• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

I've had a very productive morning so far! got up early to wash my face and brush my teeth, got dressed, went to the post office to drop off a few things, and went to the store to buy a few groceries since I got paid today! I also got a cappuccino and some doughnuts for myself and my mom. :coffee:

been talking to a few friends lately, namely @/Seastar, @/Merielle, @/Shellzilla_515, @/Foreverfox, and @/Roxxy. I haven't had a chance to really talk to Lori lately so that was a lovely conversation I had with her. 💙 I very much appreciate spending time talking to my friends. not gonna lie, I think I might be turning into a bit of an extrovert haha.

I'm planning on making a meatball sub for lunch before I head to work, looking forward to that! 😋

today I'm wearing one of my favourite outfits: my tie-dye Whistler Canada sweatshirt that I found at a thrift store in Mississauga (still wondering how a shirt from BC made it into a thrift shop in Ontario lol), black jeans, black Converse, dangly rainbow star earrings, and of course my puka necklace and black ace ring. I've got a whole vibe going over here. 🌈💕

I have a salon appt on Monday and I'm excited for that! I'm gonna get my hair trimmed a bit, and I'm also doing a consultation to see if they can help me decide what products would be good for my hair (I have semi-curly/wavy hair and this winter weather has been drying it out, I want to make sure I take good care of my hair so I can look my best hehe). It'll be nice to be pampered for a bit. 🥰

I got the situation with my student loans figured out, so I won't have to worry about that for now. I also made a payment on my credit card today! I paid more than what was on the bill for last month but I'm fine with that, this way I won't have to worry about paying it again for at least a few weeks. 😁

since I'm budgeting my money well, I already have quite a bit saved up for my next trip and I'm very excited about that! 💖🍁

one last thing, I put some new stickers on my mug today! a few of the old ones were messing up because they're not meant to be gotten wet haha oops. I added a shy guy, a chain chomp, and Waluigi with his tennis racket hehe. 💜🎾

SCREAMING I GOT MY FIRST NEW BRAND DRESS IN THE MAIL. I bought it during the summer and it's finally heeeere. Omg.
okay but this dress is absolutely gorgeous (It looks lovely on you btw) and now I want one 😭💗✨

Darling son has Covid 🙈 I’m still testing negative so 🤞🤞🤞💜

Exhausted but work ok, I’m off now for the weekend so just sleeping, chilling and mooching here (and annoying my lovely friends 😍🥰❤️)

December tomorrow and love everyone’s Christmas lineups 🥰 I really enjoyed making a plushie lineup as they just bring warm fuzzies 🥰 ❤️❤️❤️
I'm sure your son appreciates having you be there for him. take care of yourself please, hopefully you can enjoy the rest of your weekend. 💜
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the sea of stars soundtrack is now available on spotify!! 😌🎧

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Quite a nice and productive day today!

  • Me and my siblings spent the afternoon cleaning up the house, and in the evening we put up the Christmas tree together, and decorated our lounge! It's our first Christmas in this house, so we had to dig through boxes to find the decorations lol
    • treeee.jpg

      [*]I also hung up this over a doorframe which I was quite happy with!!

      [*]Gingerbread violence 😔
      gingerbread crimes.jpg
  • I haven't really been looking forwards to Christmas this year, but this was actually really nice to spend time decorating and listening to music with my family 😊
  • Found the last two shrines I was missing in totk!! Was very happy that I didn't have to look anything up. I've been trying to finish the shrines before going to hyrule castle , so now I can continue with the story.
    I did slightly spoil myself with one particular sky island shrine that I probably should have left until I had continued the story mission, but I don't mind as much as it was me naturally spoiling in game, so I can imagine Link realistically coming across it in his travels, then realsing the significance later on?
  • Changed to my Christmas aesthetic, and I'm happy with how it looks together! I really like how the two candy canes compliment each others colours as well as the moon bunny's moon. I'm looking forwards to the Christmas event ☺️
  • Finished the night off with some scarvio hide and seek 💚
- my moms speech is improving. Normally she struggles to say 1 or 2 words but this week she said a whole sentence to me. She said "thank you for being my friend". If anyone wants to know more about my moms condition you can google aphasia.
- christmas is coming and i promised the family i was gonna cook the turkey this year. My mom always does it but I guess it's time to pass on the torch. I fear raw poultry so imma over-cook that bird so bad
- my aunt gave me 100 bucks to cover the turkey. I told her I'd pay for it but she insisted. Turkeys are usually 50 bucks max so imma go find the biggest baddest turkey available. Imma pick out an absolute unit
I ended up buying a printer last week with BF sales going on so I'm excited to crack into it and set things up, the goal with it is to start a little sticker shop. 💕 And of course, giant new piece of machine means reorganising, so I ended up putting a small shelf to have a little more display room and I just like the way I set it up, looking at it makes me feel happy, lots of my my favourite things together haha.


Also today, ended up talking a bit with someone who is buying a couple things off me, and it just felt so fun to chat with someone local who collects what you collect, and they even have a couple of the items I desperately want so now I get to be envious, but also happy to know they (the items) live somewhere in this city at least lol. :ROFLMAO:
- I got to sleep in, which was much appreciated since I'm still sick. 💤

- The Dallas Cowboys beat the Seattle Seahawks 41-35 last night. I was skeptical that they could pull it off, but they really did! 🏈 🔥

- I cuddled with my kitty again today. 🐱

- Finished work for the week and a huge assignment, despite only having three days to have worked on it this week. Pretty proud of that. 💚

- Thank you to everyone who gifted me Christmas Lights! I really, really appreciate it, even though I'm not sure I'll be gifting any to anyone this year. Kind of trying to save my TBT at the moment. 🎉

- Despite today being the three year anniversary of the day my mom died, I haven't thought about it too much, and all my friends and family have made sure I stay cheerful, so thank you~
  • I quit my job tonight. After consulting my therapist first. It was wrecking my mental health. And just wasn’t worth it in the end. The job itself was the problem not work in general. It was the specific toxic environment and disrespectful managers and treating employees like crap. I’m relieved for multiple reasons. One, I no longer have to deal with that nightmare. Two, my elderly cat Maybelle died last night , now I have time to properly grieve. Three, I have some kind of sinus /cold thing going on and feel really unwell physically so I have time to rest and try to enjoy the holidays as much as I’m able to, with my other cat Mustachio.
  • My sister brought Maybelle to be cremated, her ashes will be back to me in 1-2 weeks. It will be good to have her “back” in a way…
  • I started Christmas shopping. I should have all of it completely done by next weekend. I’m happy with the gifts I’ve picked out for everyone. Speaking of gifts, I put some money towards some gifts for the cats at the cat rescue I volunteer with. I got them a big toy, some small toys, some treats and blankets cause they always need blankets for their cages, so they should have a good Christmas. ❤️🙂
  • I ordered pizza and a Philly cheesesteak sub today, and some chocolate lava cakes which was a really nice treat.
  • I had a good appointment with my therapist and she really validated my feelings about my cat Maybelle passing and about my decision to leave my job
i’m struggling, but i still have some things to be happy about. 💖 i hope you all have a wonderful first weekend of december!

☪︎ i participated in tonight’s tbt neighbourly games mario party superstars session! i haven’t played mps in a while, so it was so lovely to boot it up and play again! tonight’s game was so much fun! i came in second place (a first for me!), and i got a hole in one in the chip shot challenge mini-game! i usually suck at that mini-game, so i was completely speechless LOL. i wish i had thought to nab a screenshot of it, but i was too busy being shocked, haha. so, so grateful for the tbt neighbourly games sessions; they’re always such a blast! 🫶

ִ ࣪𖤐 it’s finally december! i can’t believe how quickly this year has flown by; it feels like just yesterday was new years eve, and i was taking shots and watching movies, LOL. i’ve talked a bit about how september - november is a rough time of year for me, so i’m really grateful that those months are over and december is here at last! i’m so excited for all of the christmas and new years celebrations that’ll be happening this month. 🥳 it’s also been snowing nearly all day, which is the perfect way to ring in the new month! ❄️

𐦍 bonk has blessed me with some more cuddles over the past few days! we’ve been playing a lot still as well, and nothing makes me happier than seeing how happy it makes her. :’) my silly, annoying, sweet little baby, i love her to pieces! 🖤

i bought a blue rocket pop collectible the other day! i’ve been contemplating it for a while but wasn’t sure, but i finally decided to take the plunge when i came up with a lineup using it that i absolutely love! i was a little worried that it wouldn’t go behind my yellow rocket pop like i wanted (i really didn’t want to have to try and date-trade with all of the pops having the same timestamp 😅), but thankfully it did! i’m so happy and excited!

𖤓 i’ve been trying to be more consistent with my skincare and self-care lately, and i’m already noticing a difference! i struggle with chronic depression, so hygienic tasks like showering, washing my face, brushing my teeth, and overall just taking care of myself has always been a challenge. i’ve been trying so hard to change that these past few weeks, as i know not taking care of myself and feeling gross just makes me feel worse. i’m currently experiencing a depressive episode, and normally i wouldn’t be taking care of myself at all, but i have been! already i’m noticing that my skin feels softer and that there’s hardly any dry patches anymore, my hair is softer, etc etc!! taking care of myself has been helping to boost my mood a little bit as well. it’s been hard, as embarrassing as that probably is lol, but i’m still so proud of myself. i’ve created a set routine for myself, and i’m so glad i’ve been sticking with it!

☪︎ i’ve sold a few more of my unused collectibles! i feel like i’m constantly changing my mind as to what collectibles i want to keep and which ones i don‘t lol, but every time that i get to clear out my inventory a little makes me so happy! it also makes me so happy to see my collectibles that i don’t use in other people’s lineups. ☺️

ִ ࣪𖤐 i’ve received christmas lights from a few of my dear friends tonight, and i’m so, so grateful! i’m so lucky to have the friends that i do. 🥹 i’m still a bit undecided on whether i’ll be sending out any lights myself this year as i’m a little broke and am trying to save up tbt, but i feel like i’ll eventually cave and send some out, anyways. i can never pass up an opportunity to send things to my friends and show them my appreciation. 🥹💖 hehe i caved and sent lights, i love my friends. 💖

- Despite today being the three year anniversary of the day my mom died, I haven't thought about it too much, and all my friends and family have made sure I stay cheerful, so thank you~
anniversaries are so rough, but i’m so glad that you’re doing okay today and that you have a good support system in place. sending you hugs! 🫂💜
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-Although I woke up a bit late this morning (curse you last night’s earthquake!) I still managed to finish most of my shopping.

- I received Christmas lights from -Mars- which was a wonderful surprise. I honestly wasn’t expecting to get any this year. I’ll try my best to spread the kindness.
I received some lights from a few lovely people here. I was unaware of them being available in the shop, so the sweet messages in my inbox were a nice surprise.
I have a bunch of closing shifts next week but I've been told that things should be back to normal the following week. Someone needed the whole week off and gave very short notice. The manager assured me there's always a reason as she wouldn't just rid me of my morning shifts for no reason, lmao.
Work let out early enough that I was able to pick up some of my favorite soda from the store.
I cleaned up my room a little and it made me feel productive. I usually wait until my day off but it needed to be done.
Today I'm happy because:

- I worked from home. It was cold and rainy so I'm glad I didn't have to go out.
- I had a few productive meetings for a change and got my most important tasks completed.
- My dog snuggled with me on the couch this evening while we watched TV.
- I received a few Christmas lights that I wasn't expecting! I will be sending out some myself over the next few days.
- I have the weekend off and I'm looking forward to sleeping in.

it's friday yay! and it's my birthday weekend yay!
Happy Birthday this weekend! I hope you have a wonderful time!
  • Though I did not reach the 50,000-word goal for NaNoWriMo, I did get just shy of 36,000 words in over the month, which is... way more than I expected.
  • Also, @/Alolan_Apples gifted me some Christmas lights earlier today! If you're reading this, Apples, thanks for that!
  • And it's the weekend! Me and my mom are planning on doing some things over the weekend, so I'm hoping it'll be as great as I'm hoping it'll be!
EDIT: Oh my god! Thanks for the lights too, S.J.!
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Got my mom's Christmas presents ordered!! She's been quite insistent about wanting a t-shirt with the hairy beast I drew for the Haunted Carnival on it, so I've made that happen LOL. Also made a surprise bonus version with a Santa hat drawn on it, which I can't wait to see her reaction to ahahah
I've received some Christmas Lights from some of my lovely fellow TBTers already!! 🥹 I'm also hesitating to send out as many as I usually do this year, but I still plan to send out a few, and I treasure all the kind messages I'm sent.
My mom and I watched some Youtube together! We've been playing a lot of ImpulseSV's Phasmophobia stream VODs with Grian/Scar/Skizz/GeminiTay and they're a lot of fun!
We weren't able to get ahold of any of the Pillsbury Halloween sugar cookies for spooky season, but we lucked out and were able to find some of the Christmas variety!! ;v; It's been ages since we've had any so I'm looking forward to them.
I finally finished unpacking today! I'd already finished most of it but still hadn't put my Switch and the games I brought back in order, so I took care of that.
And I played Pretty Princess Magical Garden Island!! It reminds me of ACNH crossed with one of those mobile resource/production games (without the microtransactions and excessive wait times), and it's pretty cute! I've already unlocked a pastel green hair color, which I'm really happy about. I'm really enjoying collecting the dresses and clothing items too.
Saturday, December 2, 2023
  • What a lovely way to start the day to discover I had received some Christmas Lights with the loveliest messages. I love the Christmas Lights, but the messages are always so special to me. 😭 (You know who you are!💜)
  • The second thing within 10 minutes of getting up this morning I looked out the window with just street lamp light and was met with the most beautiful wintry scene, it had been snowing!!!!! Not just a thin coating like we usually get, but a thick covering! The kind that when you walk through it, it crunches and leaves a proper footprint! I checked in my ‘Basset Hound book’ and Basset Hounds and snow don’t mix on walks as their stomachs are so low to the ground and their ears drag, so I didn’t take Blossom for any walks today. However, I couldn’t resist introducing her to snow, so I took her out into the garden to see how she reacted. If she didn't like it or showed signs of distress I would have brought her back in, but she absolutely loved it! So much so that she didn’t want to come in!
  • Tried a limited edition can of Willy Wonka’s Candy Can Toffee Apple drink. It was really nice!
  • My Fahlo Polar Bear tracking bracelet has been dispatched! It left New York this morning so hopefully I will receive it earlier than planned!
This one is for the lovely @Croconaw! Hope you enjoy it! 🐶❄️
Positivity before I crash so forgive me if I ramble on 🥰

I am so happy and grateful for my beautiful gorgeous amazing friends on here 💗💗💗 The Christmas Lights just make my heart smile and I am so grateful to be thought of and remembered ❤️ To everyone who send me lights and precious messages I am forever grateful. You are amazing and I am so blessed to have you in my life ❤️❤️❤️

Aaaaaaaannnnnddddddd (most will know this as I am so grateful for all the love, support and beautiful messages I have got) I got my dream come true, forever, couldn’t even hope for heart wand 🥺🥰🍾 the thanks will sound like the Oscar’s 🏆

I need to thank @The Pennifer for love and support and the tbt to get my dream ❤️❤️❤️ I am on my knees with gratitude to @mogyay for gifting me Celeste as without her and it would never have happened 🙏❤️❤️

Also thanks to my darling friends @S.J. ❤️❤️ @Aquilla ❤️❤️ and @JemAC ❤️❤️You have been my rock. Couldn’t have got through this year without you 💕💕💕

I am so grateful to have this amazing place. I am so honoured to have amazing friends (you know who you are and ily ❤️)