What Are You Happy About Today?

It is Friday! 🥳🥳🥳
I cannot put into words how happy I am to be done with work for the week. Now if I can just switch my brain off from work for the weekend that would be the cherry on the cake.

Bought a bottle of wine on the way home and intend to order a pizza and watch The Queen's Gambit. Perfect for a night in.

I was very busy last weekend so hoping to spend as much time as possible with my furry sons this weekend. My partner snapped this photo last night and I love it.


I'd picked Seb up so she could clean his eyes, and he just stayed like this purring in my arms for a solid half hour after. 💕
I went out in the sun and planted some seeds!! Today I planted larkspur, delphinium and wolfsbane <3
planning on doing some more gardening over the weekend, but it's getting ready to rain so I called it a day LOL

it's amazing how much going outside lifts my mood lol
after 4 videos of subtitling my digimon appmon, yujin & offmon's image song, slow starter, i decided to just simplify it & just re-eng subtitle it & then try again with the romaji subtitling.... it ''might'' be slower to finish it this way, but it's best for me to do it for this particular one :3 ...

if it takes another day after today to finish the eng subtitling, then so be it, i guess 🤷‍♂️
this'll be the only one that that happens with, though 😅 )
simple is best, though, right?

(i'm not THAT happy about it, but.... eh... it's what i want to do 🤷‍♂️ my other videos on lightworks are limited to three (raw, eng sub & romaji sub... alright, four, with the off vocal)... i'd rather keep that rythem going
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I'm just really overflowing with joy right now! I love all of my current friends so much, they mean so much to me. I'm also happy today because I was able to get out of work early and got paid, and then I got to play some Genshin Impact co-op with a friend of mine. I'm in Hulbury City now in my Pokemon Sword playthrough, so I almost have two gym badges towards finishing the game and helping my other friend out. Just ordered my favorite iced coffee drink that I haven't had in awhile, so I'm looking forward to drinking that and just generally having a cozy evening. Also! The Dallas Stars return from hiatus tonight. It's a battle of the division leaders as the Stars take on the #1 seed Winnipeg Jets. Should be a great game to watch. Hope everyone has an amazing weekend! 💚
My mom and I stayed up to see the blood moon lunar eclipse last night!! The forecast was iffy and I wasn’t sure if it was gonna work out, but thankfully the sky stayed clear the whole time we were watching!! ;v; We even got to see a shooting star! 🌠

I watched some Youtube, and worked on art for a little while!

My parents and I started watching GeminiTay’s Impossible Minecraft video! We also just watched a few cat videos too ahaha

I got some gluesticks!! I’d been out of them for ages and have been doing all my crafts/journaling/etc. with regular glue or tape 😭

And I enjoyed playing in the Among Us session tonight! ^^
I’m happy because I’ve been having a nice discussion with others about character building and I’m really enjoying thinking of ideas and hearing about everyone’s OCs. I’m think I got some vague ideas of what other types of characters that I might want to try making later.

I chatted a little with @Xara :D; I felt a bit better after talking to her.

I feel like it helped taking the day off of Among Us today, even though I really wanted to play. I think it was for the best I waited until I felt a bit better.

I’m happy in pocket camp there are some more goals; I really want to get more complete tickets and leaf tokens so I can add more to my campsite 🙂.

That’s it for now 🙂.
Yesterday was a mixature of bad/good things~

Since I worked afternoons and closing on Thursday, I was able to get everything ready, so Friday morning was so lax, I just had to deal with common customer orders.

Yesterday was my aunt's birthday, so we went out to see her son's gravestone, as her ashes were put there too. Despite the situation with how bad his area was, the weather was so lovely for my aunt's birthday as we cleaned his gravestone for her.
Like, it was so lovely, sure cold, but felt really refreshing.
We saw a lil fluffy cat visit the graveyard! How adorable~ We bought some lovely flowers to lay there, my mum wants to get a plant next time.

As sad it is to see all the poor people who passed there, it was lovely to see how much they were loved. I saw two graves with Chinese inscription, and I believe they must've both been parters as the surnames were the same and its lovely to know they're both together, next to each other.

After that, we went back to the town area to look through some charity shops, my mum was hoping to find a two piece suit, retro style for her band that's coming up, couldn't find anything sadly, but we did find some nice things.
I found some spirit guide tarot cards for a friend, a cat statue wearing a witch's hat and on atop a book. A new painting, but my walls have no space for it >.<
A native american girl doll, a new spellbook for seasons, Eden of the east anime film, in CEX they had Vic amiibo card. Can't remember if i have him already, but be useful for a trade?

They had a wimpy burger place! An old burger joint, like mcdonalds, but they do breakfast as well, and wanted to try their unique pattys. Hard to choose what to eat! >.< if I had more money, I would've gotten other food. I bought my mum some flowers, and she bought herself some flowers in another shop.

Going back home, we went to get a microwave food for dinner, had rice and teriyaki meat for dinner.
- Work yesterday was uh...interesting. Glad it's over! A mix of good and bad honestly. I have moved back to the downstairs office (good) and one of my colleagues got me a box of chocolates (good) 😅

- Officially off work for 9 days now, and about to do my first trip of 2025!! Going to the Balkans for the first time! I hope to backpack around that area eventually so I guess this shorter trip is like, a taster session ✈️ This will be my second ever solo trip so I'm a little nervous, but my last one was amazing so fingers crossed this time goes just as well🤞

- My dad got back from Budapest and he bought me a t-shirt as a souvenir like he usually does (I been using them as pyjama tops)

- I was pretty ill yesterday, especially after work, I caught a cold apparently, but after an 8 hour sleep I feel better. I had lots of delicious food today too! (BBQ chicken pizza and some fresh cream cakes ❤️) It is also a lovely sunny day, flowers are blooming, it really feels like spring!
i've finished eng subtitling my 'yujin & offmon's image song - slow starter'' amv on lightworks!! : D

once i've checked it 'twice', i can romaji subtitle it... 🤗
that'll either be tonight or tomorrow, as i like to keep the romaji subtitling to just one day... it feels kinda awkward with that if it goes on more then one day, really 🤷‍♂️

actually, you know... i think i ''might'' save it for tomorrow, cause of the reason i mentioned : 3

i know one thing, though.... after romaji subtitling it, never again will i make it hectic for me like that again! never again! > <
it was a bit hectic, i must say
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it was worth it, though : >
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I needed a day off so bad. I fell asleep really early, slept 10-11hrs, and also ended up taking a nap during the day.

Made myself a pork stirfry for dinner and just been taking it easy. I purposely made twice as much so there is some for lunch tomorrow too.

Right now I've The Queen's Gambit on and a glass of cab sav. 🍷

Spent some quality time with my fluffy men today (they also cuddled up with me during my nap!). They took their anti-hairball meds without fuss and were rewarded with treats. Now Delta is watching Cat TV (yes I'm raising an iPad kitten) and Seb is enjoying pets without his brother's usual interruptions. 🐈


I can't believe they're almost 7 months old! 😱
There might be more later for me to post but I want to get an early post in to help my mood improve more since posting here helps get me to focus on the positive things.

Last night I got a complete ticket in Pocket camp and I got the furniture that I needed & wanted next from the fortune cookie set.

Now, I want another traditional house, multiple of the stone rugs, more fences and maybe a few of the lamps. I’m thinking maybe for my next complete ticket or the one after, to get a different cookie, since I need more for the middle ground area and am not sure yet what fortune cookies would be best for my idea. I had listed a couple previously but one or two won’t work since they have snow on the furniture (except if I want to swap out some for seasonal variation of the layout). So many cookies I want; really tough to settle for only one or two 😅.

I think I finished my first reference sheet for my first character idea; might make a second sheet to go with it eventually to organize my written ideas for the character like their background.

I’m glad my sister’s dog went home today (I thought she’d be here one more night). This morning for some reason she came upstairs which she never does, and one of my girls hissed at her. They hadn’t hissed at her at all until she came upstairs. This week has been awful and having her here just made me more stressed.

I’m glad I’m feel better enough to play Among Us tonight; I really could use some laughs and the sessions are always good about that :D. I’m especially looking forward to my snacks 👀🍽️🍞🥔🐲.

I got a lot of snuggles from Spanky earlier ☺️. Nothing beats snuggles from my girls. 🥰

I hope everyone is having a good day today 🙂
One of my favorite shows has official merch now, and I just had to get something! I bought the exact replica of the shirt my favorite character wears. I can’t wait for it to arrive.
I’m listening to the Kings/Predators game, and that’s making me happy.
Someone at work has a vacation soon, so that means I’ll be able to work more hours and get a bigger paycheck that week.
Watched an episode of Hunter x Hunter and Haikyu this morning!! Later on my parents and I watched some more of GeminiTay’s Impossible Minecraft video too.

Off to a great start on Pocket Camp Complete’s fruit collecting event!

Saw either two huge slugs or the same one twice!! Either way v cool, it had pretty markings, kinda like tree bark/a stick, and I love slugs and snails 🫶

I felt like I just really needed a rest today, so I spent most of the afternoon playing Pokémon Omega Ruby! ;v; I did some exploring and caught all four of the Regis, and just got to the Sea Mauville! Hopefully I can explore that tomorrow if I have the time. c:

I had a lot of fun playing Among Us this evening!! I was impostor like… three times… it worked out but ohh my god the adrenaline LOL poor Grace got the worst of the imp curse by far tho

I think the rest day accomplished what it needed to! ;w; I was feeling kinda down this morning and was a little worried about my mood, but I'm feeling much better this evening.
Posting again because I’m feeling much better than earlier. There still is a lot that is on. my mind but tonight’s Among Us session really cheered me up a lot. I was happy to see some more people show up to play too :D. I’m seriously so grateful to everyone; we got such an amazing group ☺️.

My mom is going to make me potato pancakes this week :D (sounded good after all the talk about snacks and potato pancakes tonight lol).

Exchanged kitty pictures with @Xara and had a nice little chat ☺️. It helped get a little bit off my chest.

In Pocket Camp, Cyrus had some furniture that I like 🙂. I like the cauldron but I’m still debating since I need to watch how much of the crafting essences I use since I go through them very fast. I wish we could change the color of furniture though (both fortune cookie and limited time sets). The graveyard piece might work with my idea if the color of the lighting was red maybe. 🤔

Today was honestly not bad 🙂.
- Had to make a quick change of plans last night, but fully rebooked my trip (decided to head to Prague instead!) and didn't lose out on much money which is nice! I really love central Europe (my last European trips have literally all been there) so I'm sure I'll have a good time

- It's a beautiful, sunny day!

- I did some much-needed cleaning last night and now the house is looking good 🤗

- Had protein pancakes for breakfast