What currency type do you use most often for trades?

Most often used currency type for trades

  • Bells

  • Nook Mile Tickets

  • TBT

  • Other

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I actually prefer trading items of equal value to obtain what I'm looking for. If I don't use that method I go with tbt as my go to currency.
i prefer to outright trade rather than buy stuff but in the instances where i do, i typically will use tbt - i don’t like spending my tbt as i’m trying to save up for what, i don’t know >_< but that’s personally easier for me to earn than igb or nmt ;;
I feel like all my latest trades used TBT, so that's what I went with.
TBT! I can use it to buy pretty much anything I need- materials, igb, furniture, clothing, villagers, nmt, etc.
Plus if I earn a lot from trading I can use it to buy collectibles!
I used to do bells with a bunch of "others" like rare materials. Now I just stick to TBT since I have everything in-game that I could ever need.
i prefer to outright trade rather than buy stuff but in the instances where i do, i typically will use tbt - i don’t like spending my tbt as i’m trying to save up for what, i don’t know >_< but that’s personally easier for me to earn than igb or nmt ;;

That's true just talking to people on here everyday is an easy way to rack up a bunch :)
On this site I usually use both TBT and NMT.
For others like on Discord or Reddit I usually use NMT.
TBT since I mostly just trade here and most traders here prefer TBT as payment
Ive just gotten into trading with tbt, but I trade for crazy things on Nookazon where NMT prices are inflated, so it's still the primary thing I use for trading.
i kinda go through phases depending on what I'm doing on my island, but atm i'd probably prefer to buy w NMT but sell for tbt
I try to get stuff out of my storage or see if I can help people with their wishlist items first, so I guess "Other". If not that it's typically NMT's.
I love using TBT but sadly you can't use that everywhere xD so when I have to I go for NMTs but it feels like a grind to get them.
I've been doing mostly tbt trades, like many others! Wishlist and NMT trades are more for convenience if other people don't reall have tbt to offer, or if there's a particular item I'm seeking. 🙂
Just wanted to say thanks to all the people that have participated in voting so far :). This is my most successful poll yet.
I used to use NMT but it’s shifted to mostly TBT now. I think people have less need for NMT because more people have got their dreamies