• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

Finally finished a mock interview assignment I had to do for my co-op class! It was nerve-wracking since I had so many technical difficulties and had to change the set-up since my camera and mic on my laptop couldn't be accessed by the website I had to use to record myself for whatever reason, but my ipad came in clutch and I'm just super glad it's out of the way. It's reading week where I am now and although I have a bunch of homework to do, I'm glad I can take it easy for a while.
- I took my mom to her new physio appointment. It's gonna be once a week and she's practicing moving her damaged arm and writing with her left hand
- my birthday is coming up in just over a week
- my 2 friends are coming over on the weekend to have a halloween movie night
- I keep buying squishmallow keychains from the grocery store. They are only 5 bucks a piece and they put them by the check out counter line so it's hard to resist. I gave my mom the artichoke squishmallow and she was super into it
  • my friends and I are making plans to meet this weekend to grab brunch and do something fall- and halloween-themed. perhaps an Oktoberfest, orchard & winery, or Day of the Dead performance. 🎃
  • my mom's cooking lunch for me to bring to the office tomorrow 🍱
  • temperatures are back up - it will be warm and clear throughout this week ☀️
  • my new laptop arrived, and I'm loving it rn 👩‍💻
  • I started watching a new reality competition show, and I like it so far! 🎲
I'm just happy to be alive. It also was warm outside today and I didn't realize it at first but then opened up the windows and warmed the house up which was really nice. There are bursts of wind outside now as the sun is setting. I'm happy to have autumn weather. It's my favorite season, which I probably said a million times on here but it's such a great season. I'm just really thankful for multiple things in my life, most of them small but small things can make a world of a difference. Though I feel nervous about many things right now in the world I also feel happy about other things too and I'm happy to have that kind of a coin today.
hello friends!! 🫶 i hope you’re all doing well and that the near-end of the month has been kind to you so far!

☪︎ i’m still having fun participating in the halloween event; i can’t believe it’s nearly over already! i feel like i wait years for these events, and then they go by so fast. 😩 i finished and submitted my nightmare in paradise, haunted travels, bewitching blueprints and creature feature entries, and they were all accepted!! i’m most proud of my entries for the first 3; my creature prompts didn’t inspire me much, but i’m happy i was able to come up with something for it! i only have forbidden fortunes left to do; i have a couple ideas for my entry, so i’m hoping one will inspire me enough to make me actually begin working on it over the next few days haha. i’m also happy that my guess for the 2nd mirror was somehow right (if i don’t get #3 right, i fear my entire perception of myself will crumble), i’m all caught up on the zipper’s zany zillion challenges that‘ve been released so far, the prizes from the advent calendar have been very lovely and generous, i was able to earn enough sideshow tickets to abide by the tent schedule i made for myself (with several tickets leftover!) and we were able to unlock the lost AN star frag!! 🌟 it’s not the fresh feather gradient i was expecting, but it’s still beautiful!! i can’t wait to get my hands on one! 💚

ִ ࣪𖤐 this is also event-related, but i was able to buy a skull wand with most of the carnival coins i’ve earned so far!! it’s such a gorgeous wand, and a more versatile halloween wand than the pumpkin one imo; i have so many ideas for it already that i can’t wait to try out!! i also have enough carnival coins to buy my ghostly kitty plush on thursday (fnaf + national black cat day 🖤), which i’m very happy and excited about as well!

𐦍 it’s been an exact week since my first plane ride, and i’m still in awe over it. i’m so grateful that i got to have that experience and opportunity, and that i conquered my anxiety enough to not only go to the airport, but to get in the plane. i know i would have regretted it forever if i had let my anxiety talk me out of it, and i’m so grateful that i didn’t. it’s a reminder that in order to have the experiences and life that i want, i need to do things that scare me. it’ll be hard, but i’m looking forward to the next opportunity to prove my anxiety wrong! 💪🏻

bonk has blessed me with a couple cuddles since i last posted, and i’ve gotten to take some more silly photos of her as well!

𖤓 i sold a couple of my unused collectibles today! if i end up having to buy a star frag/friendly ghost plush from someone, the tbt will definitely come in handy! i’m very grateful. 🖤

☪︎ it was warmer out today than it has been in a while, and there were a lot of ladybugs flying around as a result! i can’t even tell you how many of them landed on my windows and were climbing up my apartment lol, but it was lovely to see them! 🐞
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I was able to finish my entry for Forbidden Fortunes today, and I'm really happy with how it turned out! I really enjoyed coming up with the whole concept/meaning for the card too.
I was able to buy all my must-haves from this event too! ;v; I wanted to make sure I had enough for all of it, but I also was hoping to buy the White Carnival Mask today too, so I'm glad that worked out!
I saw some new art of a few of my comfort characters!! ;w; Feels like it's been a while for some of them so I'm extra happy about that!
Played some Stardew Valley and got to see Emily's 14-heart event! Idc what anyone says I will treasure my new magic clothes my wife made for me!!
My family and I finished watching Grian's Phase 4 Decked Out runs this evening!
I'm starting to see some really nice autumn colors around here! 🧡 We've also finally started putting more Halloween decorations out and that always makes me happy.
Also got some new desktop wallpapers to add to my usual rotation!
Happy today because I cuddled with my kitty, got a lot done, and even managed to make some good progress towards the end of my Pokemon SoulSilver Nuzlocke. Also glad that the Arizona Diamondbacks knocked out the Phillies and will be facing the Texas Rangers in the 2023 World Series. I know people like to look at regular season head-to-heads, and the Rangers were better against the Phillies, but regular season records mean literally nothing in the playoffs. I mean, the Astros were 9-4 or some **** like that against us in the regular season, yet we beat them... and I don't know about you, but I'd much rather face a lower record Diamondbacks team than the Phillies with Bryce Harper and all those stars, lol... no thank you. Anyway, should be a good series and hopefully the Rangers win it all.

Oh, and it's raining peacefully still, so I should sleep well tonight. 💤
Today I'm happy because:

- I saw a cute squirrel outside.
- The autumn leaves are looking so pretty.
- The temperature is suppose to continue going up all week and be warm again over the weekend.
- I spent some quality time with my husband and my dog.
- I looked through some more event entries and they're all so beautiful!
My dad said he will set me up an appointment with his psychiatrist if he doesn't hear back from my doctor by the time November 1st comes (it's when my dad's psychiatrist opens her office in our town). Like I mentioned from my last appointment on September 14th, my dad and I were waiting to find out how we are going to get the mental aspect done (I need the paperwork for my guardianship). My dad and I remember them saying that going to a psychiatrist was recommended for the mental aspect anyway. I am honestly looking forward to it, so I can get some answers of my mental state. I am unsure if I have been diagnosed with ASD, but I was always told that I am on the spectrum. I honestly want to be diagnosed with ASD (or re-diagnosed) and ADHD, because OH MY GODDESS I can relate to them SO MUCH! In terms of a more specific diagnosis of ASD, I feel like Asperger's could be what I have.

But yeah, I think it would actually feel really good to get diagnosed with ASD (or more specifically Asperger's) and ADHD, since it will give me the answers I have been looking for. 💕 💕 💕
My birthday is coming up soon and I'm hitting the big 3-0, so I decided to do something a bit bigger with it this year. I just finished booking a flight a couple weeks from now out to Denver and back to go to a top-notch Italian restaurant I've been wanting to go to for a couple years now! The last time I was in Denver it just happened to conveniently line up with some super expensive event at that restaurant for that specific day which I wasn't able to afford, so I ended up having to go somewhere else instead. But there was no event this time, and I was able to snag a reservation for that day! Granted it's not actually on my birthday, but given that my birthday is right before Thanksgiving this year I don't think that would've been the easiest (or cheapest) set of days to travel on...
- I managed to get through some more study for my exam on Saturday. Not nearly enough, but some.
- I managed to do an entry for Bewitching Blueprints in my break! 🦊 I did Redd, and I'm happy with how it turned out! I was going for an abandoned alley pop-up-shop kind of vibe?
- Had a nice chat with my brother!
- Ended my night with a short call and animal crossing with my partner!
- Slept like 12 hours last night 😅

- I got a hospital appointment for Saturday! It's a big win, hospital referral lists are insanely long here, so I'm pretty lucky to have gotten one within a week :) Of course, just when I finally get an appointment, I feel like my symptoms might be better after 3 weeks of using new ear drops, but I'm definitely going anyway just to make sure my ear infection is gone / can be treated.

- Have the next five days off university, I'm gonna try and get some work done on my essays,,
Happy today because,

- It has been raining all day and has been peaceful. 🌧️

- I learned how to use my coffee maker and have been having hot coffee for the beginning of the colder months. :coffee:

- I took care of household tasks by changing the kitty litter for the kitties, taking the trash and recycle out, doing the dishes, and just generally cleaning around the house. 🏠

- I'm currently training my mons up to take on the Johto E4 and Champ in my Pokemon SoulSilver Nuzlocke. 🎮

- My tax return came finally and it's the biggest it's ever been! 💸

- I gave both of the kitties love, and Pippi is in my room curled up in a ball. 🐱