What currency type do you use most often for trades?

Most often used currency type for trades

  • Bells

  • Nook Mile Tickets

  • TBT

  • Other

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TBTs, which is great for me as I don't use them for anything else (I have no idea what 'collectibles' are for, nor why I'd want any) and it saves me having to spend any in-game resources to get the things I want.

It's a win-win, really, as the people I trade with clearly value the TBTs (although I suppose I do too as a resource to trade with).

Collectables are pretty little pictures I guess people use to express themselves more. I'm on the same boat as you though I use TBT for trading only but I could see myself getting into collectables in the future :)
I pretty much exclusively sell stuff for TBT. I've found that NMT doesn't really do anything for me since I don't go island hopping very much at all anymore, although if anyone ever offers it then I am happy to trade them it in return for something else. It does seem like TBT is all anyone wants these days though, but I kind of like it that way. Stops the mega inflation of NMT that happened near the start when the game was released, cause that wasn't very fun at all.
Mostly NMT, but it's been a while since I did a trade. I could probably use TBT next time.
I use TBT basically all the time. On the uncommon occasion that I'm using NMT or IGB, it's because that's the only form of currency that the particular shop owner is interested in accepting.
so funny how people use NMT more than bells when bells are intended to be AC's main currency
I always trade with tbt though I’ve done one trade with igb, and one with a combination of nmt igb & tbt (Raymond). I also trade people items.
I prefer to trade for items. I have plenty of bells and TBT, and I feel like I don't need that many NMT to get my remaining dreamies.

Of course, when I buy items, if they don't want to trade I generally offer NMT or TBT as I feel like that's what I have the greatest surplus of at the moment.
In the beginning it was almost only IBG and NMT, but then towards the end of May the currency switched to TBT. I prefer TBT because it's easier and quicker! That also leaves NMTs available for villager hunts and other trades, so you don't deplete your stock for items/diys!
I always search for shops that accept TBT as payment. Too much effort involved for me to round up NMTs - especially when I’d rather save them for the occasional island hop.
When I'm making my own threads, I prefer trading for wishlist items. It's quicker than asking for currency, and then finding a seller with a decent price who is asking for that currency to buy the items I want from.

When I'm shopping, I don't really mind using TBT or NMT. I prefer using TBT here because I personally don't have much use for them myself and like to get rid of them, but NMT is of course the main currency on all other sites.
Definitely prefer TBT as I have a good number of them, but NMT has been my go-to outside TBT, like in nookazon.
I don't think I've ever used IGB to pay LOL part of me has gotten so used to NMT and TBT that converting anything in IGB sounds like a tedious task to me. I'm just lazy.