What Are You Happy About Today?

I'm happy that I've made some really great friends on here, who have always been there for me. :)

Know that I appeciate you guys.
Found a copy of Wii Fit with the Board! A bit expensive but the store guy owner let me have the board even though it was intended for someone else "You're more important than the other customers" aha. Pretty sure he was joking but it put a nice smile on my face :) Also had a good talk with some coworkers today c:
I lost some weight, finished my park on acnl and also got the perfect town+ for 15 days so I got the gold watering can! :)
I slept through most of the night and woke up feeling as good as I could feel. :)
I got a Steam gift card from my partner so I managed to grab some games on sale. :3
I’m happy that I’m drawing again after a really long pause and it’s almost my birthday !
I get to spend it with online friends that I made ! ♪♪
My mom and I discussed me possibly getting a service dog for my severe anxiety, since they know someone who has Golden Retriever puppies. That would be so great :blush:
I'm happy that my job has been a lot less stressful since I switched teams. I've really been feeling the benefits of the change lately.
I'm happy that I'm pushing 100 hours on Stardew Valley. It's been my escape since last summer and my crutch since I went off of my anxiety/depression meds...that, and my kitten.
January is almost over! I'm so happy about that right now.

Oh yhea same.

Also got the two dresses I ordered today, mail company forgot to alert me but luckily the lady having the store could send me tracking today and it arrived today so picked them up after work :)

(also yeah our mail company sucks so hard like..that's what u get for selling it out capitalist way)
Finally got my car back! It's been in the shop for almost a week and it was the second time this month. Keeping my fingers crossed that it's fixed for good.
i skipped class & played acnl all day :lemon:

Sometimes that's the best thing to do for mental health lol

I scheduled an appt with a hair stylist today! I'm gonna go in tomorrow at 3pm. Super excited, it's been about 5 years since I've had my hair cut by a professional stylist :blush: