What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

• Isabelle warned us of the risks involved with buying art from shady sources; Redd was back in town. However, his only genuine piece for sale was already on display at the museum...so I bought a stylish spotlight to keep him happy.
• Chatted with Buck (doing stretches at home).
• Found a lost bag on my way to the store, and ended up needing help returning it, as I couldn't figure out who it belonged to based on the description. Turned out to belong to Gayle.
• Ended up going with Mathilda to her house for a bit (I really gotta stop absentmindedly button-mashing); ended up winning a book off of her in a card game, and was given an Edo-period Merchant Outfit when it was time to leave. It occurred to me that I should probably help Mathilda spruce her house up a bit at some point.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Went fishing for Stringfish, didn't catch a SINGLE one 😤 (I'm gonna end up having to wait until December again, aren't I...) What I did catch were 2 Golden Trout, multiple Cherry Salmon, a Char, a few Yellow Perch, a couple of Dace... and at least 10 Black Bass 😠 110 bags of bait down the drain...
this is my first time and I have bad memory so here we go!

- Checked my turnip prices for today. I bought them for 90 bells each, and every day leading up to today was amazing (100-124 bells) but today the prices were at 70, and to make it worse I checked after noon and it was 64... wish me luck guys :,) *i put my whole life savings into this so it slightly hurts*

- Went to Katrina and she said my luck with friendship diminished... another terrible start to the day!

- Finally paid off the suspension bridge I've been saving since the middle of this month!

- Saharah is in town! I bought a peach line rug, I love the design of it and I'll be using it whenever I can!

- Freya asked if she could call me "slick" (a nickname I accepted from Curlos out of pity). I politely declined.

- Beau invited me to his house for the first time! He gave me his favorite song afterwards <3

- Hamlet asked to buy an ugly shirt from me (he used the twirling fingers with puppy eyes reaction, so I gave it to him...)

- Megan asked if I still liked lasagna. I said yes. This is something I told Beau a solid two months ago, so I was shocked to hear it spread around town for that long..

- Francine asked if I could catch her a crucian carp. I spent an hour searching for it only to realize the size of the shadow is small, not medium...

- Megan asked if we could play treasure hunt! It was my first game since February!

- I spend all night searching for the king salmon fish, since it's only avaliable in March and I really want three of them so I can ask Flick to make a model. So far, no luck :(

- I find a DIY for the golden dharma and the orange umbrella!

I'm excited to see what tomorrow holds! :)
• Isabelle mentioned that Flick was visiting today; since I had no bugs for him, all I did was wave hello.
• Chatted with Buck, who I caught dozing off while standing. Poor guy needs a bed...
• Found a gyroid fragment on the beach!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk today!
• Visited Harv's island to customize some items with Reese and Cyrus. Also visited Kicks and Saharah while I was at it.
• Returned home and got to work on making more fish bait.
• The nickname "Puddin'" is still spreading; now Gayle's calling me it too...
• Ended up having to help Rhonda resolve an argument with Francine. Francine ended up with a chalkboard, which she seemed thrilled about. Ah well, as long as they're no longer fighting, right?
• Ended up with a random baby-chick costume from Buck.
• After using up 90+ bags of bait, I only. caught a single Stringfish (guess it's still better than none at all! ). Also at least 12 more black bass... 😤 I'm hoping I'll make the deadline...but I've got the sinking suspicion that I won't.
Post automatically merged:

- I spend all night searching for the king salmon fish, since it's only avaliable in March and I really want three of them so I can ask Flick to make a model. So far, no luck :(

The struggle is real.
3/31 (short day)
• Isabelle mentioned that Kicks was visiting today; as usual, I paid him a visit.
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a Whistloid!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Dug up clams and made bait in a last-minute attempt to catch two more stringfish. It was all for naught; over 60 bags and only for black bass to show for it. Looks like I'll have to wait until December to roll back around after all...
• (Only realized after calling it a day that I'd forgotten to chat with Buck... oops)
Today I crafted Bunny Day wreaths and gave one to each islander and resident. I also changed out approximately 50 red camellia bushes for the white azalias that will be blooming soon.
After two hours of digging up flowers and tossing them, I finally flattened the huge cliff area on the left side of my Island that was just randomly generated there when I started my current Island and had no actual purpose or reason to be there. I then planted one of every fruit other than the coconut there to start an orchard. I might move my crops to the area to create a larger and better farm section.
4/1 (Happy Fool's!)
• Isabelle talked about cherry blossom season; I decided to catch a few petals.
• Chatted with everyone I ran across, along with Buck (chilling at home for a change). Buck warned me that Rex was sick, so I made sure to get the poor guy some medicine.
• Found a gyroid fragment on the beach!
• Found Slider set up in the plaza; I attended the show, and he played Agent K.K.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Decided to check out some custom designs.
• Isabelle mentioned finding eggs, so you know what that means; Bunny Day will soon be upon us once again. Time to decorate for Easter and then tear it all down after a week! (kidding)
• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 243,345 points, the same as last week. Man, it's gonna drop pretty hard once it comes time to change the back room for the next event...
• Recieved a tissue box in the mail from in-game Mom.
• Found a gyroid fragment on the beach!
• Ran into Zipper (poor guy), recieved 10 water eggs.
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a Whirroid! (Then buried the new fragment in its place)
• Chatted with everyone in the Plaza: Rhonda, Mathilda, Plucky, and Pekoe. Later ran into Francine. Never ran into Buck today though...
• Accidentally discovered Mathilda had fleas, and immediately went to remove them. I'm not sure if she got humiliated by the surrounding audience clapping at the catch; she seemed much more relieved by the fact that I got rid of them.
• An announcement for the upcoming fishing tourney has appeared on the bulletin board; wonder if I should start stockpiling bait again...
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Decided to check out some more custom designs.
• Almost forgot to play today, so it ended up being a late day. That being said, I couldn't visit any shops today 😖
• Isabelle made the official announcement for the fishing tourney. What she didn't mention was that Flick was visiting today, who I found hanging out in Gayle's yard. Still lacking in the bug department, all I did was wave hello.
• Chatted with Buck (making a pear bed).
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a Tremoloid!
• Caught some more flower petals.
• Was randomly given 5 water eggs by Francine.
• Ordered a present for Buck (I remembered this time, it's a friggin miracle). I picked a copper bathroom towel rack; I thought it would be a sensible gift, so he could hang his towels to dry after a workout. The copper variation matched his home's color scheme. I'll be getting wrapping paper for it tomorrow; I hope he'll like it...
• Hit rocks for materials. Kinda hard to gather iron chunks when Stone Eggs make up half of the yield...
desperately grinding away for gold nuggets so I can craft a golden dung beetle in time for Beau's birthday tomorrow
also, having fun collecting bunny day eggs. I kinda like this holiday, and how long it lasts.
I took a longggg break from the game and didn’t know if I’d come back—but then my friend and her boyfriend started playing for the first time ever, and their enthusiasm totally inspired me to start playing again LOL

I reset my island on April 1. Koriko has two south facing river mouths, a large center of land, and then a back area separated by the river running through. My starters are Agnes (who I love!) and Stinky (who I’ve never had before).

My museum is being built today, and I just have the Nooklings the last stack of materials to build their shop. I’m excited for my next three villagers (but less excited about building all those DIYs for them lol)
I finished my outdoor theater!

I’ve also finished the vast majority of terraforming. I just need to add more rivers and decorate the island.
4/4 (Buck's Birthday!)
• Immediately hot Bucks present out of the mail and raced over to the store to get wrapping paper for it (I lost track of time and didn't get on until 9:40; I ALMOST blew it).
• Busted a shovel while gathering fossils and earth eggs, had a heck of a time trying to find hardwood for a replacement thanks to the overabundance of wood eggs popping out...
• Attended Buck's birthday party with Patty 🎉🎂🎉 Buck seemed thrilled with the gift, which was a huge relief for me. I'm just glad his first celebration on Shione went off without a hitch 👍
• Caught a few more petals.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Found Kicks hanging out with Plucky at the counter!
• Chatted with a few villagers who were still out and about.
• Checked out a few more custom designs.
• There was a visitor at the campsite today: Skye the Wolf.
• Recieved a thank-you gift in the mail from Buck!
• Decided to chat with everyone I ran into today. Also ran into Buck outside the airport.
• Found a gyroid fragment on the beach...but I had a full pack at the time, and later forgot to pick it up. Hope it'll still be there tomorrow...
• Poor Mathilda had fleas again! 😥 Luckily for her, she didn't have an audience this time when I removed them.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Blathers stepped in for a cup today!
• Did a little bit of Easter decorating. I don't think I'll go as crazy as I did last year; I'm feeling a little lazy this time around 😅
• Randomly recieved 5 sky eggs from Gayle.
• Found Label in the plaza; passed her Vacation challenge with flying colors recieved a pair of Labelle sneakers in thanks.
• Cleared out some mailbox space (I was at 290/300, it had to be done).
Yesterday I got a 3 star island after restarting my island and playing for a week and a half. Today is the day of K.K’s concert.
• Isabelle mentioned that C.J. was visiting today; still lacking in collectible specimens, all I did was wave hello.
• Recieved two tailor's tickets in the mail from Label.
• Chatted with Buck (doing a little indoor spring cleaning).
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster
• Returned to the beach to find yesterday's gyroid fragment still on the shoreline 👍 I picked it up and buried it.
• Ordered some clothing to give as gifts later.
• Deposited a LOT of bells into savings.
Had a splitting headache yesterday, so I went to bed without posting. Remembered to do it today, though!

• Isabelle warned us of the risks involved with buying art from shady sources; Redd was back in town. Unfortunately, I anyway haff genuine versions of each of his display pieces...so I bought a utility wagon to keep him happy.
• Took my recent purchases out of the mail and put them into storage.
• Caught a Tarantula that was lurking around Rhonda's house. It admittedly startled me at first.
• Hit a rock for materials.
• Chatted with Buck (I ended up with a throwback dino screen that he'd bought on accident).
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a Tremoloid!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Checked out some more custom designs.

4/8 (Fishing Tourney!)
• Honestly almost forgot today was the Tourney, but I still participated once.
• Didn't really get to chat with anyone due to the Tourney, but I did still check on everyone I ran into.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Ordered some clothing to give as gifts later.
• Checked out a few more custom designs.
I spent only a few mins this morning on my island in-between getting ready for Easter:

  • Checked my mail
  • watered my garden
  • pulled a few weeds
  • checked out nooks cranny
  • talked to Buck for a bit
I hope everyone had a great Bunny Day! 🐇

4/9 (Happy Easter!)
• Got dressed up and put my hair in a ponytail 👍
• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 243,345 points, the same as last week.
• Took my recent purchases out of the mail and put them into storage.
• Once again, I didn't really get to talk with anyone due to the festivities, but I still checked in with everyone I ran across.
• Found a gyroid fragment on the beach!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk today!
• Found a gold nugget after hitting a rock!
• Exchanged a bunch of eggs with Zipper and made multiple Egg Party Dresses to sell for a healthy sum.
Today on Cosa Bella island:

  • Pulled out some weeds that were growing in the back half of the island
  • harvested my crops
  • planted new crops
  • watered the crops and the gardens around my farm area
  • went around watering all the gardens
  • hung out with Kiki
  • went on a mystery tour
  • went fishing ( I changed the date to after the egg day cause I am sick of the eggs haha)
  • checked out nooks cranny
  • purchased some cute new dresses and hair accessories