• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

I highkey love how everyone at my job is trying to adjust to my new name and pronouns. Not really new, but I recently came out there. It’s a huge weight off. This is honestly the most accepting environment I’ve been in.
The Los Angeles Kings won their game last night against the St. Louis Blues, and are now 10-3-3 on the season. This is a great team, and that’s something I haven’t been able to say in recent times. This doesn’t feel real.
I received some art commissions. I’m happy with the pieces! I think the one I’m using on my profile is my favorite. I’ll showcase it here since my profile is private, and only those I follow can view it for now.
- Have a day off today, I really needed it 😅 I think I slept for like 11 hours last night

- Made some of my fav fruit scones and I'm happy that they turned out well. I ate one with blackcurrant jam + chai masala tea, then froze the rest (left 3 out for my family!)
Sunday, November 19, 2023
  • Third time lucky, Blossom has had another shower ready for her spay tomorrow. Got of all of her bedding, washed and dried and replaced for tonight. Had lots of cuddles, licks and playtime, she is even more cuddly after a shower. 🥰 I think I may have overdone the treats today (ssh don't tell the vet!), but I felt so sorry for her as she has to fast from 8pm and probably won't feel like eating tomorrow. I really hope tomorrow is third time lucky as I really want it to be over and done with. 🤞
  • Got a lot of stuff done that I was going to have to do during the week, but done most of it in advance so I could spend as much time as I can with my furbaby! 🐶
I was accepted into my dream college, which is very competitive and tough to get accepted to 🥹 I just have to audition for their school of music, and then I’ll be set until next year 😌

I also ordered my own French horn today! It’ll last me for ages, and I’m so excited to grow as a musician with it 😊 I think I’m gonna name her Kathy 😂
Happy today because,

- I got to sleep in for a long time and really needed it. 💤

- Won the Eevee raid on my first try in Pokemon Scarlet. 🎮

- Finished playing Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail for the week. 🎮

- Had a delicious smoothie earlier. 🍹

- I'm really looking forward to this week! I only have to work Monday through Wednesday, and then I get an extended weekend thanks to Thanksgiving! 🥳
Today I'm happy because:

- I slept really well and got to sleep in this morning.
- I found out my sister-in-law is bringing the kids up during Thanksgiving weekend. I'm excited to see them!
- She also sent some pictures of the two youngest kids and said the twins loved their birthday presents last month.
- I wrapped my nephew's birthday present. I don't have to ship it since they'll be visiting it soon. I get to give it to him in person.
- My dog snuggled with me on the couch this evening while we watched TV.
- I only have to work three days this week due to Thanksgiving!
The situation with my grandfather is looking a lot better—despite some worrying symptoms, all of his physical test results came back just fine and he was able to go home last night. Cognitively he's definitely declining, but he's been doing better since going home and resting, so we think the hospital setting was exacerbating the situation a lot. I'm hopeful that things will go back to mostly normal now! 🤞
My family and I watched an episode of Fairy Tail and the latest episodes of One Piece and Spy x Family this morning! I know the most recent One Piece episode was mostly anime-original but I thought they did a fairly good job with it!
I played a lot of Fashion Dreamer today—it's a very simple game, but especially given how stressful the past couple of days have been, I think I needed something just straightforward and relaxing ahahah. ;w;
I'm not normally into the adoptable character selling/trading scene, buuut I stumbled across a super cute design for sale the other day and I was successfully able to purchase her!! ;v; Planning on drawing her soon and I might also use her as the basis for another Muse in Fashion Dreamer!
Also watched some Youtube videos with my parents this evening!!
Happies from the past couple days:

- Saturday: Was able to have a nice chill day with my family, played some board games for a couple hours, and we went out to this amazing pizza place for dinner! It’s been a while since we’ve gone, and it was really nice 😊
- Sunday: played some totk which was fun! Finally went to the yiga hideout, which I did all the outfit and blade master tasks for ages ago but never went to, and explored some of the depths. Also played some Pokémon scarvio with my partner in the evening.
- Managed to finally get some good sleep last night! I’ve been really tired lately and keep getting to sleep too late.
- Waiting to catch up with my friend at a park for a walk! It’s quite warm today so going to be sweating, but looking forwards to seeing them 😊
- I’ve enjoyed reading through everyone’s happies 😊

I was accepted into my dream college, which is very competitive and tough to get accepted to 🥹 I just have to audition for their school of music, and then I’ll be set until next year 😌

I also ordered my own French horn today! It’ll last me for ages, and I’m so excited to grow as a musician with it 😊 I think I’m gonna name her Kathy 😂
Congratulations, that’s amazing!! 🎉😊

The situation with my grandfather is looking a lot better—despite some worrying symptoms, all of his physical test results came back just fine and he was able to go home last night. Cognitively he's definitely declining, but he's been doing better since going home and resting, so we think the hospital setting was exacerbating the situation a lot. I'm hopeful that things will go back to mostly normal now!
Really glad to hear 🤞I hope things continue to get better for you and your family ❤️
My dad got us Olive Garden for lunch and it was so good. I had some spaghetti and have been munching on the breadsticks throughout the day.

Also, I just want to say that I freaking love this time of year. November and December are where it's at! <333333
I'm happy because:
-Yesterday I finally got to wear my Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail) cosplay to a mini convention my school hosted and it turned out so much better than I expected! I've never gotten that many compliments on one of my cosplays before so it made me happy😭
-Got to sleep in because I finished one of my classes 3 weeks early and don't have to wake up at 7am for it anymore haha
-Last week I sold my art as prints and stickers for the first time, and people actually bought stuff! It's weird to think my art is now displayed in other people's rooms and elsewhere...
-I get to go home today for the rest of the week, can't wait to see my family and my cats^^
I ate a sandwich. It's one of the first real things I've eaten in a few days since I haven't felt well. I feel a lot better than I did the past few days.
I'm happy about being welcomed into a friend group and to be hanging out with them this weekend. I used to try to force myself into groups because I envied the friendships of others, and wanted to experience it for myself. This only resulted in me getting hurt. To see effort put forth towards me is nice.
My keychain arrived in the mail today. It took a while as it was custom, and it came from a different country. My favorite anime lacks merch, so I was happy to get this. It’ll be recognizable to those who watched it, so I’m hoping people notice and compliment it. It came with the keychain attachment as well, so I was able to readily attach it to my bag. Additionally, I was sent some foreign candies along with the keychain, so that was nice. I love receiving sweets from around the world!
  • I had a great violin lesson yesterday, finally learning vibrato! :D
  • Work went well today. I have tomorrow off which I’m happy because I need to sleep in. I didn’t sleep last night, at all. I work Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. But I get thanksgiving off. Since the store is closed that day. Not exactly looking forward to my first Black Friday as a cashier , or this Saturday. It’s gonna be chaos but I’ll do my best to get through it. Then I get Sunday off.
  • I got my Turkey today and stuff to cook for thanksgiving. Also I found a delicious sounding Turkey casserole recipe that I’m gonna make with my leftover Turkey after thanksgiving. Excited about that!
  • I caught a lot of Pokémon with my Pokémon go plus + today going to and from work
  • I got 10,000 steps today according to my Fitbit. Since I started working on days I work my steps range from 10,000 to 20,000. It’s retail. It’s physically exhausting but I’ve lost 15 lbs since I started working there at the end of august so I’m super excited about that. I’m consistently more physically active than I’ve ever been in my life.
  • I’m gonna spend some time tomorrow on my day off painting my miniatures from my descent tabletop board game, with the new paints I just got! :D and plan on practicing violin a lot and getting a lot of cleaning and organizing done.
  • One of my cats (Mustachio) was so sweet this morning. She got under the covers with me and was on me purring and being a sweetheart ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Happy today because,

- I got up early this morning and was very productive at work. 📊

- I had time to play more video games and have time to play more even now. 🎮

- I went to martial arts tonight again and worked on some new stuff some more. 🥋

- I cuddled with my kitty earlier! She was very sweet. 🐱
There have been a couple of stressful days but still things to be happy for. I unfortunately missed the thanksgiving lunch at church yesterday because of work but my mom brought me home some really good chocolate cake.

Work has been crazy busy and the next two days will be crazier. I didn’t think I was getting help today but was so happy when they gave me some. It made todays busy day more manageable.

I’m glad we are closed for thanksgiving so everyone can enjoy the holiday. I have to work all next weekend but that’s okay since I will have next Monday and Tuesday off. Looking forward to having two days off in a row.
I got lots of Aurora snuggles when I got home from work and enjoyed the evening playing Pokémon Arceus.
Hope everyone has a great week.
Happy to report that my birthday went really well! ;w;
I watched a ton of GeminiTay's Stardew Valley playthrough! I had it playing in the background for basically the whole day ehehe
I played Fashion Dreamer some more! Created my second Muse, reached the end credits, and have been trying to raise NPC friendships so I can unlock more customization options that I want. Although no matter how aggressively I keep helping Rockabilly Billy and Hiding Hayden they REFUSE to GIVE ME THEIR EYES
I've had lots of good food and there's still some left over for tomorrow! We wound up just sprucing up my first cake because it was already four layers and as far as I'm concerned that's two cakes ahaha
Colored another page in my Stardew Valley Junimo Coloring Book!
I got Pretty Princess Magical Garden Island and some manga as a birthday gift!! I'm excited to play the former soon! ✨
And I received a ton of birthday wishes from the lovely folks on here. Thank you everyone, reading through all of your messages made me really happy 🫶
Today I'm happy because:

- I ordered my mom's Christmas presents last night! I hope she loves them. I got the idea from @/Xara. My mom also sang "You Are My Sunshine" to me as a baby and gets really sentimental about the song, so I bought her a themed necklace and matching bracelet. ☀️🌻
- My husband came up with a cool gift idea for a couple of our nephews. I just need to research it and see if it's viable. 🏈
- It was a stressful day for both myself and my husband, but we spent some quality time together this evening and I think it made us both feel better. 💕
- I have an appointment tomorrow with a new doctor. Fingers crossed that she can help me with something that's been irritating me lately. 🩺