I have never bleached my hair I have no reason to since my hair is already a really light blonde colour which I am so glad about because I am really happy with it! In the past I have wanted to dye my hair crazy colours like greens, blues and purples but I never actually done it because I didn?t want it to effect the natural colour of my hair.
I never put color into my hair or used spechial treatments. It?s a muddy-dark blonde color that you see very often with women in Europe and super thin. Many women I have met really dislike this hair color and think its the most boring there is...I don?t think its that bad and I feel happy with my hair. It wouldnt keep its softness and would probably get badly damaged if I ever tried to use bleach because of its thinness. If I had a normal hair lengh I would have considered cutting my hair into a longer bob and bleaching it to white because that would probably look quite cute. My hair is naturally in big, soft curls but because its so long it appears perfectly straight. If I ever cut it, I might be able to see my natural curls again^^
My hair naturally is dark brown/Black. Then I dyed it to brown/blondish at the tips. Then I got it cut, so my natural hair came back a little bit. Then i got it cut again, so as of now it?s both brown and dark brown.
I bleached my hair once and it was a real disaster. It ruined my hair and it took ages to make it look normal. This blog helped me out - I found some tips on how to cure my hair there. Now I'm trying to use only natural care products. My hair is brown and wavy asit was before.
Right now it's pink.
In the last two weeks I've changed like 5 times or more the colour though.. q-q
At first it was brown, then orange, then light purple, then dark purple, then blonde, then pastel pink and now a strong pink xD
Grey, simply as a result of awful genetics. Starting turning when I was 12, and there's almost no brown left now. I used to dye to cover it, but for the last year-and-a-half or so I've just left it.
I shaved all my hair off in November last year, and I've been bald since then. Before that, I had my hair various shades of blue and green for about eight years.