In Redwood, I got my fortune told by Katrina and found out that candy gingham shirt will bring me good fortune. Shep invited me over to his house. Erik wanted to see my house so I gave him a tour of all the rooms. Ketchup wanted any kind of fruit so I gave her a perfect apple and she gave me a foosball table. Stitches wanted a honeybee so I caught one and gave to him and he gave me a grape-stripe shirt.
In Tiramisu, I got my fortune told by Katrina and found out that ornate bottoms will bring me good fortune. Merengue wanted something to put on her minimalist minitable so I gave her a loach and she gave me a tartan rug. Cookie wanted a pear so I gave her a perfect pear and she gave me a planter. Poppy wanted a snail so I caught one and gave to her and she gave me an exotic bench. I donated a loach and snail to the museum.
I got a nice amount of bells from selling gyroids since Reese is paying premium for them today.
Fang also wanted a tadpole and luckily the first thing I saw in the nearest pond ended up being a tadpole.
In Cutetown I finally got the Gold Bug Master badge! I already had the Gold Fish Master & Gold Diving Master so I've been working to get the Gold Bug Badge & today Phineas gave it to me! I still have badges to earn but I was getting sort of tired of catching bugs so now I can take a little break before focusing on earning the Billonaire Badge.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Hans gave me his picture!
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Saharah.
- Sent letters and gifts to half of my villagers.
- Picked up a couple of new hybrids that sprouted and put them in his storage.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Saharah and received the Ancient Wall!
- Cashed in his Meow coupons now that I'm done decorating his house, so I could get the maximum amount of interest possible at the end of the month.
In Redwood, Erik wanted a butterfly so I caught a yellow butterfly and gave to him and he gave me a sno-cone tee. Stitches wanted furniture for his house so I gave him a foosball table and he gave me a nintendo bench. I got some coffee at the cafe and Brewster said I will be able to get to-go cups starting tomorrow. I donated a snail to the museum.
In Tiramisu, Merengue invited me over to her house. Poppy wanted to play a game of hide-in-seek so I found all of the hiders and she gave me a stripe carpet. I buried a time capsule for Ellie. Zucker wanted perfect fruit so I gave him a perfect pear and he gave me a computer.
*Buried a time capsule for Bruce.
*Got a perfect fruit for Bruce.
*Refurbished some furniture.
*Rearranged one of my house's rooms.
*Did a few miscellaneous favors for the villagers
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Found and dug up all 3 gyroids since it rained in my town yesterday.
- Let my husband visit my town and he gave me a gold nugget.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the visitor badge.
- Sent letters and gifts to the remaining half of my villagers.
- Went to the island, completed a tour, and caught some fish and bugs to sell.
- Checked his mail.
- Got the letter set for saving over 500,000 bells!
- Picked up the Mini Rustoid and put it in his storage.
i accidentally TT'd back a whole month the other day, so i've been trying to catch up by playing two days in a day (TTing to the next day once i'm done with my dailies). At the same time i managed to do some planning for my town and decided where i want some of the main PWP to be placed. I also got a water well and paid off my loan to Tom Nook so i can finally get a second floor to my house having a day off work is nice lol
In Redwood, Redd was in town so I checked to see what art he had and found the Beautiful Statue to be genuine so I bought it for the museum. Bianca pinged saying she was moving but I asked her not to go. Ruby wanted furniture for her house so I gave her a kitchen sink and in return she gave me a computer desk. Shep wanted me to deliver a package to Felyne so I took the package to Felyne's house since he was not outside and gave it to him and in return he gave me a blue diamond tee.
In Tiramisu, Chelsea wanted something to replace her regal bookcase so I gave her an exotic bench and in return she gave me a TV with VCR. Zucker bought my detective outfit. I went to the island and caught some bugs and did some tours.
Main Town
Mayor received 2 villagers pictures and clothing for completing tasks.
Scanned Timmy/Tommy amiibo figure and sat by the fire with Timmy.
Ordered more items for the yellow house.
i've got plans to reset my town later on this week (had my friend agree to holding my valuables while i restart), so i spent all day getting rid of extra bulk (orderables such as furniture, clothes) + basically packing up everything across my 4 homes.
i feel like i'll be better organized in my new town, so that's definitely an accomplishment for me!
... In Konpeito, I finally got Zucker to move in. I TT'd to the next day to see where he was moving in, and it turns out... he's moving in right in front of my house. Quite literally.
I also bred some carnations, to produce white carnations. I was successful in some, but not all.
I also upgraded my general store to T.I.Y.. I'm very happy about that, as I get to purchase more plants and stuff. Kicks recently just opened as well, and Shampoodle's is being built as I type this.
I also paid off my loan, and was able to finish donations for the Museum Renovation. Go me! >w<
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Stopped Bruce from moving.
- Let my husband visit my town to get a petition signed and buy a fortune cookie.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the visitor badge.
- Ordered two presents for Mint's birthday tomorrow, one from my mayor and one from my alt.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed his destination.
- Went to the island, completed a few tours and caught some fish and bugs to sell.
- Completed a daily and a weekly Meow task.
- Checked his mail.
- Got a piece of furniture out of his storage for my mayor to complete a request for Lily.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Celebrated Mint's birthday and gave her a Sailor's Tee. She loved it and put it on right away.
- Got the Neighborhood Traveler badge from Phineas! I now have at least bronze in all the badges.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Got a gold nugget from the ore rock and had Cyrus refurbish my gold nuggets. He gave me a golden carpet.
- Went to the island, completed a tour and caught some fish and bugs to sell.
- Celebrated Mint's birthday and gave her a classic clock.
Nothing spectacular today:
*Got the Silver Catalog Maniac badge (FINALLY).
*Did a few villager favors, mostly for Bruce.
*Sold a few fossils for bells.
*Chose a gift as a goodbye present to Alice.
In the midst of chores
- sold turnips
- spoke to villagers Yuka and Apollo
- watered my flowers
- and about to discover if my common painting is a fake or not.