What Are You Happy About Today?

Today I'm happy because:

- I've completed my most important tasks at work and didn't have to work late today or yesterday.
- I have very few meetings scheduled for tomorrow so I'm hoping to get caught up on some other things.
- The weather is finally starting to warm up. I don't feel like I'm about freeze every time I step out of the house.
- My dog has been so snuggly with me in the evenings. I absolutely adore him and love the affection from him.
- My doctor's appointment is on Thursday. Hoping it all goes well, but it'll just be nice to have more info.
Though it is more of a this month thing....

> My dog will be fixed soon and she is almost done with her cycle, meaning the process will be smoother for her than if she was in cycle during that. It took forever for her to get on the list.
> My aquarium stuff is almost ready. I have some empty small tanks trying to cycle right now for my main tank when it is done curing and moved into the house. I still have a long time ahead of me before fish though. But it is still exciting.
> The past couple of weeks have been a struggle both physically and mentally, but I feel like things are looking a little better now. I'd like to talk about it more, but it's probably pointless and may sound more negative than what is intended anyway (tone is absent from text).
> The snow is gone, for now.
> Palworld has been a most welcomed blast. Infact, I normally play games with my spouse and his friend when playing multiplayer, but since Palworld has gotten so many players, our friend found friends to join our map so we have more people for that game at least. It makes it feel more like an MMO, something I like. Makes the world feel more lively.
A catch-up for the last few days!
  • On Sunday evening, the fabulous @Mr_Keroppi , DM’d me and was so kind to help me out a lot with ACNL! They brought me all fruits, bells (a lot of bells!), presents and even paid off my PWP! Thank you so much! It makes me want to play New Leaf even more now, since I’ve got a lot of bells!
  • Blossom has been very snuggly the past few days, and needed a lot of petting as she seems a little unsettled during the storm. She hasn’t been bothered by the weather or even fireworks before. I don’t know if maybe her spay has something to do with her change in behaviour towards the wind and rain battering off the window.
Even though this morning was a little unsettling, I still had a good day.
  • Went out this morning even though it was wet, windy and very cold for some shopping. I bought Blossom some treats, a Valentine’s toy, a Easter Egg (which will not last until Easter!) and Morris Monkey!
  • I also booked Blossom in for her annual vaccination and health check for next week.
I thought chocolate was bad for dogs and you have scooby doo chocolate. ?
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Don't worry! It's special chocolate made especially for dogs. (It states on the front of the packet 'Doggy Chocolate'!) She only gets a few squares at a time! 👍
Oh ok I was just worried about that. Glad it’s just for dogs, does Blossom enjoy it?
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I have over an hour and a half left at work today! (If my boss comes in on time)
So I have the rest of the day to enjoy myself.
Could organise my photography, play games or finish of my miniature DIY study room, and get some chores done! Been meaning to spring clean as well~☆
January 23rd 2023

My back was feeling strange so I went for a bath with muscle soaks, then wrenched it trying to get out again. My partner responded to this by helping me to the couch, preparing a hot water bottle, and buying me dinner. It was very much appreciated, especially given I was in no fit state to stand and chop vegetables for the spicy orzo I was supposed to make! 😅

I host a gaming event every two months for another website. It's only for the site's volunteers, intended as a team-building activity, and last night's session went well. It was a smaller turnout than usual but it was still fun to catch up with everyone. 🎮

I'm in a bit of a gaming rut after completing two action RPGs in 10 days, not sure what I want to play next, but I did boot up Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and got my sixth gym badge. 💪
Highlights for the past couple of days!

- Planning for a small birthday party has been fun, went out to the shops today to get a couple of things!

- I've had some lovely chats with people over the past couple days, namely @/Xara and @/Midoriya 💚

- Got around to changing my aesthetic! I'm happy with the green and black theme, since those are my favourite colours 💚🖤 Grateful again for the beautiful @/Yanrima~ art ;u;

- I've been able to do some art and play some more genshin! Been having fun with the story and side quests.

- I got my hair cut earlier today, been meaning to for the past 8 months or so so it was well overdue 😭 The lady was very nice but cut it in a different style than I asked (I just showed her photos of how I had it before I accidentally let it grow out), but I'm not minding it so far, good to try something different!

- Went to visit my partner yesterday which was fun, very chill day.

- We're having my nanna over for dinner later, looking forwards to seeing her ☺️
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
  • My Fahlo Shark Tracking bracelet arrived! It's been a long wait, I ordered it on Christmas Eve! My shark was named Poseidon, until I discovered Poseidon's tracker was no longer active! My new shark to track is named Mia! The Fahlo app had an update and is much better than before!
- My. Band. Concert. Is. Today. We sounded amazing in this afternoon's rehearsal, and I'm praying we sound just as amazing tonight, if not better.

- I finished a bunch of assignments, so I'm happy to have cleared my backlog a bit.

- I just saw the news about Ahyeon returning to BabyMonster and I am so happy. Also, their new single is expected to release February 1st, there's a mini-album dropping April 1st, and they're hoping to release a full album in the fall. Now, all I need is a Blackpink comeback and my life will be complete.

- Speaking of k-pop, I just found a Korean rock band called Rolling Quartz. One of their songs came up as an ad, so I decide to listen to it and now I'm in love.

- My band outfit looks amazing! I tried it all on when I got home and I love it so damn much.
On a positive side of things, supermarkets, pharmacies, etc. are stocking up on Valentine's Day goodies, which is always fun to see.

Celeste is that you?? 🥰🦉💕 I was almost tempted to pick her up.

Someone at work today complimented my hair. She said she likes it and that it looks pretty. I’m not good with compliments on my appearance in general since they are mostly gendered one way or the other, but it made me feel nice. Additionally, I finally squared off my sideburns.
I came into work today with the pleasure of seeing that someone else had put away the order. That’s normally one of my tasks on Wednesday, and I truthfully wasn’t feeling it this morning, so I’m very grateful for that. They didn’t have to help me out but they did. I also worked my entire shift, and I got my hours for the day.
I unfortunately didn’t get much sleep last night, but I have the day off tomorrow. I will be able to sleep in!
I’ll be playing a bit of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe tonight, as well. That should be fun!
I'm happy because I finally got around to sorting out the study and spare room. We moved in at the start of September, and it took us about a month to sort these rooms out initially, but then in November we decided we should swap them around due to the internet not being so great upstairs. It's taken until this evening for me to actually do it - decided on a whim at 8:30PM and I didn't finish until after midnight. I need to order storage units for the study (and my partner wants to get a new desk) but it's so nice that we won't have to have the doors to these rooms closed whenever we have guests over now! :D
I completely reorganized my crawlspace. Those rooms are the worst anyway, but I had way too much crap. I threw away a lot of stuff I didn't need and moved it all around. Now I can actually move in there. I should had taken a picture of a before and after.

I always wanted to do that, but I never took the time. Or when I did someone would cry that they need to keep this stupid thing that they haven't used for 6+ years. Nope, not anymore. Deal with it.

I plan on fixing up and clubbing my basement and this was the start of it. It will be a long project, but it's nice to have all that room and not feel like I am going to trip over myself or kill my back trying to get something out of there. I would love to actually make it deeper so I didn't have to be hunched over, but that's just too expensive of a project even if I did it myself. So organizing and getting rid of crap was much easier.
I finally got a new job after hunting for a little while!! My new boss told me when I went there the other day that I could have the job on the spot because he was so desperate for workers. My brother worked for him a few years ago, and he loved it. My best friend also just got a job there too, so we’ll be working together. I got my drug test done today and it went well. I’m super excited to start Monday, but I’m also pretty anxious.
My Code: Realize clear file arrived today!! ;w; It’s such cute art and I’m super happy with it.

I bought another character on Toyhouse ehehe! 🌠 He perfectly fit an aesthetic/theme I've had stuck in my head lately and the design really resonated with me. ;v; Now I just gotta make time to draw him and my other characters and the other designs in my head that I haven't put on paper yet and and and

I played Rune Factory 5 some more today! My grape tree (...yeah) finally grew, and I think I’m getting closer to finishing some of the requests I’ve been working on for some time!

I watched some Youtube with my family, including Markiplier’s latest episode of Lethal Company!