I use Google Chrome because I like the custom options and gmail+drive is pretty much my life when it comes to work and university, so I like it to be all synced up.
Firefox. Everything else is horrible and slow. I can never understand why Chrome doesn't work on anything I download it on and it works for everyone else. Even at my work we had Chrome for a month and they took it away cause it was a disaster. OMG AND ALSO AT MY HIGH SCHOOL but that was almost 5 years ago now.
Lol Safari doesn't even work on my Mac. Much like Chrome it takes 57 years to open and then lags and lags and lags before it finally wants to work. But even after that it'll still lag and freeze up. The bare vanilla browser too, no add ons and it doesn't want to cooperate.
Firefox, even though I hate it. Previously I used Google Chrome, and I still use it for some things. The reason I stopped using it as my main browser is because it started randomly logging me out of all websites, and even a fresh install didn't help.
So I use both Firefox and Chrome. It's weird. I use Firefox mainly. Chrome for a few sites and for Googleing. I can't use Chrome as my main because the spellcheck is pretty bad, but it's better for some websites and faster for searching.
Opera. I used Google Chrome for a long time and liked it, but for some reason whenever I tried to play HD videos, it lagged and I had to use the super slow Waterfox to go on YouTube. It got annoying, so I switched to Opera. e.e
Google chrome. I mean I don't really have a preference really. Internet explorer is slow so no. And I would use Firefox because it looks and sounds cooler but it didn't work at all when I had it on my laptop.