What color is your hair right now? Do you like bleaching your hair?

My hair right now is my natural hair color and the ends (about 4 inches or so?) are bleached blonde. I've been working on growing out my hair for a while now. I'm thinking of dyeing my ends purple or dark blue. I've colored my hair all colors except for red and orange.
right now, a deep maroon. I go back and forth between deep maroon and deep purple.

I do not like bleaching my har and don't need to with darker colors anyway.
My hair is something between brown and red. I don't use any bleach while coloring my hair. Monica wrote once about how to lighten hair without using bleach.
I've dyed my hair pretty much every single school holiday since I was about 10- I just love changing my hair around/switching it up
currently I have my normal hair colour (light brown/dark blonde ish) with a turquoise ombre-
unfortunately I go back to school in less than a couple of weeks and it's still super bright :eek:
I was born with blonde hair, but as I started to grow up it turned into a dirty blonde, almost brown. I never really wanted to bleach my whole hair, all I’ve done is dye the tips of my hair multicoloured for special events and etc.
My natural color, it's a deep, dirty blonde ashen color. I've never dyed or bleached it, as I don't want to.
I quite like my hair color.
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My hair is dark brown. I've never dyed it or bleached it and I probably never will.

Bringing this thread back because I'm getting red highlights on Friday and remembered I posted this and I think it's funny how I changed my mind in three months :p
currently have a very very dark brown. i dyed it black a month ago and now it's faded out a bit so i'm close to my original hair color.
2 years ago i bleached my whole head so that was a fun experience. i think i'm gonna go back to blond and then do a dark purple.
Dark brown. It's my natural hair color.

I've never bleached my hair before, and I don't really want to. I like my hair color as it is.
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My hair colour is my natural colour - black.
I used to dye my hair a lot because I wanted to fit in with the latest trends circulating my middle and high school. Eventually I got over all that and had my hair go back to black.
I never bleached it because I was terrified of damaging my hair.
I mean I probably damage it with my hair straightener (my natural hair is wavy) but bleach... never.
Also, I didn?t like the smell!
Black and then brown from grown out roots and some light green from blue that fades. I'm getting pink and blue hair Saturday
It's black. I've never dyed it, but I would consider getting brown highlights I guess.
my hair is really fragile so i don't put anything like dye in it.

i used to want lighter brown hair but i'm content with my dark dark brown hair now
I have highlights. Because my hair is curly it means it is very dry and that moisture takes a long time to travel down those spirals, so bleaching my hair entirely would be very bad. Because it's curly the highlights actually make it look like its all just a lighter colour, not just the highlighted bits. I look FAIRLY blond even though if you were to look at my hair closely you'd realise most of it is a light brown.

I'm pretty happy with it, just hate paying to get that **** topped up every 6 months lol! I don't think I'd ever dye my hair pink or anything, because most of my clothes are pink, and it'd be kinda hard to work with that with my wardrobe. That'd be my main concern with coloured hair, matching it to my preexisting palette lol
ive never bleached my hair!! i sometimes want to but im scared of ruining my hair as its naturally kinda thin and weak ;; its naturally medium brown, but it used to be light blonde when i was little so thats why i sometimes want to dye it, just to get that color back TT
i died my hair twice in my whole life, both times with non-permanent dyes.... the first time was so funny lol, i went to a summer camp, my friends and i were left unsupervised in the drugstore so we bought (among a bunch of other weird things) red temporary dye lmao i looked ridiculous and my dad laughed so hard he started crying when he saw me
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I’ve never bleached my hair.. or dyed it.. I’ve always wanted to try, but I worry I would look weird with hair colors that aren’t brown.
It's dark brown, but I've been coloring it since i'm 14 years old I think, so almost for 8 years right now. I would love to be blond one day but my hair is very, very fragile as it is so i'm not so fond on the idea of bleaching it. It's already falling out a lot and really thin.
ive never toned, bleached or dyed my hair. it's blond but has gotten darker as i've gotten older, as a kid it was almost white and now it's more dark blond. im okay with the colour of my hair but i think it would look better if it was a bit lighter. idk though and i dont care that much, i just leave my hair alone and hope it looks alright lol