What are your Monthly Subscriptions?

I get Nintendo Online on a gift card basis and have access to Netflix and Disney+ thanks to a family member. I try to avoid trials out of paranoia.
Mooch family subcriptions for Hulu, Netflix, Disney Plus, Nintendo Online, Crunchyroll and Amazon. Pay for three or four Twitch subscriptions, three different Patreons creators, Google Play Pass, Google Play Music and Playstation Plus for myself. I probably ought to cut down on the Twitch stuff since I don’t watch them often anymore, but I do like supporting my favorite creators.
Currently have NSO, Netflix, PSN (if that counts) Sisters let me use their Hulu account & Comcast. MIL let’s me use her Disney+

1. What are some you think are interesting concepts but don't use?:
I always wanted to try a meal food service such as hello fresh or blue apron, though I know I probably never will. Also thought about Japan crate, love anything Japanese!

2. What would you like to have that doesn't exist currently?:
Anything nostalgic, 90s theme box subscriptions? If they don’t already exist.

3. Do you use free trials often?:
Why, yes I do! No shame, unless I forget to cancel before they charge me lol. Currently on a Panera bread free coffee all summer trial. ^.^ even tho their coffee is kinda shyt

4. Subscriptions you used to have but no longer have?:
YouTube red & amazon prime.
Amazon Prime
Apple TV+ (free one year trial)
Apple Music
iCloud storage
Nintendo Online
TheVeganKind box

PlayStation Plus - I've barely used my PS4 this year but will probably resubscribe at some point
Kindle Unlimited (free 30 day trial)
Fitbit Premium (free 3 month trial) - why would people pay for this
I can't believe some of you be really paying for Disney+ 🤦‍♀️
I'm happy to see the amount of support. I'm really loving Ducktales 2017 and apparently it's on there. I'd die if it got cancelled.
I subscribe to Netflix and Spotify monthly, that's it really.

I think the idea of Google Stadia is a really interesting one, I'm excited to see if it takes off and becomes better. I remember when people were still dubious of music streaming services as recently as a few years ago, so I'm wondering if mainstream game streaming could go the same way :lemon:.

I used to have an Amazon prime membership when I was at university and it was cheaper, and I was living out so I actually made use of the next day/same day shipping, but I hardly order from there anymore. I also used to have a subscription to Official Nintendo Magazine (or rather my dad did...) and was obsessed with it as a teen!
- Spotify (been a subscriber of it since like October of 2019?)

- Discord Nitro (I like having a gif pfp... and using emotes </3 )

I used to have Netflix but I cancelled it shortly before the trial even ended. It was dumb of me to even want a subscription. I never watch television. This includes Netflix.

Used to have Crunchyroll for a while and honestly considering wanting to renew it... because I want to start watching anime again ;;

I could cancel my Nitro and be fine but I know I 100% always want to keep Spotify in my budget UNLESS I find something better. I cannot live without music lolol.​
The only subscription I pay for is Nintendo Switch Online (which I chose the yearly option for, lol), but I do use my sister's Netflix account from time to time. There really isn't anything else out there that I feel like subscribing to, tbh.
I'll take up a free trial any time because at the end of the day, it's freeee. Recently, I signed up for a 7 day free trial with Disney Plus and I aimed to get as many films as I could out of it, especially new ones I haven't seen before as well as a few of my favourites. With these sort of trials, you are required to enter your bank details and this is where companies get you. I always set a reminder to cancel the subscription the day before the trial ends so that I don't roll over and end up having to pay. I had this issue about a year ago with Amazon and couldn't understand why they were taking money out of my account every month. Turns out I was paying a monthly prime subscription with them, obviously had forgotten to cancel after the free trial had ended.
At the moment, I'm only paying for Spotify because I use it day in day out.
Also yeah I've definitely tried trials and stuff such as the PC one but I hate that business model since you need to enter your actual info... which you can remove but not everyone gets that sadly or just forgot.. and people just get charged so the dolares roll in for the companies :(
  • Amazon Prime
  • Hulu/Disney+/ESPN Bundle
  • Netflix
  • Nintendo Online
  • 1 Artist Patreon
  • Adobe Photoshop/Lightroom
I used to do some subscription boxes (like Lootcrate) but I found they all got repetitive and cheap! I also used to to one of the Pocket Camp Happy Helper plans but my poor camp got abandoned when NH came out lol.
Mine are Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, Spotify, Nintendo Switch Online, and SoKawaii.

I love subscription boxes in theory but in practice, I usually get tired of them after about 3 months.
I have Amazon Prime. That one I have mostly for the one day delivery since I usually use it enough to warrant it. I don't use Prime streaming much since there's rarely anything I feel is worth watching.

Disney+. I thought I would use this one more since I do love Disney stuff but I've pretty much used it to watch Simpsons. There's a heck of a lot missing from it, notably 95% of animated Mickey, Donald, Gooft etc shorts. Their focus also seems to be more on Marvel and Star Wars, two franchises I really don't care about. I feel this one I might end up cancelling.

Humble Bundle. I've barely been playing anything on PC anyway, but I've also noticed the quality of games drop recently. Another I might just cancel.

I had mini crate. I like that one, I've just not gotten around to resubbing. I usually dont like the random lootbox concept since they're mostly just filled with complete trash from stuff I mostly dont even like, but mini crate let you see what mini you were getting each month, you could skip that month if it didnt interest you and they were damn good quality for the price.

I'm on my housemates Netflix account. It's fine, I wouldnt pay for it myself though.

I have Spotify family. I barely use it but the others on it do so with them going splits on the bill its convenient enough.

I'm on a Nintendo online family account I dont pay for but I had to pay, I wouldn't subscribe. It's a total trash service that isnt worth the price.

Xbox Games pass. Its brilliant really, but I dont play on the Xbox or PC enough to really get my money's worth. Another I may stop, but definitely not because it isnt worth it. Would love something like this on Switch.
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current subs:
- amazon prime (I have the student discount, so I share it with my family LOL)
- discord nitro classic
- youtube premium (I'm abusing the student discount... again LOL)
- humble bundle monthly (I'm on the classic plan, usually per month I'll pick up 1-2 games MAYBE or gift a few to a friend, and usually resell the rest relatively close to what I actually paid for it... so is this actually a sub? LOL)
- fiction river anthology (bimonthly "sub" but I pay for it yearly! I love reading anthologies from indie authors haha)
- adobe photoshop (it's kinda dfghkhgjqaguqejtq but it's a hobby so I guess i'll toss some money at the corporate machine. especially since I make enough through card sale commissions to mostly offset the cost of just the Ps sub monthly so I can't complain too much)

do my internet and electric bills count.
because those are expensive subscriptions :(

free trials/student subs:
- new york times (I read this regularly! and get it for free!)
- wall street journal (I read this slightly less regularly than NYT but still quite often)
- nintendo switch online (12 months thanks to twitch prime last year. I don't know if I'll be renewing or not.)

What are some you think are interesting concepts but don't use?
books subscription services. I read a LOT but I find that my local library and the digital resources they offer are plenty enough for me! Though I'm thinking about kindle unlimited as well since I like to read stuff from indie authors as well

What would you like to have that doesn't exist currently?
mmh I'm generally quite covered, I think!

Do you use free trials often?
aaaaaaaall the time! I usually cancel the moment it's available! if they don't let me cancel, then I end the billing agreement via paypal

Subscriptions you used to have but no longer have?
I used to subscribe to j-novels club (japanese LN translations) but now I prefer to buy the books instead of having the sub, haha. I like reading at my own pace personallyy

xedit: ok mini rant about the great value that YT premium is, it's actually no ads on youtube in addition to YT music app where you can download any music (you can do audio only) on YT. It also includes the google play music all-access sub so I can basically listen to whatever music I want as long as it's on the service. Would recommend if you use any of those things regularly.
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nintendo online,
revolut premium (it's a banking app idk if they have it in america),
fitbit premium,
my national newspaper subscription (lol),
new yorker magazine

i think that's it??
Only Spotify and Funimation, which I forgot to cancel. I mooch a Netflix and a Hulu. If pay for Spotify even if I couldn't eat though.
amazon prime (which i barely use lol, dad uses it for shows, but im paying it lol)
crunchyroll premium (friends account)
probably going to get sportsnets NOW shortly as we just cancelled cable and dad wants to be able to watch the nhl playoffs when they start up (and i don't think we can both watch off my laptop screen lmao)
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