cut it in half and go pick it up once every two months. if that works out then it should save me on costs. I hope this works because I know for sure that this particular anxiety med helps, and after dealing with yet another panic attack yesterday I'm kinda desperate to get back on it, even if I do have to pay more.

all is well!! 😇 now I just gotta wait for this med to get back into my system, hopefully won't be too long.
I was able to sleep well again last night and I've been feeling better today!
Haunted Carnival stuff has been going fairly well! I don't know how much I can say about stuff in the specific tents but I'm having fun!
I was able to finish up and submit my Nightmare in Paradise entry this morning! I time-travelled through over a month of mornings trying to find heavy fog to absolutely no avail, but I'm really happy with how the weather/time I wound up picking turned out instead!
Watched a little Youtube with my family!
And I got to play some more Stardew Valley! I got my first void chicken on this file for freebies thanks to the witch, and I upgraded my house again! I'm glad because just two rooms was starting to feel a little cramped, and I haven't even proposed to Emily yet. 😅
I’ve been holding back from talking about this in particular, but I feel like I’m slowly detaching from my favorite person. It's a relief because my happiness was dependent on her but it’s like I’ve found that fulfillment elsewhere. I’m thankful for how sweet she’s been with me, but it’s time I think more for myself. Yes, we still talk.
I have two morning shifts next week at work and two closes. It looks like there was an agreement made with the other weekend dishwasher and we will be splitting. I'll open one day and close the other, as opposed to having both of them be closes. I do prefer open so I'm okay with this. It also gets rid of one of my closes.
The Los Angeles Kings won their game tonight against the Minnesota Wild for their second win of the season! Let's build momentum from this win going forward!
There is a new episode of Catfish on Tuesday! This show is my guilty pleasure and I'm definitely looking forward to this newest episode!
Today I'm happy because:

- I went into the office again and had a very productive day. I got my email count down to 75 and cleared out some incidents. I'm trying to get my work cleaned up before I take another week off soon.
- I was able to take walks on both of my breaks and the weather was nice enough this afternoon to walk outside.
- I remembered that I get a free animal encounter for my birthday next month. Can't wait to schedule it!
- Our new doormat arrived along with some other items we ordered.
- My nephew's presents should arrive tomorrow.
- I'm still in a pretty good mood overall today.
- Tomorrow is Friday and then it's the weekend!
