AroAce, ASD, and Proud ^^
* Rooney is moved in on Sakura (since I reset my NL and NH a couple weeks ago) ^_^
* My dad thinks that my doctor is finally done with filling out the physical evaluation aspect of my paperwork, so he should get an appointment set up with the psychiatrist finally ^-^ He even told her a little bit about me, so she should already have an idea. (I have been waiting since September 14th)
* Me and my dad should be going to the store in the afternoon (I do not know if my brother will come, he usually stays behind for store trips). I actually like going to the store, so I can pick out some yummy snacks, and things to eat for lunches and dinners on weekdays.
* Another reason I am looking forward to tomorrow is because my brother should order yummy fast food for us for lunch (he usually does this on Fridays, though there are unfortunately some exceptions).
* My dad thinks that my doctor is finally done with filling out the physical evaluation aspect of my paperwork, so he should get an appointment set up with the psychiatrist finally ^-^ He even told her a little bit about me, so she should already have an idea. (I have been waiting since September 14th)
* Me and my dad should be going to the store in the afternoon (I do not know if my brother will come, he usually stays behind for store trips). I actually like going to the store, so I can pick out some yummy snacks, and things to eat for lunches and dinners on weekdays.
* Another reason I am looking forward to tomorrow is because my brother should order yummy fast food for us for lunch (he usually does this on Fridays, though there are unfortunately some exceptions).