• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

Again, I watched a lot of Youtube today ahaha. My mom and I got to see SolidarityGaming's Minecraft Manhunt live and watch Markiplier's most recent episode of Lethal Company later, and we all watched some other short videos too.
I spent a good part of the day grinding Solo Mode in Fashion Dreamer some more! What's funny/sad is I've already met two of the three most sought-after NPCs (Out-of-Reach Orihime and Encouraging Eleanor), and already gotten the former's unique hairstyle... when I haven't even been hoping for them specifically. ;u; I just want Seeking Zeke to show up, I need his eyessss
New official art of one of my comfort characters I LIVE
Also, I'm feeling really proud of myself today! Even though I still feel like crud and setting up/switching electronics usually gives me a lot of stress/anxiety, I worked on setting up my replacement laptop some more today, and made sure I'm all set and ready to go for creating art on there. (y) I really want to make my goal of fully transferring over to my new laptop by the end of this month aaaaaa. Baby steps!!
I hope you all have a wonderful, safe weekend! 🫶

☃︎ My mom and I were able to go out the other night! We picked up the new ring my mom ordered for herself, Bonk’s new toy, and my new phone case! I really like my new case; it fits perfectly, though it was a little hard to get on, and it even came with a screen cleaner! 🦋 My mom likes her new ring as well, and Bonk enjoys swatting at her new toy every once in a while, lol. My mom and I also went to the store to pick up some stuff, and she treated me to a delicious smoothie before we went home! I decided to go with one of my usual flavours instead of trying a new one this time, and it hit the spot! 🤤
It’s pretty much just a bird on a stick. 😂 It came with two more birds that we can attach to it, but we decided to start her off with just the one!

☃︎ I’m so in love with the adorable bongo bab art of myself that the amazing @Aquilla graciously made for me! It’s made me so happy seeing so much of her beautiful art around, and to have a piece of it myself is an honour! 🥹 I never ever take for granted the time that so many of my dear friends have spent making art for me, request or not, and I’m forever grateful for every piece that I have. To see my characters in so many different styles is truly a blessing! 🥹🎨

☃︎ Bonk has blessed me with a couple of cuddles since I last posted! I was honestly feeling really down and unloved earlier and was just going to go to bed, but Bonk started pawing at my leg when I went to say goodnight to my mom, so I sat in the chair and she climbed in with me. 🥹 She’s actually still with me as I’m typing this! I may not be anyone’s favourite person, but I’m Bonk’s favourite and she loves me, and that is the greatest honour. 🥹🖤

☃︎ My mom told me that she ordered me a gift for my Birthday, which is still over a month away! I honestly have no clue what it could be since she already did so much for me this past year and for Christmas, but I’m very excited to find out! She keeps trying to convince me that she got me a live Texas Longhorn, which… obviously not. 😂 They’re very cute, though!

I have plenty of time to rest. I tested positive for Covid today and feel absolutely horrible but I’m glad I don’t have any commitments and can rest the next several days.
Man, you really can’t catch a break lately. Covid is such a beast. Make sure to rest as much as possible, cuddle with your precious kitty, and take care of yourself! I hope you feel much better soon! 🫂

I hadn’t looked at the Fahlo app to track my Polar Bear and Penguin for a few days, so I looked and both were updated. I was a little disappointed when I got a message in the app to inform me that the tracker for Regina was no longer working.:cry: I know this happens, but I only got the bracelet just before Christmas. I was impressed when Fahlo gave me another penguin to track! My new penguin is called Braveheart! 🐧

I bought the Procreate app for my iPad. Even though I am very bad at drawing, I am having a lot of fun!
Oh no! I check in on my hammerhead shark every day, and every time I scan the QR code for his tracker I’m so scared that it’ll say it’s no longer working. I’m sorry about Regina, but Braveheart sounds adorable! 🥹

Also, nonsense about your drawings! I’ve seen the ones you’ve posted in the sketchbook thread, and they’re all so lovely!
January 12th:

• My house is spotless. It won't last, but I'm so happy with the work I put into it. Also I'm obsessed with these flowers. I mixed two bouquets of roses and I really like the outcome.

• We had another couple over for dinner. I made a halloumi pasta bake served with garlic bread and it went down better than I expected - all plates were cleared. After dinner they introduced us to Flavor of Love and I wish I could erase it from my memory.

• I baked a cake! 💛

I watched the last few episodes that released today of the Total Drama Reboot! I wasn’t expecting much from a Mkulia standpoint (the lesbian Julia x MK ship), but we got the most wholesome moment between these two. That hug was adorable and if we get a third season maybe it’ll set up for something more. I’m just happy they parted on good terms. AND ALL OF THE OTHER MOMENTS WE GOT!! Based on the ending, I believe there will be a third season but it isn’t officially confirmed to my knowledge. I’m satisfied with how everything ended, especially with what I mentioned in the spoiler. And that I got to watch them before work, thanks to the quick uploads on YouTube since I’m not in the UK.
I had a smooth night at work yesterday. The morning person actually washed the morning utensils before he left. I always do, so I’m guessing good deeds will come back to you although it’s not a deed and it’s literally called doing your job. Thus, I was left in a decent position. I’m on the morning shift today which I’m happy about as that’s my preference.

I still have yet to receive my employee review but I’m almost certain I’ll be getting a raise. I was hired as the highest paid in my position to start because up until that point, I’ve been borrowed so they knew my work ethic. I’m being paid a lot for what I do, but I appreciate the appreciation, for lack of better wording.
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I’m happy I had a good day off today. Was able to sleep in and felt better then I did yesterday. Me and Aurora got a nice morning walk. Me , my mom , a friend of ours and her son went to the manatee viewing center today. It was a beautiful day . We got to see so many manatees , stingrays, birds and sea turtles.
They are a little hard to see since they were all underwater.





We got PDQ chicken on the way home and it was really good . Had a nice relaxing evening. Me and Aurora got a second walk. Then played ACNH.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
I watched an episode of Hunter x Hunter this morning with my family! We also got to see some short Youtube videos together.
Made really good progress on setting up my new laptop! I got a lot more done on it today than I was initially planning to, and I'm honestly hoping I might be able to fully switch over sometime tomorrow! 🤞
I played Fashion Dreamer some more too! Then I decided to finally start playing Cattails (which I think I bought on sale years ago now asjksdlfj) and am evidently having fun with it because I lost track of time ahahah 😅
Today I'm happy..

-Im not as sick as I thought I was, so I'll be able to go to work tomorrow, thankfully. I'll be wearing a mask for good measures, though. Since I get off realitivly early I might stay for a movie if I feel well enough.

-I reached 7 stars in Pokémon Arceus today after braving the Hippopotos. I say braving because it was terrifying lol. I was on edge, and trying to avoid the Hippodon chasing me around whenever I got a Hippo. Hippos are really protective of their kids in real life, so I feel like there was some inspiration there. Defently felt like I was going against a real hippo.

I finally survived a Space Time Vortex, and managed to get a few cool Pokémon. I usually die from those. But I got a Steelix, which is one I've always wanted to use. Then a sneasel, ursarang, and Likitung.

- I got alot of work done on my commission, and I'm pleased with it ^^ All that's left is to add some more color.

-I started a new BL (Boy love) today, and it's pretty cool. its a little more Yaoi then BL, but I like the characters so I'll see where it goes ^^;

My favorite BL realised it's final book, and I still have yet to read it. So sad it's ending, but I'm excited to see how it ends!

Sherbie's birthday is this week, and I'm excited to see who's celebrating with him. We're both January babys lol.
Super happy, realised that my 3DS wasn't charging a few days ago, so I ordered a new charger off of Amazon, hoping that the problem had been with the charger and not my 3DS. Happy to say that my 3DS is charging again! I'm very relieved, it means I don't need to buy a new 3DS, and I can keep up with my village in AC: NL without them all moving away 😅

- It's a cold, sunny day today

- Also got some packing cubes and compression socks with my package, travel accessories 👍

- Got the day off work today, and tomorrow I'm finishing at 12pm which is nice (just wish I wasn't starting at 7am ☠️)
i'm happy that it's likely going to snow tomorrow and into tuesday! we have yet to have any meaningful snow where i live and, as much as i hate not being able to leave my house, i would like to see some pretty scenery at least once before spring. i do wish i had a car that i could drive in the snow to get out and enjoy it (maybe go on a hike or something!), but mine sits so low to the ground so... yeah i'll likely be at home for a day or so haha. i'll still enjoy it anyway!
-It’s day 4 of having Covid. Some things have improved. I don’t have a fever anymore. My entire body isn’t aching like it was for days. Im less exhausted. The headache is gone. My resting heart rate is back to normal along with some other health metrics being back to normal. I still have a cough and now I have really bad congestion. But I’m hoping over the next couple days that clears up. I’m still taking it easy though because I don’t want to over exert myself and end up worse. It sucks to not be able to breathe out my nose but I’d say about 80% of the symptoms are better now. My god though. This has been rough. It’s has felt like the flu x100. I have never been so sick, glad I got all the vaccinations cause it could be worse.

-My cat Mustachio has been really sweet. I feel bad because I haven’t been playing with her much the past few days. Haven’t had the energy too but hopefully soon I will.

-I’m making a carrot cake later. It’s just a box mix. With cream cheese frosting. But I love baking stuff even if it is a boxed mix. It will put me in a better mood. Also the good thing is I didn’t lose my sense of taste with Covid so I’m lucky in that regard. And my appetite is starting to come back so I want something special.
This weekend has been super relaxing so far! I managed to defeat Team Plasma and Ghetsis in my Pokemon White 2 Nuzlocke, so this is officially the furthest I've ever made it in a B2/W2 Nuzlocke while still having all my team members intact. If I manage to make it to the Pokemon League and defeat Iris, it'll be my 4th Nuzlocke victory in a row (White, Platinum, SoulSilver, White 2)! 🥳

It's 15 degrees Fahrenheit outside (-9.4 Celsius) and freezing, so I had some hot cocoa for the first time in a long time. It was the last packet of it left and it tasted very good.

The Packers were leading the Cowboys 27-0, so my dad and I started singing about how the Cowboys suck even though we're Cowboys fans, LMAO. :LOL:

Looking forward to playing more video games today and watching more Haikyuu!!
The last few days has been really difficult. Was sick yesterday; kept getting nauseous while playing genshin (the camera moving while climbing gives me a little motion sickness I think and being sick made it worse).

Yesterday my mom made chili; I’ve been wanting her to make it again since she mentioned we haven’t had it for awhile. It is so delicious!

This morning Spanky made me happy; I finally had my camera with me when I caught her climbing in her sushi house the wrong way 🙂.


I love them both so much 🥰. Jewels is sleeping on my bed; I covered her again under the little blue quilt and gave her cinnamon bun toy to hug (I love giving them toys to hug while they sleep ☺️)
  • I was stressing over how much I have to do tomorrow and how I don't feel I've recovered from the extremely busy days I had towards the end of last week yet, so I texted my partner to ask if I could raid her snack stash for comfort food. She not only said okay but also came home with a cheeseburger, chicken nuggets, and fries from McDonalds for me (nostalgia = comfort). 🖤

  • I started Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin last night and wasn't sure I liked it. I gave it another go today and I'm really enjoying it! So much so that instead of going to bed at a reasonable hour it's midnight and I've the PS5 on. Oops. Oh well, I'm having fun! 🎮
I received birthday messages from a few friends. Not only did my favorite person message me at midnight as she does every year, but she also got me a bunch of gifts. She brought them to my work. My dad told me her car was broken (which was obviously a lie), as she wanted to surprise me. I thank anyone who took time out of their day to wish me a happy birthday. I had some birthday cupcakes from work, too, since word got out that it was my birthday. I was trying to keep it lowkey.
I blessed my eyes with more content and art of my favorite characters.
I had a delicious bourbon burger today that I got for my birthday.
I've finally got to witness the Detroit Lions win a playoff game. It hasn't happened before in my lifetime until tonight. Last time we won, it was all the way back in 1991.

Same old Lions? Nah. Not this time.

Nice! I'm really pulling for them since they're the favorite team of someone I know. Hopefully they make it to the superbowl and win. It would be amazing. 🤩
I’m typing this from my new computer AAAAAAA!! It’s taking some getting used to (and I need to do something about my extensive desktop wallpaper collection bc my aspect ratio is different now), but it runs so much faster. I’m finally done switching over and I’m so so happy to have met this first goal of mine for the year!! ;v;

I also treated myself to a little bit of merch shopping as a reward for getting this done with hehe

I’ve officially joined Aquilla’s bongo army!! My little bongo Shino is so cute, I love my new pfp so much 🥹

I watched the latest episode of One Piece with my parents this morning, and we caught up with our usual Youtube stuff later on this evening! Also got a little bit of chill gaming in today as well

I thought I was feeling a bit better yesterday and I think I’ve improved again today—I’m still sniffly, but I can breathe through my nose consistently and I don’t need a tissue constantly anymore, so I’m very glad about that! I’m definitely at the point where I want to Do Things again, but I’m gonna try to take it easy for a couple more days at least just to be safe ;w;