What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Caught a saddled bichir and firefly :D Also a dorado and emperor butterfly. I'm so bad keeping track of stuff in months etc so yeah
*Got a perfect fruit for Bruce.
*Refurbished a couple of furniture pieces.
*Bought a perfect painting from Redd.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Stopped Hans from moving.
- Visited my husband's town to sell my turnips for a decent profit.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Visited a random dream town to work on the dreamer badge.
- Went to the island, completed a few tours and caught a full basket of fish and bugs to sell.

- Checked his mail.
- Sold an item at Retail.
- Picked up a new hybrid flower and added it to his storage.
I made a lot of progress for my fish encyclopedia for my second town! The weather and timing was finally right for a coelacanth so I went on a hunt for it. While on the hunt I then caught a saw shark, hammerhead shark and a regular shark all in a row! After about 5 more minutes I caught the coelacanth.
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*Stopped Alice from moving (I decided that I just couldnt part with her yet. She's my fav of the Koalas anyway).
*Got Whitney's pic (FINALLY)
*Got Bruce an orange.
*Reminded Gulliver where he was headed.
*Beat Bruce and co. at hide-and-seek.
*Did a few other favors for my villagers.
*Expanded my house's picture room.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Stopped Bruce from moving.
- Celebrated Deirdre's birthday and gave her a gerbera.
- Let my husband visit to work on the host/vistor badges.
- Visited my husband's town and made a wish during the meteor shower.
- Visited a dream town to work on the dreamer badge.
- Got a new song from K.K.

- Checked his mail.
- Sold a few items at Retail.
- Celebrated Deirdre's birthday and gave her a citrus tank.
- Got a new song from K.K.
- Bought 3000 turnips from Joan.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Got the plate armor from Wishy the Star.
- Visited my husband's town to get signatures for Bruce's petition, Learning to Shush.
- Let my husband visit my town to work on the host/visitor badges.

- Checked his mail.
- Talked to a few villagers.
- Made an appointment for Hugh to visit my home in about 30 mins. I hope I don't miss it.
- Sold an item at Retail.
I started and paid off the face-cutout-standee pwp, got a black rose, got more orange flowers, got more blue flowers, and started to FINALLY stick with a color scheme of main flowers in my town, and got some medals from the island.

I waste my time.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Let me husband visit to complete a Meow task and buy a statue from Redd.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Went to the island, completed a few tours and caught some fish and bugs to sell.

- Checked his mail.
- Sold an item at Retail.
I finally made some house plots in my newest town. I also caught a disgusting hairy summer demon spawn, along with a few other bugs to donate to the museum.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Stopped Annalisa from moving.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Let my husband visit my town and he gave me a gold nugget.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Went to the island, completed several tours and caught some fish and bugs to sell.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Sold my turnips for a pretty good profit.
- Let my husband visit my town to sell his turnips.
- Went to the island, completed a tour and caught some fish and bugs to sell.
Did requests for my villagers, wrote Tom a letter and scanned Jambette's amiibo card so she can finally move in :)
In Townie I got T A N G Y as a random move in. I was resetting for the longest time and finally I gave up. So glad I did.
Today, I walked around my town looking for fossil, then I talked to all of my fellow citizen, and went to the main street. That's all.
Today in New Fandom I worked on plot resetting Genji. Added a few more Apple trees around town to get my Meow coupons. Laid out where I wanted my Lighthouse, Police Station, and Cafe. And worked on flower breeding after bringing my golden can from my other town.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Stopped Deirdre from moving.
- Found all 3 gyroids that spawned because it rained yesterday in my town.
- Let my husband visit my town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Visited my husband's town, said good-bye to Vladimir whose leaving his town, and chatted with the rest of his villagers.
- Visited a couple of random dream towns to work on the dreamer badge.
- Went to the island, completed a tour and caught some fish and bugs to sell.

- Checked his mail.
- Picked up a few new hybrids that spawned and put them in his storage.
- Sold a few items at Retail.
I logged back in to see if the Reset Center was open and it was. I got to pay another visit to Mr. Resetti and caught him doing the Shrunk Funk Shuffle! It was awesome! :D
I finally played in Fireleaf again after a fairly long hiatus. Didn't accomplish much. Mostly just talked to my villagers who missed me. I haven't forgotten about the blog, and will resume updating that when I feel like it again.