• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

☃︎ Today is my dad’s Birthday!! 🎉 He typically doesn’t like to do much for his Birthday, so we didn’t have any big plans or anything, but I think he’s still had a pretty good day! I’ve honestly been anxiously awaiting today as I got him a present, and my dad is hard to please, so I’ve been so anxious that he wouldn’t like what I got him. For context, my dad loves Minions. Like, loves them. He’s like a little kid when it comes to them, lol. So, I got him a Minions tote bag! I think he’d like just about anything so long as it‘s Minions-themed, but he already has a bag that he uses to carry his stuff in when he goes out, so I was worried that he wouldn’t need/want the Minions one. Turns out my anxiety was for naut though, because he loves the bag!! He was practically running to take all of his stuff out of his old bag and put it in his new Minions one! 😂 We also had teriyaki chicken for his Birthday dinner, which was so delicious! Overall, I’d say today was a success! ☺️🎉

☃︎ I tied for 4th place in Classified Celebrations?!?!! It was honestly such a shock to even make it to community voting at all, so actually seeing one of my entries up there amongst so many unique, creative and beautiful entries is truly such a gift. I’m not gonna write out a “victory speech” or anything as I always feel so annoying LOL, but I’m very grateful! It’s an honour to be up there at all, and tied with one of my loveliest friends nonetheless! 🥹💓

☃︎ I already showed this photo to Bug (@/xSuperMario64x) during our chat yesterday, but wanted to show you all my silly, very dusty Bonk as well! This was about 20 minutes after she got so excited that I was finally awake that she accidentally knocked her water dish over. 😂

☃︎ I helped make dinner yesterday! We had stir-fry, and I chopped up the meat and vegetables for it!

- My cat, Silky, had his 10th anniversary of being with us the other day!! Gave him lots of cuddles.
Silkyyyyyyyy!! What a handsome little baby 🥹🥹 I can tell his 10 years with you have been full of nothing but love! May you have many more years with that sweet baby!! 🖤

I was one of the winners of the new gen wand raffle??? 😭 With the odds as they were I definitely wasn’t expecting anything, so it was a really cool surprise when I decided to check in this afternoon! Hoping to use my new butterfly wand towards some of my dream collectibles ;w;
I was so happy to see that you won a wand!!!! So, so happy for you Meri!! I hope you’re able to use your new wand as leverage for at least one of your dream collectibles!! 🫶

- I'm still in disbelief that I won an OG glow wand yesterday. I'd like to thank @Roxxy for kindly donating a green crescent moon to my lineup & also @Aquilla for giving me ideas for lineups (and for trying to yeet a butterfly collectible at me) <3 you guys are da best
MOCHAAAA!! I was so happy to see your name up there, congrats on your beautiful flower wand, my beloved friend!! You’ve been absolutely killing it since you came back from your hiatus, blessing us with your beautiful art and now that your gorgeous new wand!! And your lineup rn is so fresh and beautiful to look at!! Love this for you 🥹🫶
@Croconaw Happy Birthday 🎉 hope it’s been a great day.

I’m happy it’s been a great day off. Me and Aurora had a nice long walk this morning. Me and mom went shopping this morning and was able to get our errands done before the rain. We had a nice relaxing afternoon . Played ACNH and finally placed the campsite and payed off a bridge. So that will be built tomorrow.
Had lots of Aurora snuggles.
We got an evening walk after the rain.Aurora got to play with her friend Charlie. Now just relaxing fishing on ACNH. Hope everyone has a great week.
- my moms doctors appointments went well today and they say she is healing well from her stroke and that she's not at risk for another blood clot (I'm secretly still concerned about her having another stroke but my mom looked relieved so that's good enough)

- were ordering pizza for dinner

- our landlord did a yearly inspection of our place and said it looked good. She also came in looking for my bunny Leo to pet him and we told her about how he passed away. She was so sad. She's a great landlord who understands I need bunnies

- it's suppose to snow and I'm excited but also scared cause traffic gets wild when it snows
I got the Glowing Butterfly Spirit I’ve been after thanks to Cheremtasy!! ;v; The date worked really well with some of my other 2022 fair collectibles too aaaa 🦋

I’ve gone through and added some more pictures to my new desktop wallpaper collection! It’s been nice just going through and looking at some of the art I have saved ahahah

Watched GoodTimesWithScar’s final Hermitcraft Season 9 episode with my parents this evening, and also got to see Markiplier’s most recent Lethal Company episode with my mom!
It has been a while! 😭

Today I'm happy about:
- Donut is making progress on 'leave it' and 'shake.' She is also doing a lot better with her name, sit, and using the leash

- Bagel sandwiches for breakfast

- A warm lead for a potential job opportunity

- Started using Daylio to track my daily mood (I find the tracking aspect easier & better visually compared to a physical journal)

- I've actually felt okay today! I had a homemade cinnamon roll for brunch, and then vegetarian chilli cheese fries for dinner as a reward for getting my blood test done today (I have a major phobia of veins so it was tough :eek:)

- It was also bright and sunny today, which boosts my mood
i got saved by in super mario bros. wonder at the end of the first special world level and it's made my day!! i died near the end and the i saw someone was 20 metres away. i yeeted over towards the person and there were actually 3 homies waiting for me at the end of the level heh- toad gang rise up!

Proud of my work ethic today.

I was feeling exhausted all day and heard some unfortunate news, which made me really sad. But instead of letting myself drown in it and phoning it in at work, I used it to propel me just by remembering the phrase, "we must keep moving forward for those who cannot." I managed to go beyond what was required of me at work today, which I'm extremely happy about. This is what means to go beyond.... plus ULTRA! 😤
- I plan to watch the new PJO episode when I get home since I passed out last night before it aired.

- The cast list for my school’s spring play came out today. My boyfriend and I are playing police officers (I get more lines than him hehehe), so now we’ll be known as the gay police officers 👍 (yes my friends love mercilessly teasing me)

- Overall, I just had a chill day. I’ve had a terrible past few weeks, so I’m grateful for these days.
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-My boyfriend had a long day of school so when he got home he FaceTimed me and took a nap. I decided to make him something while he was asleep so I wrote him his Valentine’s Day letter early. I’m not giving it to him until the 14th though 🤭 He loves outdoing me and he said he’s gonna make his four pages long this time 😭
-I finally decided to play Animal Crossing New Leaf again after maybe 3 or 4 months of being inactive and I happened to come back on September 15, 2023 in game, which is the day my boyfriend and I got together. It was a crazy coincidence but it made me laugh.
-I cleaned my room and took my Granny some food and groceries! The roads have been super icy and snowy, so she hasn’t been able to get out lately. I decided to bring her some stuff and visit her for a bit.
-On the way home from my Granny’s house, I stopped by Dollar General to pick up a face toner mist that I really wanted. When I went the other day, i decided not to get it. Then, i installed OnSkin, which tells me if a product is safe and a good match for my skin type. It told me that face toner was perfect for my skin and would help me a lot, so I went back for it today! 🥰
-I watched a few episodes of Schitt’s Creek today while I cleaned up. It’s super funny and a good show to pass time with.
I’m still adding more pictures to my new desktop wallpaper collection! I think it's going to be an ongoing project for me for a while, but at least it's fun to work on ahaha

I think I’m steadily getting better! Things of course built up during the time I was sick, so I’ve been trying to ease back into things. c:

Watched some Youtube videos with my family—we’re caught up on our usual channels we watch, so we saw Tango’s compilation of all the Easter egg discoveries in Decked Out!

And I played through the Dramatic Fair in Fashion Dreamer! Despite my mixed feelings on some parts of it (Type Bs didn’t even get a full outfit?? where are the pANTS), I’m really happy with the colors I chose for my set! ^^ I also love that they finally added an option to sort by colors; the way this game defines color is definitely a bit weird, but it's made scrolling through my inventory and completing Lookits a lot less painful ;u;
I was very happy today because it was my birthday! I ended up having a very relaxing day, just taking it easy and playing some video games for the first time in close to a month! I got to spend some quality time with my family tonight and enjoyed a delicious birthday supper, a wonderful birthday ice cream cake, and received quite a few gifts from them! I'm also very appreciative and grateful of all the wonderful birthday wishes I received from TBT members today! All of you definitely helped make this day even better! ❤️ My best friend also helped make this day extra special for me with all the thoughtful things they did for me today, and I'm forever grateful for the lengths they go to make not just my birthday special but every day special! 😇
  • I don’t feel as miserable even though I still am technically positive for Covid cause I just tested again. All the other symptoms are gone now. But I have new symptoms. But they’re not as bad as the previous ones just more annoying than anything. Anyway, this is a really weird virus. This is my first time having it, I’ve never really experienced anything like it before in terms of the wide range of symptoms and severity. I’m ready to be 100% better. But I rescheduled todays appointment so I don’t have to go anywhere since I’m still positive for it I don’t want to spread it and get people sick. But the good news is I don’t feel as miserable and I can relax at home and use it as an excuse to rest and enjoy some of my hobbies like videogames and reading. Trying not to over do it in regards to physical activity because I started cleaning my apartment yesterday and got really worn out fast and my head started hurting. .
  • I played kingdom hearts with my boyfriend tonight. Basically we just FaceTime each other and play on our own systems as we talk as we’re currently long distance. It was a lot of fun, we also watched some Naruto on Hulu over SharePlay
  • My cat Mustachio is adorable and sweet and I love her very much
  • I haven’t drawn the past week but I plan on trying to at least start a sketch later today (it’s 2am now, can’t sleep)
  • I signed up for a free trial of audible and used my free credit to buy the biography of Mozart by Jan Swafford called Mozart: Reign of Love and started listening to it. Super excited. My boyfriend is currently reading the paperback version. We’re both musicians, he plays guitar, I play violin , ukulele and keyboard, so we’re both into that stuff :)
I turn 21 on Monday* and I know what my partners gotten me. It’s my life long dream - A gamecube and the original Animal Crossing. I’ve only ever had it on emulator and he knows it’s been my life dream to own every Animal Crossing... It must have cost him so much! that game is a collectors item these days!!

I had a gamecube once but I had to sell it to make rent and I never used it because I only wanted Animal Crossing. When I told him why I sold my old gamecube he said he has to get me one now. I am so loved and so fortunate to have this - 21 is going to be good for me

* As a side note; being called Monday and having my birthday on a Monday this year makes me feel so powerful
My favorite person knows Stitch has become one of my favorite Disney characters after my trip to Disney World last year, so naturally she bought me a Stitch plush.
I washed my fitted sheet and blanket. I do this more often than most people do, but everything is nice and clean now. I love sleeping on clean sheets.
I'm somewhat excited about my tax forms coming in soon so I can do my taxes and get a refund. It should be bigger this year. Last year's was trash given the stimulus checks we had to pay back. I'm expecting the forms to be here by the end of this month. #adultlifeLOL
Today's been a great day!

- Got to sleep in, which was much needed. 💤

- I've had a fun time at work today. 🥳

- Speaking of work, I'm off tomorrow, so I get an extended weekend! 🎉

- Having fun building Dr. Ratio in Honkai: Star Rail and plan on playing more Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail, and watching more Haikyuu this weekend. 🎮 🏐

- The weather outside is finally not freezing, so I was able to order groceries! 😋

- Very thankful for the continued support of my family and all my friends. 💚
I had really good dreams last night and I think it’s left me in a good mood all day aaaaa

Slowly but surely catching up on housework and things!! I’m already feeling much better now that I’ve just picked up a little c:

Worked on rebuilding my desktop wallpaper collection some more!

A button I ordered of Lupin from Code: Realize arrived here today!! ;v;

Watched LDShadowLady’s newest video (along with some other short videos) with my parents this evening! 🌻 The build was gorgeous and I love all the cool things she did with command blocks!

I played a little bit of solo mode Fashion Dreamer, and also worked on some creative stuff!

Gourdy GET!! As a major Halloween lover, I’m so happy to have a full collection of the pumpkin collectibles now ;w; I’ll be crossing my fingers for another so I can have a full row of them!! 🎃