• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

* Rooney is moved in on Sakura (since I reset my NL and NH a couple weeks ago) ^_^

* My dad thinks that my doctor is finally done with filling out the physical evaluation aspect of my paperwork, so he should get an appointment set up with the psychiatrist finally ^-^ He even told her a little bit about me, so she should already have an idea. (I have been waiting since September 14th)

* Me and my dad should be going to the store in the afternoon (I do not know if my brother will come, he usually stays behind for store trips). I actually like going to the store, so I can pick out some yummy snacks, and things to eat for lunches and dinners on weekdays.

* Another reason I am looking forward to tomorrow is because my brother should order yummy fast food for us for lunch (he usually does this on Fridays, though there are unfortunately some exceptions).
January 18th 2024

I've been so ill the past month that I've had to cancel on a number of plans and generally just haven't seen friends unless they've come over to the house. Last night, I caught up with people over board games at a local bar. It was great fun, and I left with so many new plans in my calendar. I'm glad being unable to meet up for a while hasn't lead to people thinking I'm not prepared to put in the effort for them. 🖤
Hello again! It feels like ages since I last posted here, but I've found it difficult keep up with things while also working on events. I'm all caught up now, though!

To everyone who has been sick, I hope you feel better soon.

@oak I am so, so sorry to hear about Leo. I sure you gave him his best life, though. ❤️‍🩹

Now, on to the things I've been happy about since my last post:

- I have seen lots of adorable animals. Squirrels, bunnies, birds, deer, cats, and both new and old favorite doggos around the neighborhood.
- I've enjoyed seeing all the pics of your lovely animals in this thread. Blossom, Bonk, Keagan, Aurora, Pippi, Silky, Donut, Spanky & Jewels are so precious. I hope I didn't forget anyone because I love seeing all of them.
- My dog has been laying with me instead of my husband more often lately and it makes my day every time it happens. We had a friend over last weekend and Tanuki laid with me nearly the whole time.
- Said friend brought me a late Christmas gift. He had ordered it early, but it was delayed. It's a wall plaque of Kena surrounded by the rot babies from the game I've been playing. I love it!
- Speaking of Kena, I've been making progress in the trials. I've completed most of the bonus objectives now. Just a few more and I'll be ready to enter the final segment of the game.
- I had so much fun hosting Reindeer Roundup and it made me really happy to see the positive feedback from you all. I was both excited and nervous to do something clue-based because I wasn't sure how well I would do at coming up with clues. Now I feel more confident. I'm ready for Easter. 😏
- I had a really nice Christmas with both my family and my in-laws. My niece and nephews didn't make it in for a visit, but I shipped their gifts to them. I got texts from the older kids and my sister-in-law sent me pics/video of each of them enjoying their presents.
- I made the decision to go full vegetarian again. I've been transitioning over as I finish up the food I already had and now I only have 2 more meals with chicken before I'm done. I should have been done by now, but I've found myself procrastinating on eating them because I honestly feel so much better on the new diet. I'm also so happy that my husband has been so supportive of me doing this. Where I live, vegetarians are still a bit of a rarity and he's the first person who never questioned me or looked at me like I was crazy when I said this was something I wanted to do.
- We've also been walking in the evenings when I get off work most nights. It feels good to be exercising again.
- When we went on a walk today, I glanced back at the house. In the snow, I could see a row of little squirrel tracks running up and over the roof.

I hope you've all been finding reasons to be happy!! Let's hope 2024 is a good year!
- my target for this week was 2000 words for my thesis, and I managed 1,945! I’m determined to hit 2k tonight 😊

- the school I want to interview for my thesis got back in touch, so I can head over there on Monday and knock out 3 interviews! I want to do 5 total but my supervisor said it’s not an issue if we only manage 3 due to time restraint/workload. I’m glad to get it out of the way in one day so I can focus on transcribing/analysing the rest of the week!

- I finished the 1st Harry Potter book! Never read any of the series before and we’re off to a good start. I set myself a goal this year to read 20 books and so far I’m on book 2 (almost 3!) 😊

- making a curry for tea tonight - my favourite!!
It's been snowing quite frequently over here the past couple of days (if only the sky would just dump a bunch of snow at once, though... I would love a complete whiteout, a pretty yet treacherous winter wonderland, fufufufu~) and so, time to break out the classic winter-themed music I listen to every year when it snows. Brrr so chilly, maybe I will turn into an icicle? 🥶🥶🥶

Here are some of my favorites to listen to while watching the snow fall outside my window:

Also, I'm happy I could return to one of my older short stories and improve it here and there, by adding some new details and expanding upon certain elements, and flesh out the characters some more. And all that good, wholesome stuff lol

Edit: here's another one I forgot to add because lately I've been a total idiot lol

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more ''after'' clearing of my room: desk edition ^^ it looks alot better now 🤗
another clearing on a whim, so no ''before'' photos....





please don't mind the dust on the floor 😑

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Yesterday a friend checked up on me on discord; I’m extremely grateful to them and for listening to me 🙂. It really means more to me than they know. I’m really glad to have friends that understand me and understand the importance of mental health and time not talking is a form of self care. It doesn’t make me incompatible as a friend, even though I’ve been pretty much paranoid about that since a year or so ago. I’m slowly moving on in other ways thanks my friends and acquaintances here and how supportive everyone has been, and the friends I made on cat twitter. 🙂 (sorry too i repeat myself a lot but some things like gratitude since one time saying thank you really doesn’t sum up that gratitude).

Did someone say pancakes? 😸 Pancakes (one of Jewels’ nicknames 😅😹) enjoying her little cinnamon roll 🥰. I love her so much. She has such a cute little kick when she plays with her toys like this. 🥰
● Date night! 🌹 We ordered in dinner, shared a bottle of (non-alc) prosecco, and baked several batches of mini cheesecakes for friends we are seeing on Sunday. It was supposed to be followed up with a horror film, but it was almost midnight by the time we finished up in the kitchen, so we'll save that for tomorrow evening.


● I introduced my partner to Bowling for Soup while we baked. I originally put on one of their newer albums, but when she said she had never heard any of their music I had to share some of their more iconic tunes. They've been one of my favourite bands for 20+ years so it was nice to share that with her. 🎵
I'm on vacation to stay over with some relatives in the DC area where I grew up in. Not much has happened so far, but here are a few things that made me happy.

- I went for a walk outside and the snow was so mesmerizing! I even saw some kids sledding in the backyard and it made me feel nostalgic, it brings back memories of my childhood 🏂❄️
- Read a book and the story is getting exciting.
- Slept quite well today.
- Showed some pics of Luna to my relatives that cheered them up.
Luna picture 6.jpg
Luna sleeping on my lap 3.jpg
- Ate some yummy food from Chik-Fil-A.
- Worked out for the first time in a while.
Today I'm happy because:

- It's Friday! I completed the tasks I set out to do for work and now I get to enjoy the weekend.
- I saw the Akita on our neighborhood walk today.
- Luna and Jewels look so adorable!
- I changed my aesthetic for Edgar Allen Poe's birthday. I love my Grinch look, but I'm ready to be done with Christmas.
- I've been getting back to doing more self-care. I let a lot of things lapse during the holidays, but it's time to correct that mistake.
- I'm comfortable being who I am and happy that I have a partner who appreciates me.
A second Jack Jeanne Shuffle Mini-album has been announced!! I don’t even have the first one yet but I'm super hyped aaaaa

I decorated my laptop with some of my stickers today!! It feels a lot more personalized now (and also nicely covers up the spot left by some of the brand stickers that were on it) and I’m really happy with it 🥹



Got some ice cream after going out to take care of some errands today, and it was super good!

Watched a little Youtube with my family, including SolidarityGaming’s Minecraft man hunt stream! We missed seeing it live but were able to catch it later.

I did a little bit of solo mode grinding in Fashion Dreamer before switching over to Rune Factory 3 Special!! I completed several requests, got to go on an unofficial date with Shara, and continued ineffectually trying to woo Ondorus with juice even though I know he’s not romanceable aksjdfkldjlsk
I’ve been in a lot of pain since my temporary medication has finished but still got some things to be happy about.
  • Cleaned the carpets.
  • Kept the place tidy in general.
  • Bought a new USB fan.
  • Played New Leaf several times and got all of the fruits with the help of @/Liz! I can finally grow banana trees! I am very excited about that!
  • Can download more games from the Nintendo eShop since my new micro SD card arrived.
  • Played some Pokemon: Let’s Go Pikachu! Caught some new Pokemon and won 2 gym battles. I love Pidgey! The lovely @xSuperMario64x helped me with some questions I had about the game and helped me understand a lot better than I did! I'll probably have some more soon!
  • Hollyoaks has been amazing this week, especially the hour-long edition. So many twists, turns and returns!
  • My Fahlo Shark Bracelet has finally been dispatched! I’ve been waiting since Christmas Eve! Should arrive in a few days, fingers crossed!
  • Got Blossom some new toys and treats. One of them is a gorilla, I've named it Al, as it reminds me of Al from Animal Crossing! I have been trying Blossom out with some different food, but the big hit seems to be a hard-boiled egg. She absolutely loves it, and she always licks her bowl clean! I love watching her eat something that she really likes! She has been so cuddly the past few days and sitting up on my lap. We couldn’t go out yesterday as even with my winter boots I didn’t fancy risking outside as it was like an ice rink. Even pulling the bins up the driveway was a nightmare. It looks as if today will be the same! Hopefully, she will be in the mood to snuggle again!


Blossom decided yesterday after running down 6 steps, she needed a rest! :ROFLMAO:
  • Finally, I managed to get in contact with my Rheumatology Nurse to confirm I could start my new medication. I started them yesterday, but it could take 3 months to start to take effect, so I will try to stay positive!
Also, nonsense about your drawings! I’ve seen the ones you’ve posted in the sketchbook thread, and they’re all so lovely!
Thank you Xara! 🥹This is why I love TBT, as everyone is so encouraging about everyone's art and interests. Usually when I start drawing, I end up stopping as I feel ashamed of it, but I am determined to keep going this time! It's the one forum I feel I can be myself! 🫂
  • I printed some reference photos of Sora and the other characters from Kingdom Hearts so I can start trying to sketch some of them! I’m excited! I haven’t been inspired in awhile to draw anything but starting to play the Kingdom Hearts games inspired me because the art is so awesome.
  • I sketched a random set of anime eyes I came up with and face. I think it came out pretty well considering it was totally random and a 5 minute sketch at 3am. I just wanted to get myself back in the groove of sketching everyday.
  • I painted/put base coats on more of my miniatures from one of my tabletop rpg boardgames. It’s so relaxing to paint while I listen to music or an audiobook.
  • I feel 100% better from Covid now! My sleep schedule is all messed up , hence me being up right now at 3:30am. But I’m hoping to reverse it so I’m staying up till tonight then going to sleep at a normal time.
  • Been watching more of the anime Black Clover and thoroughly enjoying it
  • I started journaling again
  • It’s the weekend! Which means I have my violin lesson tomorrow! I’m also working on learning a song from Naruto on my ukulelele.
  • Been watching more of Naruto with my bf everyday, we’re about 100 episodes in so far. It’s his 2nd time watching through them all it’s my first time watching them and I really am enjoying it!
  • I evolved some pokemon on pokemon go. I have to take a walk to the pharmacy later so I’m gonna bring my Go Plus Plus and use my daily adventure incense and see what I catch.
  • I don’t know if I mentioned this but I get to go on a trip to NYC on Thursday. I’m super excited. I’m from NY state and live in NY state but I’ve somehow never been to NYC. But we’re driving there (it’s a 2 1/2 hour to 3 hour drive) for a breakfast event because I’m one of the nominees for tenant of the year in this region so I get a certificate and all the other nominees in the region will be there as well. So yay super excited! Also extremely happy that I don’t have Covid now so I can actually go. I would have been so disappointed if it had ruined it because it is a one time thing.
♡ i took friday off for my birthday, i had nothing special to do, i just enjoy not having to wake up early for work lol
♡ i got cake
♡ got some money from my family
♡ a final fantasy book i ordered at the end of december arrived, for a while i could only find french copies, so i’m happy i finally got an english copy
♡ my cousins came over and we played mario kart
  • Been watching more of the anime Black Clover and thoroughly enjoying it

I'm so glad you're enjoying Black Clover! Despite loving My Hero Academia, I REALLY love Black Clover as well!!! I've watched every episode of both the sub and dub. 🥳

I really loved reading about what all of you are happy about! And thank you for the pet pictures, that is instant serotonin boost, haha. 💚

I'll make this post an all-in-one weekend post, but today I'm just happy because I joined a new and fancy gym! I wasn't expecting much when I went there, but it really blew me away. I can't wait to start exercising outside of martial arts!!! :blush:
I'm so glad you're enjoying Black Clover! Despite loving My Hero Academia, I REALLY love Black Clover as well!!! I've watched every episode of both the sub and dub. 🥳
I’m so happy I found it it’s a great show! I’m only about 32 episodes into the first season , so I’ve got a way to go but I love it so much already! 😃 I’ve never seen My Hero Academia but maybe I’ll check it out when I’m done with Black Clover 🙂
+ The week one paper assignment I did for my capstone class grade came back, I got a 95%! I'm really pleased with that since I do have simple things to fix in comparison to others who got their grades back.
+ I completed the week two paper assignment last night and turned it in early so I have the weekend to myself though I think I may try and fix the items that need to be fixed from week one.
+ I'm probably going to play some games today since the weather is rainy and that calls for staying inside and having a nice relaxing day.
- A GL novel I love got licensed for an official English release!!!

- Had a nice chat with my dad this afternoon.

- Had a flapjack with some tea. It had apricot in it which was pretty nice.

- Finished reading LOTR. There were some bits I really liked and some bits I didn't like so much, but overall it was a fun read!

- Now that I've finished reading I have time to draw! I wanted to do both but I only really have time to do one thing after work, and I've been itching to work on a piece that I started so I'm excited to get back to that.